Tuesday, January 9, 2024


 We have been spoiled by the unseasonably warm Fall and early Winter weather.  Yesterday we had a low of -2 F or -18C and a high of 12F or -11C  and it will be getting colder as the week progresses. 

Our days are quiet.  Far Guy wood carves and I crochet and we pet Sadie many times during the day. Little Elvis gets attention when Sadie is not watching...because she is jealous and does not understand the concept of two hands one for each dog.  Two hands and they should be all hers. 

 Yesterday we went to the grocery store...the car is in the heated garage so Far Guy drives me and drops me off at the door and picks me up at the door when I am finished.

  We made a wonderful supper; chicken, carrots, fruit salad and french fries. Everyone pitches in with dishes and clean up so it takes only a few minutes after supper.

I finished watching 1883 it is a really good series on Paramount.  I will watch 1923 next and hope it is as good. 

Far Side


  1. We enjoyed both 1883 and 1932. There are a few other Taylor Sheridan series out there that are pretty good as well.

  2. Winter has definitely arrived in earnest. Nice to have the heated garage so you're getting into comfort - even better is having Far Guy picking you up at the door.

    Stay warm!

  3. Loved 1883 and yes 1923 was just as good too. The strike put a kabosh on season two but perhaps it will come out later this year. I really wished they had done a couple seasons of 1883 instead of just the one. But I know it would have been hard to do with the way things turned out cast wise.

  4. The cold is coming down here too. We will be below zero next week supposedly. A heated garage? Now, that is a smart idea! Yes, many hands make short work....I've tried to get Miss Peeps to help out around here but she insists she does..."you don't see any mice or critters do you?" She's pretty mouthy at times....I have no idea where she got that.
    Stay warm!

  5. I just told Dennis the same thing this morning. We've been spoiled with the warm temps this winter. Later this week it's supposed to be really cold with highs well below zero and lows almost -20. Brrrr. I don't enjoy that much cold.
    Poor Sadie. Zoey is just like that with Lizzie. She wants to get all the snuggles with none left over for Lizzie.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Weather forecast is terrible. we have a high of minus 26 on Wed. and we have appointments so have to be out.

  7. You are living the good life! Well deserved!!

  8. Sounds very cozy. I especially like the idea of many hands making light the work. Enjoy those doggies.

  9. It had to hit sometime! Hopefully the sold snap will be a short one.

  10. Bet I’d like that show, but I don’t get paramount. You cold is pushing south. Next week we are going to be in the deep freeze.

  11. Our low for tomorrow night is minus 15C and the high for Thursday minus 9. It looks like winter has arrived across Canada and at least the northern US.

  12. We're finally going to get down below freezing, into the 20's, by the end of the week, and a chance of lowland snow. We think that's cold.
    Sounds like you are settling in for the winter and taking care of yourselves. And Sadie. :-)

  13. I'm at the same point. Watched 1883, thought it was good, and now am going to start 1923.

    We are in for some real cold days for the next couple of weeks it looks like. Bundle up and watch out for that ice under the snow! :)

  14. Yes we are having a real winter now. The snow is deep and heavy and my blower isn't going to handle it very well. We too will be very cold and find ourselves staying in for a long time.

  15. Your dinner sounds good. How nice that you all pitch in to help with clean up. I'm sorry you've got the cold weather now......it's coming here next....or at least a week and maybe longer....oh joy! Hope Little Elvis gets his share of pets. How do you teach a dog not to be jealous? Probably as hard to do as with people!!! Take care!

  16. Today should be reasonable out there, but tomorrow and beyond look hideously cold and windy. Sigh. You'd think it was winter.

  17. We were spoiled until yesterday. I had the pony out in his fall pasture eating green stuff on Monday. Now it is buried under 10".

  18. I got my kids sleds all painted and displayed this year. Now I can pick out one of my milk cans that I saved from the farm and paint it. I moved to the new place as I had saved them all and expected to give some of them to my brother-in-law. Instead, his wife died and he is in a nursing home with extreme dementia and knows no one. I gave one of my cans to the neighbor lady recently. Jen did a nice job decorating hers.


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