Friday, January 12, 2024

Is it Art?

 I always enjoy looking at the Art in The Red Bridge Park.  Last Fall I took some photos. 

This one is called Nautilus.  It is made from welded and painted handlebars.  I saw that it was for sale ...if you have an extra $6,695.00 it could be yours. 

Our weather has turned cold and windy.  Far Guy's infusion went well yesterday, I cleaned the kitchen at the rental and then we went to Wally World and out for lupper (lunch and supper).

Far Side


  1. Good health news.
    We often have lupper when we are out and about in summer.
    Nice piece!

  2. Yes, I think it is art and kinda cool. Do I want to buy it at any price, nope.

  3. Hate to tell you that you're going to get much colder. It's minus 39 C here this morning.

  4. Cold here with snow coming in. Yes, it's art. What it's worth depends on what someone would pay. I wouldn't pay that.

  5. I not into new art. I should appreciate more i know. I’m not very modern.

  6. Definitely not my kind of art. and that price!! Wow! Stillin a blizzard warning for a couple of more hours. It's bone chilling cold right now.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Hope you don't have to go anywhere during this cold snap. It's officially stupid cold here.

  8. Glad FarGuy's infusion went well. :)
    Stay warm! We're going to be in the freezer for a while.

  9. Cold and windy here too. I'm not going anywhere.

  10. I quite like the sculpture but I certainly wouldn't pay that for it!

  11. Yes, I guess it's art; though it doesn't do a thing for me. I like art that makes me feel something, something that I have an emotional reaction to. But, we're not all the same, I'm sure there are many people who get something from this. It's in the eyes of the beholder, right? that, hope I can remember it. Bundle up, the weather seems to be hitting hard in lots of places. Glad Guy's infusion went well.

  12. It is interesting and I guess it is art but not something I would want in my home and I wouldn't pay that much for it

  13. it isn't the worst I have seen, but $7,000? I will have to pass. Glad all went well at the infusion. You guys stay warm!

  14. I like the art but not enough to pay that price for it! It sounds like you two had a good day!

  15. Glad far guys infusion went well this week. You two do keep busy with many things. We are getting a ton of snow here...well farther South they are...we will see if we get any big amounts by tomorrow. We need it here for business.

  16. I noticed this morning that your temperatures tanked. We are headed to those same temps over the next few days. Snow blowing my have to be done in shifts. Our roads are basically all shut down so there is no place to go. I hope you didn't go out today.

  17. I think it's art but not anything I would pay for. I think it works for public viewing in a park and I enjoy seeing outdoor art installations when we travel.

  18. So glad that Far Guy's infusion continue to go well. I am always amazed when I see art like this. Some people are so creative... my brain just doesn't work that way! Have a great weekend!


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