Monday, January 31, 2022

1951 Hudson

 Boy if a person could only go back in time and buy a new car!

1951 Hudson

What a beauty of a car!  I always wonder what the story is behind the car; where it was found, who owned it, how much restoration did it have?   During the car shows it is interesting to talk to other people.  

This last day of January we are looking forward to summer and the car shows.   We are in some sort of Winter weather warning...seems we have them every week. 

Far Side 


  1. That really is a real beauty of a car. They sure don't make them like they used to. I also am looking forward to warmer weather.

  2. There is a winter system that is also moving south of us but they are not sure how it will affect our area. February seems to be the month of snow/ice storms ... at least it has been for the past few years for us.

    That car is beautiful. I be my husband would love to own one!

  3. Ooooooh yes, the old cars!! I wish they were back too... along with that era in time as well. I miss the good ole days. While making the movie "Gone With The Wind" the producers had to get special permission to use the line "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." in the show. How far we've come... and NOT in a good way. Cars either! ~Andrea xoxo

  4. I love the stories too. Dave's Bonneville came up from the states, but we don't know anything about it's life there. Before his stepdad bought it, it belong to a man here in Canada. He and his wife got divorced, and she sold it to Dave's stepdad before the divorce was final for a silly (low) amount of money to make him mad. I bet it could tell some tales. Dave and I have certainly had lots of adventures in it.

  5. Oh yes - that is a beauty! I sometimes wish we could have finished the restoration on the '69 T-bird my dad had. He had a body shop and it was going to be his retirement project. My husband (no real mechanic skills) did get it running after my dad's death. But we ended up selling it as it needed way more restoration work than we could afford to do.

  6. That is a gorgeous car! We're under a blizzard warning here today. I'm hoping it peters itself out before it actually gets here.

  7. I would love to own a car like that to cruise the open roads. However, I wouldn't want to have to use the same car to navigate the tight parking lot of the local grocery store.

  8. Very few Hudson's were sold in Canada . I wonder if it was the same in the states?

  9. WOW! That is a gorgeous car. I would love to take a ride in it. Now, every car on the road seems to look the same.
    It's supposed to be 59F here today but then temps will plummet to below zero by weeks end. Crazy, but I'll take these warm days. I'm going to take Zoey on a nice walk later.

  10. The Hudson is a beauty. An Alberta Clipper is headed this way. It will be a cold week.

  11. I love the old cars! The weather has certainly been crazy lately. Hopefully it will settle down soon... and who knows? Maybe we will have an early spring!

  12. My parents had a Hudson when I was little. The picture brings back some memories!

  13. It is a beautiful car. The color is so great. I like how the show was set up with the lake in the back ground. We have major car shows in Des Moines at our Fair Grounds. My neighbor takes his black Mustang.

  14. It's been a stormy time. I love them.

  15. What a beauty that car is!! Yes, one really wonders how much restoration was necessary.

  16. To be sitting in a lawn chair, under a shade tree, watching the shiny cars in the sunlight. My phone has been pinging all day with weather watches. I finally turned the sound off. Last I heard we are expecting between 10-20 inches, maybe some ice, I am not listening anymore. I went to the store and got two extra loaves of bread in case I have overnight grandchildren who can't live without a PBJ, we have plenty of milk and there is gas in the snow blower.

  17. Love the old cars! Stay in and stay warm as much as you can! Hooray that January is ending!

  18. I wen5t on a date with a guy in the late 60s who had a really old Hudson. No cue how old, but he was anxious to get me alone to show me how the entire back of the front seat folded back so it became like a big bed--so he could sleep in there if he wanted to, of course. If he thought that was going to put ideas in my head he was sadly mistaken--ROFL! I always wondered if they all did that or he had done something custom to his?

  19. I love car shows! Talking to the people is half the fun. Even when there is a car I have never seen before. Good times! Such memories!

  20. I had an older cousin who dated (and later married) a guy who had a car similar to that one. I would ride in the back but I remember the seats were really scratchy or maybe my legs were sunburned. I loved my cousin, Bunny. We had the same birthday. She married Wayne (the guy with the car) and they were married for a lifetime with 3 kids.

  21. Hope the severe weather isn't too severe where you are.


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