Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

 We begin again, the year begins with a clean slate and as long as we do the best we can with each day...that must be enough. 

Far Guy is ill, he has been seen by a Doctor and I will make sure he goes to the ER if he gets worse.  He does not have Covid and he does not have the Flu, the tests were all negative.  It began with a sore throat, headache and body aches and has progressed to a cough and shortness of breath.  Of course he says that it is just his normal holiday cold that he gets every year about this time.   More often than not we have ER visits this time of year.

One day at a time.  Happy New Year!  It is -40 something windchill so we are in the deep freeze.

Far Side


  1. I will be thinking of Far Guy & lifting him up. Keep us updated.

  2. Our youngest has something with a bad cough and wheezing that isn't Covid or the flu. Fortunately we got some medicine and she has much improved.

  3. Wishing you both all the best for the New Year!

  4. Prayers being said for Far Guy to recover.

  5. I'll keep Far Guy in my thoughts. I hope he's right and it is simply a cold - though with his medical issues I suspect no cold is ever simple.

    Wishing you all the best in 2022. Happy New Year.

  6. Hope he feels much better soon, and without any ER visits. I'm sure even a cold becomes a concern for his health.

    The youngest grandson had a cold over Christmas and shared it with me I think. The grandkids all tested negative for Covid before coming for Christmas. But I have the headache, sore throat, runny nose, and this morning I'm losing my voice. If it gets worse I'll go get tested, but I'm pretty sure it's just a cold.

  7. Tell Far Guy, that is a heck of a way to start out the new year! I pray for you and your family every day. I hope he feels better soon and glad it wasn't Covid! Stay in and stay warm! Happy New Year!

  8. My thoughts are with you. I hope you both feel the love coming your way from all of us out here.

  9. Happy New Year ~ stay warm! Get well wishes to Far Guy!

  10. Dennis and I are continuing to pray. I know it is super concerning for you two when he's sick.
    I did a double take at your Christmas light photo. Sad and funny at the same time.
    Blessings and love,

  11. All the best to Far Guy. I wish for a rapid recovery from his usual Christmas ailment.

  12. What a way to start the New Year!! Thoughts and prayers for you both, especially Far Guy.

  13. I hope Far Guy begins to feel better and doesn't end up having to go to the ER.
    Take care, both of you.

  14. Keeping Far Guy in my thoughts and prayers. My grandson, Steve, has been with me since Dec.23. He is getting picked up and going home tomorrow.

  15. Prayers for both of you. He is right, it is the time of year for all those winter viruses. They are just so scary at this point in time. So glad you are close to the medical professionals. Wishes for a speedy recovery.

  16. Gosh, I do hope FG doesn't have to go to the hospital, where dangers abound. I'm sending him my prayers for a quick recovery. Happy New Year to all.

  17. Happy New Year to you and far guy and your family. Praying for far guy that he gets well very soon! And praying you can stay well!

  18. Sorry to hear about Far Guy! Glad you are closer to those specialists this winter. Will be praying for both of you.

  19. All the best to Far Guy. We're both managing colds. It is gruesome in a pandemic.
    Happy new year, let's hope for better times to come.

  20. Happy New Year!

    Hope Far Guy feels better by now, or will do soon.


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