Monday, September 27, 2021


 I arrived home Sunday afternoon.  I unpacked my numerous bags of "stuff" and began laundry.  I finished (well almost finished) 131 Christmas cards.  Jen and I decided the cards need a little something one of these days I will tackle that..after all I have time.   I also had a bit of time to crochet. 

The new CAL (Crochet Along) started the morning I left for yarn is all spread out on a bed upstairs...I just need a vision...color choices must be made....and a start should be attempted.   

Far Guy did just fine...the house was spotless when I returned.  I had a nap.  It is good to be home.  Far Guy has a sore I will keep a close eye on him.  Most likely it is Fall allergies but you never know. 

It was a good retreat...some of Jen's friends are so special...I always look forward to seeing them.

Far Side


  1. So happy you had a good time on retreat and that all was well at home.

  2. Hope it all works out with the sore throat. I know we have been suffering with stuffed noses and heads nearly each evening and early morning! One has to love allergies...Not.

  3. Glad you enjoyed the retreat. It sounds like fun. Hope Far Guy is feeling better soon. I think the worst of our allergy season is nearing its end.

  4. Praying it is just allergies. So glad you were able to get away and relax with family and friends.

  5. Welcome home, traveler! I hope FG is okay and it's just allergies.

  6. Pretty fall colors. I think this weekend was peek fall color in our area. Karen

  7. I think it's important to get away when you can. I'm glad you had fun, how could you not, right? But I'm sure you're glad to be home too. You have so many projects, you'll be busy this winter!

  8. I'm glad you went... and I'm glad you made it safely home too, Connie. Good progress on your cards, for sure. Yes, you still have time but... you know how fast Christmas will creep up on us all. It will be here before we blink. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. I'm so glad you went and had a good time. I wish I could find a good group of friends who would like to get together and knit or whatever.
    I'll be praying that FG's sore throat won't turn into anything else. We wake up every morning congested in the head and then it goes away after an hour or two. Must be fall stuff we're not used to here yet.

  10. Welcome home and what a bonus to return to a clean house. Far Guy could teach my son a lesson or two. Fingers crossed his sore throat is simply allergies.

  11. Nice to be away, but always wonderful to be home and sleeping in your own bed.

  12. Always so good to be home. Hope FarGuy is fine.

  13. So glad you had a good time at the retreat, sounds like you were very productive. Can't wait to see your next CAL project. Hope FG is starting to feel better. Have a great week!

  14. Obviously a fun and productive time at the retreat. Hope FG shakes that sore throat quickly.

  15. It's always good to get home. I'm happy for you that the retreat was successful. You really did get a lot done! I hope Far Guy feels better and it's only allergies. Enjoy the CAL!

  16. Pretty photo. I'm glad you had a good and productive retreat.

  17. A fun time was had by all. Sometimes a change makes things seem more fun when you get back on the grid. Going to art classes in college was a lot like workshops as we all got to know each other as we worked in three house labs once or twice a week.

  18. Glad you had a good time! I hope Far Guy is okay. Your trees are beautiful. Nothing much here yet and it was 88 today....I can't wait until it gets cold here...or at least cooler.

  19. Nice that you had an enjoyable time but it's always good to come home. Especially when it's spotless.

  20. So glad to hear you had such a great time at that retreat. Glad you're back home safely and enjoying some rest and catching up on things. Hope far guy gets over his sore throat quickly....I have a bit of one tonight too.....sipping on lemon and honey in tea!

  21. Glad you had fun at retreat and made so much progress with the Christmas cards. Hope it is just allergies for Far Guy.


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