Monday, September 6, 2021

Long Weekend

 Every week can be a long weekend when you are retired.

I manage to do odds and ends all day yesterday.  Stuff that had been neglected or put on the back burner.   Far Guy worked on his new/old car...a window was not rolling down properly...but it is now...I was in the garage when it was all torn apart...I wondered how many parts he would have left over.  

Seed heads on the Virgin's Bower. 

Interesting seeds! 

The Yellow Pear tomatoes are still producing a few tomatoes a day and there are many green ones yet to ripen before we get a frost.   It was a good year for tomatoes.  

The potato harvest has begun...I hear that the potatoes are smaller this year...according to someone who drives one of those potato lifters.   Those fields are all irrigated...but he said that even with irrigation they still needed rain which they didn't get.

Far Side


  1. Our tomato & pepper plants are loaded. I can’t come close to keeping up with them, or the beans or cucumbers. Next year I am planting half the quantity. They are all sooo good & I can’t find takers. If frost threatens, you could ripening in paper bags.

    Glad the window functions better now. Must have been a fun project. Those are interesting seed heads.

  2. I used to be a picker and sorter on a potato harvester that was sooo many years ago! I sorted the vines and the bad tators that got through while the machine slowly crawled the field. I was paid 1.98 per hour and worked long days. 1978. Whew, that was a blast from the past!
    I imagine there isn't as much people labor as there was back then.

    Most crops are going to be a bit short here too, spots got rain and others didn't...or too much.

  3. I made green tomato pie a few times for Tom. It is tasty.

  4. Those are interesting looking seeds, I agree. :-)

  5. What an interesting plant. I'm not familiar with that one, but the seeds are neat.

  6. I remember helping dig potatoes in the garden. It seemed magical to find them in the overturned soil.

  7. FarGuy felt up to fixing the car that was good to hear all by itself. ;)

  8. It's true, every weekend is a long one in retirement. My brother and I joke that everyday is Friday.

    Glad FG was able to get his car window fixed. I've pulled all my tomatoes and peppers, not because of frost but because I've gotten tired of watering them.

  9. Interesting how much gardening you do. The tomato harvest looked great. Good luck with the potatoes.

  10. I've heard the same thing about potatoes, Connie. Happy Labor Day! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. I looked it up. Virgin's Bower is a type of clematis. Very interesting.

  12. Far Guy will be a genius at repairing that car eventually if he isn't already! At least those beautiful, older cars didn't have computers!

  13. I am not into gardening but can see Tim getting into it when he retires

  14. Glad you had a good gardening year. I had better than in the past for sure! It was very dry in the mid-west for growing. They're just now getting the rain they've needed all summer. Happy Labor Day!

  15. Hopefully there were no leftover parts once Far Guy had finished putting the window back together. My old Buick's front passenger window kept falling down so DH wedged it up with a piece of wood ( that thankfully doesn't show but still. I'd rather have that than have the window fall down again.

  16. My tomatoes are not as good as usual but still good.

  17. Pottering around is one of the greatest joys of retirement - I do it so much that I often forget what day of the week it is!

  18. That hubby of yours sounds like quite the smarty! Evidently he found a place for all those parts! Glad you're still getting those yummy tomatoes! and now the potatoes huh? Glad you're getting those odds and ends cleared up! Happy Labor Day!

  19. Glad FG was able to get his car window fixed. I often wonder the same thing when my hubby takes things apart! It was a great year for tomatoes... we have sooooo many I'm having a hard time keeping up, so I give them away. Have a great week!

  20. So...what was the count on the leftover parts???

    Glad you got some rain.

  21. We've still got lots of tomatos, but most are ripe and need to be picked. I'm probably going to have to walk around the neighborhood offering tomatoes in order to get them all eaten.

  22. Mandy had one tomato plant and has been picking and picking and picking them! The same with cucumbers. She's been sharing the bounty with us and neighbors. It amazes me how much you can get from a very small area.

  23. I just saw an article that in eastern Iowa a potato crop of a company was ten times greater than normal so they were giving them away.

  24. Glad Far Guy was able to fix his car window. Sounds like a nice weekend.


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