Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 We still have some flowers in the yard....and leaves. 

The trees on the driveway are changing colors.

A few more yellow tomatoes were ready to pick.   They sure are good...we shall miss them when we get a frost. 

I auditioned  some of the yarn skeins upstairs for my newest Crochet Along Project....nothing is written in stone when it come to yarn colors.  Changes will be made. 

Far Guy is still not well.  I have given him my opinion...just worth 2 cents or less. 

Far Side


  1. Uh oh as far as FG goes.
    As for the yarn? You are the artist of the yarn so you can choose anything!

  2. I'm glad you still have tomatoes. Our plant just gave out this year, even before our first frost.

    I'm sorry Far Guy isn't well. It's such a struggle for you both. Wish we could make it better for you.

  3. Those colors all look good together. Will be interesting to see what you change. Get well soon/immediately, Far Guy!

  4. i like all the yarn colors. Praying Far Guy feels better soon.

  5. I look forward to seeing what you come up with, all those great yarn colors. Sending healing energy to FG.

  6. Those yarn colors are perfect for this time of year in your ‘neck of the woods’! Sorry Far Guy is feeling poorly. I hope he heeds the advice of Dr Connie and feels better quickly.

  7. Keeping Far Guy in my thoughts. Yarn colors are beautiful.

  8. Wishing Far Guy a speedy recovery.

    The yarn colors are lovely, as are the trees. It's pretty yellow around here.

  9. Hopefully he listens to your opinion, and begins to get well. I get excited when those fall colors are here, but they just never last long enough.

  10. Oh, gosh! Prayers for FARGUY. We are struggling along again with Terry. He goes in Monday for a hernia operation...they put it off for three weeks, now it's very bad. Sigh

  11. Beautiful yarn colours!
    I hope Far Guy can shake this latest bug.

  12. Praying for Far Guy. There are so many "things" out there right now.
    You've chosen some really pretty colors for your project even if there are a few changes.

  13. I love those yarn colors. Your trees are starting to change to beautiful colors too. I sure hope Far Guy starts feeling better soon!

  14. Nice seeing some color still with the flowers.
    Love the yarn colors.
    FarGuy had best not mess around with illness. I hope he isn't getting any worse, at least.
    Thiking of you guys. :)

  15. Looks like you had leaves in mind when you picked your yarn colors. :-)

  16. Love your yarn colours - they speak to me of autumnal mellowness :)
    Hope Far Guy soon feels better. Hugz, Mxx

  17. I like bright colours now days
    Men often don't listen

  18. Praying for far guy to get well soon. Love your yarn colors!

  19. I though Far Guy was doing better after that last procedure. The yarn is gorgeous! I can't wait to see what you're making.

  20. Hope you've decided for sure on your colours for the crochet project by now, and Far Guy is better.

  21. I just started reading your blog recently. I skipped around...I saw the diagnosis of your hubby's illness. Now I want to look it up, but can's find it. Could you teel me the date of that post or tell me the diagnosis.

  22. My husband has Alpha One Antitrypsin Deficiency and Trigeminal Neuralgia both rare diseases.


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