Saturday, September 18, 2021

Backwards Birthdays

 Our youngest daughter Jen is celebrating backwards birthdays.  I believe she says she is 34 this year...she began going backwards at 40. 

This was her birthday in 1993.   She was 18 that year.  No one ever wants to go backwards when they are 18!  Photo taken at the  house at the Resort on Straight Lake.

She was 18 her whole Senior year...September birthday...

Usually on her birthday...I would cook a favorite meal and invite her Grandparents over for supper and cake.   Sometimes she would ask one friend to come over.  Then on the weekend after a birthday she would have some kind of party with lots of kids invited.... Happy Joes...and all girl sleepover...a party in the yard playing games....   something to make her feel special!

Happy Birthday Jen...she will visit us sometime today.  Hope you feel special spending your birthday with your elderly parents!  

Love you!



  1. What a cute idea to celebrate backward b-days. I never would have thought of that. Enjoy celebrating together!!

  2. I love my elderly parents. Happy birthing day to you.

  3. Happy Birthday to my birthday twin. I have two family birthday twins too. I tried to convince my grandsons that you start going backwards at some point and I am now 1 year younger than their dad. Unfortunately they are 9 and 7 now and saw right through it.

  4. So nice that she will drop by for a visit.
    When did we become the elderly parents--oh my! True, though.

  5. Happy Birthday Jen! I hope she has a wonderful day!

  6. Backwards pills? Many of us would buy them!

  7. You may want to warn Jen in two years this backward stuff is going to snowball on her😂😂

  8. Happy Birthday to Jen. Maybe not backwards every year? 34, 44, 54?

  9. She is still younger then me...............
    Hope it was a good birthday................

  10. Happy birthday to your daughter. I’m guessing the older she gets, the more she appreciates being able to spend time with her “aging” parents. Not elderly, just aging.

  11. I would give a lot to have my parents around at all. It's been so long but I get lots of love by reading about other people's kids and their antics, like backwards birthdays. :-)

  12. What cute pictures of Jen. Hope you had a great Birthday celebration with her today!

  13. That is so neat! I missed this yesterday! Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday, Jen!!! What a cutie she is in those pictures and still today!!!

  15. Happy belated birthday Jen! Great idea to go backwards.

  16. You daughter is one year older than my oldest son. He does not like the numbers. I am glad Jen could share a meal with you two at her favorite place. I am trying to catch up on blogs. I had a set back that is keeping me subdued.

  17. Happy belated birthday to Jen! Let me know how that backwards birthday scheme works for her...


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