Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Labor Day

 I finished some cards, I needed a few more Sympathy cards.  Seems like I use them up as fast as I can make them.   I organized a crochet project.  Imagine my surprise the other day when I opened a cupboard drawer upstairs and discovered a bunch of yarn I forgot about.

In the afternoon we had  a nice visit with Far Guy's cousins Bonnie, Wayne and Scott. 

We did not have a Labor Day Picnic but we cooked supper for my parents, my brothers and she who sees robins first...and Baxter.  Far Guy helped so much in the kitchen...I am so thankful he feels better!

We made a chicken mixture ( philly cream cheese, a packet of hidden valley ranch mix and Co Jack Cheese and shredded chicken) served over wild rice and topped with bacon, I also made flatbread and baked carrots.  My baby brother made some coleslaw and my Mom made a pumpkin cake...so it was a good meal.

Far Guy is working on the Christmas Ornaments. My thumb is a little better than it was...it doesn't hurt all the time so that is an improvement!

Far Side


  1. Lately I have been using sympathy cards up as fast as I can buy them. Must be everyone I know is getting old. I am sending out another one today.

  2. Glad to hear your thumb is no longer hurting all the time. And glad that Far Guy is feeling better. Sounds like the Labor Day holiday was a pleasant one.

  3. Sorry to hear your sympathy cards are getting used so much. And I am glad to hear your thumb is finally beginning to recover! :-)

  4. We are in the season of our lives when sympathy cards are used most often, aren't we. I have encountered the same. Unfortunately. I'm going to try that recipe one day, Connie. I think it better be sooner rather than later, or I'll forget. It sounds like you had a nice Labor Day. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  5. So glad to hear good Far Guy stories :-).

  6. So glad to hear the Far Guy is feeling better and better. Your chicken dish sounds delicious!

  7. I've gone through more sympathy cards lately too. Guess it's a sign of the age group we are in now. Sounds like a very enjoyable Labor Day spent with family. We ate up all the leftovers in the fridge last night for supper - not very exciting. I'm out of interesting ideas for meals, which is probably OK since my husband is such a picky eater he doesn't "do" interesting when it's mealtime.

  8. Happy to hear you’re gathering as a family again. I bet the meal was delicious.

  9. It's wonderful news that Far Guy is feeling so much better. What a relief, for both of you.

    The cards are lovely, it's a shame they are needed so frequently.

  10. I'm so glad to hear Far Guy is feeling well enough to work on the new old car and help in the kitchen too. Your dinner sounds yummy. We picked up Papa Murphy pizza and took it to Mandy & Brad's for dinner. I got them a puppy from the same litter at Zoey on Friday afternoon so we had the puppies together to play several times this weekend. Mandy had been looking for a hypoallergenic puppy that was reasonably priced and their sweet little Lizzie fit the bill. It's so fun to watch them play together too. Life has sure gotten busy with a new puppy in the house. It's like having a newborn!

  11. We had no Labor Day celebration but I did cook a yummy roast chicken dinner, which will feed us for several days.

  12. That was so nice to have a get together. Good food and family.

  13. Great news that your thumb is feeling better and that Far Guy is too!!

  14. Those cards are beautiful but it is sad that you need more of the sympathy cards. I'm so glad to hear Far Guy is feeling better now.

  15. That sounds like a great feast.

  16. Sounds like a wonderful day full of things you enjoy!

  17. Your dinner sounds great! I bet everybody really enjoyed it! Those cards look beautiful that you show at the end of your post...are they picture cards that you made? Good to hear that your thumb is feeling better! And that far guy feels so good he's helping in the kitchen! Hooray!

  18. Glad Far Guy is doing better, and your thumb has improved.

  19. I have to try that chicken recipe! I know I said that last time you posted about it- but I forgot!


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