Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Goodbye Brian

 Far Guy worked with Brian for years and years.   Brian died last month from Pancreatic Cancer.   His Memorial Service is today.  Brian was 64 years old. 

Everyone will be there...except Brian on the far right...and us.   It is too risky for Far Guy to go into a group setting...not only possible Covid exposure but everyone will be wearing after shave or perfume.   We don't need anything setting Far Guy back at this time. 

So we are staying home.  We are sad for his wife Jeanie and his sons Jason and Patrick.  Heck we are sad for us as Brian was a good friend. 

Far Side

Proverbs 16:9  The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.


  1. So sorry for your loss of a good friend. May God comfort you and Brian's family.

  2. That is such a horrible disease. We had a good friend die from it too. I'm so sorry.

  3. I'm sorry for your loss but I'm also glad that you are staying home.

  4. So sorry for your loss! Good friends are hard to come by, so we miss them so much when they are gone.

  5. A nice tribute of a good friend. Sorry to hear of the lose. Karen

  6. I'm sorry about your loss of Brian. Your family has sure had a lot of them the past few years.

  7. Sixty four is way too young to go. It is sad that you can't attend but the wise thing to do. It doesn't mean you aren't there in spirit. God speed to your friend - he was well-loved.

  8. it is sad to lose a friend. I hope you and Far Guy have lots of good memories about good times with Brian. Memories keep our loved ones close.

  9. So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Pancreatic cancer is swift and ugly. My brother died from it, and my daughter's aunt has it with not long to live.
    Staying home and safe is a good idea.

  10. Gosh he was young. God Speed to your Brian!

  11. So sorry to hear that. He was quite young, too.

  12. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my great grandfather to pancreatic cancer - it's a hard one to beat.

  13. My condolences on the loss. My thanks for his service he provided for our country.

  14. Hard to lose a friend. I’m so sorry.

  15. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Pancreatic cancer is horrid - I have lost three relatives to it. It's hard to lose a friend at any age. I hope you are comforted by your memories of Brian. Alana

  16. 64 is so young and a tragic loss for his friends and family. I'm sure they understand why you can't be there. Be kind to yourself today.

  17. Sorry for your loss. It's hard when someone you care for dies and you can't go to the funeral and say a final good-bye.

  18. Go Go Air force! IS that YOU in the picture? ( Front?) Far guy is easy to see, but were you in the air force? ( I should probably read previous posts to get the scoop, but that could take a long time.) Sorry to hear a friend is gone, but I'm sure he is where he wants to be... in the clouds and sunshine.

    1. No not me in the photo, I was just an Air Force wife:)

  19. How sad. I'm sorry for your loss. Sending my best to you both and his family.

  20. Our sincere sympathies to the family and all of you as friends of Brian. Everyone is in our prayers for comfort and peace during this time of sorrow. Hugs to you and Far Guy!

  21. Good friends are treasures and true blessings.

  22. I'm so sorry for your loss. Brian knows he is in your thoughts and prayers.

  23. So sorry to hear that you lost your good friend, Brian. It makes sense though, why you're skipping the memorial service. I'm sure your friend is looking down and knowing that you both care about him very much. His life was a blessing for you and others and that's a real gift.

  24. So sorry ~ may Brian rest in peace and we send sympathy to his family and friends ~ also we want to say "thank you for your service Brian".

  25. That's so young! I am sorry for your loss and his families. Pancreatic cancer moves fast....such a shame.

  26. Sherry in MT - you can share your memories from afar and I am sure that your post will be appreciated by his family and friends and that they understand.


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