Sunday, September 5, 2021

Seeing Green

 The grass is finally green...hurt your eyes green.  It rained enough to turn the grass green!

There are plenty of acorns dropping all over...I hate when I step on them.  Far Guy reports that on the West side of the house you can roll along. 

I will have to mow again soon... Far Guy got me new mulching blades for my lawn mower.  Seems I wore that last pair of blades out....they had not much chop or beat to death left in them.  He put them on the mower for me.  

I finished up the garage sale with my their garage mostly back in shape again.  They got rid of lots of "stuff."  So it was a success!

Onward and forward to the next project.   Not sure what that is yet.  I should make a list. 

I took some time to look at some Nativity Stamps....I ordered one and I will see how it works out for Christmas cards. 

Far Side


  1. I'm guessing Far Guy sharpens your mower blades for you at the start of each season? He put a new set of blades on his mower a year or so back too. Just wore them out. They only last so long, even when sharpened regularly. I'm glad your parents' yard sale was successful. I definitely need to have one of those too but I hate fiddling with the doggone things. I'd rather just haul stuff to Goodwill or the church resale shop & be done with it. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. I wear a pair of blades out once a year...I mow in many areas around here.

  2. It's amazing how quickly the grass bounces back after a good rain. I mowed mid-week last week and I really should mow it again this weekend.

    Enjoy the mow!

  3. I know! Even the golden brown grass over here that their sprinkler couldn't reach has turned green again!! Love it! Nice to have more green again before it turns white--LOL!
    New blades, good garage sale and new stamp coming. Sounds good. :)

  4. That sure is bright green. I’m thinking Spring Green in the Crayola box!

  5. I'm thinking I should have a garage sale. I've only had two in my life. Not my favorite thing.

  6. I bet you are glad the garage sale season is over. And so glad you got rid of a bunch of stuff! We have lots of yard work plans. Since we are stuck here we are getting all kinds of ideas.

  7. Oh how I envy your green grass. The local rain missed us again last night.
    And yet, as I look out my upstairs home office window all I see is green. We do live in the Evergreen State. Just not on the ground in the summertime.

  8. Our grass turns from brown dead stuff to emerald green in just a few days after we get reasonable rain.

  9. Your grass is beautiful! I bet those acorns play a part in dulling the mower blades, but they are such good food for the squirrels and other animals. I love hearing about all of your projects!

  10. Our lawn is hurt your eyes green too. It’s amazing what 1…..5” of rain can do. Hope your holiday weekend is a good one!

  11. Funny how the grass greens up when we get some rain.

  12. Christmas Cards already! IF the grass gets that green here in Iowa, the Neighbors will mow it. Three times a week when it rains! ( They are Crazy lawn care people.) It is nice to unload stuff and get a little cash back for the effort.

  13. My granddaughter was collecting acorns from our backyard the other day. She thinks they are cute! So glad you finally got some green grass!

  14. It always amazes me how quickly dry brown grass greens up after a nice rain. We had a bit of rain but our grass ( small area in the back) was kept green by middle son's faithful sprinkler all those weeks. He pays the water bill so it's fine with me!!

  15. Your grass is looking great! You must have really given it a workout with your mower! Hope you like your nativity stamps when they come. Sounds like a nice idea for a Christmas card. Hope your thumb is getting better and that far guy is getting better by the day! Happy Labor Day tomorrow. Don't labor too much!

  16. Grass is amazing in how quickly it can turn green again. One of the wonders of Nature :)

  17. Our poor puppy was lost in the grass yesterday. Dennis usually only gets to mow once a week because of work and mowing day is Saturday. The grass was literally above poor Zoey's head. She probably thought she was trying to go potty on top of a tree!
    Have fun mowing that beautiful grass!

  18. Yay for rain & green grass! I don’t think our acorns are dropping yet. Sounds like you’ve got a plan for your card.

  19. I saw you were getting some storms up there...Iowa got them too. You needed them! we had some rain but now it's back to the 90's and no rain for the next 2 weeks. Acorns aren't dropping here yet but when they do I will be gathering them for dyeing.

  20. Glad you got some decent rain. Hope it helped clear the air. Also glad your parents' garage sale was a success.

  21. It's wonderful what a little bit of rain will do! Our lawn now has just a hint of green- nothing like the verdant green of yours though!


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