Sunday, June 6, 2021

Wedding at the lake

 My Niece got married yesterday...she picked the hottest day of the year.   It was about 98 F. 

We sat in the shade out by the lake at my baby brothers lake place.  He has been babying grass on the hillside all looked really pretty.

They said their vows out in the sunshine on the patio.   The Pastor was a bit long winded and he was sweating shirt and all.  

It was a casual wedding.  The beautiful bride is my other baby brother's daughter. 

Far Guy was not feeling up to going.   My baby brother picked me up and I stayed for the wedding...Jordan brought me back home right after the ceremony.  We were babysitting Baxter (my baby brother's dog) and Annie (my sister's dog) because they would have been in the way during the wedding and the doings afterwards.   They missed me while I was gone, Far Guy said that Baxter serenaded him...and Annie just snored.

  Last week I made Lemon Cookies for the wedding doings. 

Today is Andy and Jen's 23rd wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary kids!!

Far Side


  1. Those temperatures are brutal! We had it hot here too but not that awful.
    Looks like it was a beautiful wedding and I do love the more informal weddings.

    Happy anniversary to Andy and Jen too!
    So much going on. So glad all of it could happen too!

  2. Oh man... it sounds like a really HOT day to get married but at least I'm glad it wasn't raining. I'm also glad Far Guy knew his own body and stayed home. He probably would have gotten sick in that heat. Casual weddings are FUN! The newly marrieds look happy and I wish them a lifetime of love. Happy Anniversary to Andy and Jen also. Number 25 is creeping up on them! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. I guess sun (even if it was hot) beats rain or even snow.

  4. It looks as though it was a beautiful wedding. I don't understand why kids seem to think they have to spend the equivelent of a small home on their wedding. This kind is much more personal.
    I hope Far Guy is feeling better today.

  5. Was 101 here yesterday. Uffda! Can't imagine being married out in that sun, but I am glad it all went well. Good idea for FarGuy to pass, I think. Happy anniversay to Andy and Jen, too. :)

  6. Congratulations to your niece and husband and Happy Anniversary to Andy and Jen too!

  7. My nephew was married two years ago on the hottest day of the year. The wedding was in a gazebo on the property. Fortunately the reception was indoors in the a.c. Lovely location and lovely bride. It should not be this hot in June!!!

    Prayers for Far Guy. Hope he is feeling a little better today.

  8. Congrats to the happy couple and happy anniversary to Andy and Jen! I hope Far Guy is feeling better today.

  9. When the plan is to have the ceremony on the brick patio, then I guess you have to follow the plan. That shade down by the lake looks much more inviting.
    I'm glad you were able to go. Family milestone events are important.

  10. Glad you were able to go to the wedding and glad you had a way to get back to Far Guy immediately afterward. It is not good to leave our precious spouses on their own when they are not feeling well. I am sure it was good for Far Guy to stay out of the hot sun.

  11. Cheryl and I got married on the HOTTEST day of the year as well. Oh how I was so happy when that event was over. Our pastor was short winded... as we had discussed. Lou was the greatest "religious referee" for the proceedings. (No sermon, no preaching, no "Anyone here appose the wedding?" statement. AND NO SOLOIST!) our event was paid for by us... so it was "cheap." and in the end, we both agree we should have simply eloped and sent everyone post cards from Hawaii. ( no music, no dancing, no booze... even the food was "ham on buns" so basically, not much fun for everyone...) Weddings should be fun. And simple. If they can be both, that is the sweet spot. Hope the newlyweds live "happily ever after!" the surroundings are beautiful.

  12. Happy Anniversary to Andy and Jen and congratulations to your niece and her new husband! Outdoor weddings are beautiful and this one sounds lovely! I've always loved casual and personal weddings. I'm sure your lemon cookies were a hit with the guests. It sounds like Baxter and Annie were happy to see you return home!

  13. Congratulations to the newly weds. And happy anniversary to Jen and Andy.
    One would think the pastor would have a very short talk considering the heat!!

  14. I am also glad it turned out so well. And sending FG lots of happy karmic lifts.

  15. Sounds like a beautiful wedding (despite the heat). Congratulations to the happy couple.

    Sorry Far Guy wasn't feeling up to going, though I'm sure the dogs were glad of it. Hope he feels better soon.

  16. Beautiful spot for a wedding. I am sorry FG was not feeling well. Happy anniversary to Jen and Andy.
    I know your lemon cookies were appreciated.

  17. I love pretty, casual weddings. They are so refreshing compared to the over-the-top ones.

  18. 98 degrees sounds more like North Carolina than up your way. It has been hot here too. Sure is a pretty place for a wedding. Hope Far Guy is feeling better. Happy anniversary to Jen and Andy.

  19. that first picture is beautiful of the lake...hope the newlyweds will be very happy. Hope far guy is feeling better soon. And that you didn't melt sitting out there.

  20. Oh, I bet your brother was nursing that grass all along! Big event! What a sweet setting for a wedding...despite the heat! Bet nobody expected 98 degrees. Hope nobody melted.

  21. What a lovely spot to get married. So glad you were able to go, but feel bad that FG didn't feel up to it. I'm sure the heat and humidity doesn't help him. My brother-in-law with ALS has been having severe headaches the past couple of months, so he has missed 2 granddaughter graduations. We drove to Windom MN yesterday to one of the graduation parties. I felt bad that my BIL couldn't be there as he has worked so hard to stay mobile and active.

  22. Our son's wedding happened in Maine years ago. It was on Cadillac Mountain and went on as planned in pouring rain and wind. Both weddings were really planned with great intentions to enjoy good weather.

  23. OMG! 98 degrees? Who would have thought it would be that hot up North where you are! We've not hardly been in the 80's yet. Congratulations to the lovely couple and also to Jen and Andy!


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