Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tomato Plants

 So far the Deer and the Bear have no cravings for green tomatoes. 

The sheep tank is working well! All the plants have multiple flowers...I won't count our tomatoes before they ripen but we should have enough to share.

Three plants have filled the tank.   The warmth of the steel on the south side of my garage must be a great growing place!  So far the old dog kennel is working well to protect the plants...but who knows. 

I had a kerfuffle with the new hose I bought...it leaked and was spraying water all over me....I returned it to the store and got a refund...thank goodness I did not order it online.  That was our big outing yesterday...town is getting busy...the 4th of July tourists must be here. 

The Pipeline is going under the highway now...no protesters in sight.  Everytime we go to town we wonder if they will be laying down on the highway stopping traffic.  

Far Side


  1. That sheep tank was a great idea for a planter. The tomato plants look very healthy.

  2. You are indeed lucky you didn't buy that hose online. And we are still trying to beat the incredible heat. Got up to 90 inside our apartment yesterday. With fans blowing, I was fine unless I tried to move. :-)

  3. Lovely plants! I'm looking forward to growing tomatoes at the new house next year. I don't eat them (Dave does and I give lots away) but I love to grow them!

  4. I remember the mess of traffic and people during my years of living up north in Minnesota, especially in recreational areas. We don't have nearly the problem down here but then, we don't heave the scenery or recreational opportunities either.

  5. Your tomatoes look great. I may try to plant a few next year for Dennis. I love them but can't eat them but that doesn't mean he should go without. I would also like to try some zuchinni.
    Take care.

  6. Your 'mater plants look great! Our raised beds brought joy back to veggie gardening. We cut way back, and still have produce to share. Weeding is soooo easy, almost non existent. We planted an extra cherry for Tank this year, he is super obsessed with them. Trying a new award winning variety called Candyland. Guess it is a "currant type", all I know so far is that is one very very thick wide plant!

  7. We had a few early tomatoes but nothing ripening lately. We have the heat - I think we need more rain.

  8. I was excited to see a couple of small tomatoes on one of my plants today too. There are lots of flowers so I'm hoping for a bumper crop too. Glad to hear the deer and the bear are leaving them be.

  9. I need to find the jug of deer repellent pellets in our garage because they have begun to nibble on my hostas - right next to our front steps.

  10. Your tomato plants look nice and healthy! Stay away from town until after the holiday now if you can. It still makes me nervous to be around crowds especially since most people aren't wearing masks anymore.

  11. The deer always left my tomato plants alone too. My striped hostas? That's a different story. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Your tomato plants look very healthy and full. You are going to enjoy lots of delicious tomatoes this summer!

  13. Great looking tomato plants which are obviously loving the location.

  14. My tomatoes have no flowers yet. I will be surprised if they survive at all, given my late planting this year. But I'm sure one of the plants will provide enough tomatoes for the two of us. At least we don't have any deer or other nibblers to contend with.

  15. Our tomatoes are enjoying the heat and setting fruit.
    We made it through the heat wave and are now enjoying moderated temperatures as marine air arrived last night. We are relieved.

  16. The roads are busy with tourist traffic, and they are an impatient bunch - speeding and crazy passing. I hope the HP are going to be out in force to protect these fools from themselves.

  17. I hope your tomato harvest is excellent!
    Glad you got the crummy hose in town.

  18. Neat idea, I have old stock tanks and wanted to do this instead of having the conventional garden this year too. But nope. The deer don't come near the garden very often as we have the mules in a pasture almost all the way around the garden with an electric fence.
    I'm just growing sweet corn this year and some green beans. :)

  19. Us Canadians have our holiday on July 1. I wonder how busy it will be!? Ontario has been under pretty tight restrictions which are being relaxed at midnight. We are going to wait another week before going anywhere.

  20. The tank is perfect for your growing tomatoes. We have pipelines all over Iowa and most people don't know it. We even have natural gas pipelines that once in a while break up and shoot fire up out of the ground in the middle of a cornfield.


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