Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Rain and Visitors

 We got rain finally.  1 and 4/10 inches.   It was wonderful, it is our first real rain this spring/summer.

It refreshed the earth, flowers, us and apparently a bear.  Our temperatures took a nose dive it was 39 F Monday morning.  The high Monday was 60 F....cool...and I liked it!

Our feeders were down early Monday morning.  Apparently it was quite a large bear.  

Last night I took down the humming bird feeder and suet feeder and brought them inside.  We did not get the bear on the trail cam.  It apparently came in from the North and left going North. 

However I did catch these two coming in late one night this weekend. I wonder where the bear was then??

Far Side


  1. So happy you finally got some rain. We did also; took the "crunch" out of my lawn. We still need more tho. Cooler temps are with us also. High yesterday was 70 degrees. I had all the windows open- sure felt good. Having that bear in the yard would be scary to me.

  2. Wow....big bear! Those two latecomers look like they're bringing provisions, so I'd let them in.

  3. I would have loved to see the bear, but it stayed away and hopefully won't return.

  4. We got about 2 inches and I suspect things will start growing at a rapid rate this next week or two.

  5. Glad you finally got some rain. Shame you didn't get the bear on camera.

  6. Yay for rain!! So refreshing after it's absence. I am enjoying the break from the hot weather too.

  7. We got some rain Sunday night that really helped things perk up but we could also use lots more. Yesterday the high was only in the 70's which was a very nice change but it's getting hotter now again.
    I think it would have been fun to see the bear but I hope that it doesn't come back to bother you again. Cleaning up the damage after a visit isn't fun.
    I would also let the latecomers in as it looks like they have food. Maybe cake? Anyone with cake or pie at our house is always welcome.
    Take care and enjoy the day today.

  8. Glad you got some rain and glad it cooled down too. I would be so afraid to walk around out there at night knowing bears could be around!

  9. Hooray for rain! It makes such a difference.

    I'm with Martha, I wouldn't be walking at night in case I came face to face with a bear.

  10. The bear would make me nervous for sure.
    The cool temps have been such a wonderful break! Back to 90s tomorrow so I will enjoy the open door and window while I can. :)

  11. Cooler weather and rain is in the forecast this weekend. I definitely will welcome both. Looks like your nocturnal visitors are “bearing” gifts.

  12. It's so nice to get some refreshing rain after going without for a long time. The bear must have enjoyed your bird seed. You've had similar problems with bears before haven't you? I'm sure glad the bear wasn't around when you had the after dark visitors!

  13. RAIN! We so need a very good soft ground soaking RAIN! I'm glad you were able to get some!

  14. Rain - something we've had so little of. We did get a drizzle for part of the morning on Sunday. And both Sunday and Monday were cool temps. Today is much warmer again and getting hotter. Our one remaining backyard bird feeder was down again today. We assume it's deer pulling them down, but would be interesting to see how they are doing it. Oh - that would require my husband putting up the 2 trail cams I gave him for his birthday in April. LOL They remain in a bag in his closet.

  15. We just got a second very small rain. Any rain is better than none. You may have to put out traps for the two legged invaders.

  16. The Bear will be back if you keep out your food? Or do you take it down then?
    Looks like now the rain pattern has arrived here. The temps are actually cool today here too!

    1. Yes bears always recall where they got a good meal. We will be bringing all the feeders in at night for a few weeks:)

  17. Watch those bears. They can be very nasty.

  18. Those two bearing gifts are much better than your marauding bear.
    We had a bit of a cool down today but then it will be heating up again by the weekend. All of that good rain we had a few weeks ago with be all dried up. Fire danger is going up.

  19. Rain is good as long as it isn't too much
    Visitors are good unless they out stay their welcome

  20. so glad you got some lovely rain....so sorry you have a bear visitor! I'm liking the cool temps too....75 is about my favorite temp!

  21. A bear -- wow! We got a whole month's rain in a day - not so much fun but needed.


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