Monday, June 7, 2021

Still hot

 Our weather is unusual for early June..our average high for this time of year is 75 F.  It was 94 F yesterday but cloudy which makes it seem cooler.  We still need rain.  We fill the bird bath twice a day...and the dog dish that we have outside for Baxter is visited by squirrels and a chippy. 

Far Guy is feeling a tad bit better than he was on Saturday.  I hope he continues to improve...we will see.  The Doctors in Minneapolis are aware that he is not well. 

We had a quiet Sunday.  I started a new project and it is working out according to the will be a success!  We went by my Aunt Anna's Estate Sale and picked up flowers in one cemetery.  In the evening we sat outside and Far Guy helped water the vegetables and the flowers. The lettuce has sprouted. 

Far Side


  1. I was looking at the NOAA drought monitor and most of your state is in some form of drought. Eeks.
    Our area is moderate and where my son lives it is considered severe. What a change of weather after years of excess rain in my part of the state.
    I'm glad to hear FG is doing a tad better. This heat is tough on a lot of people!

  2. Glad Far Guy is a little better at least. Hope he continues to improve. Also glad the new project is working out well.

  3. Still very hot here also and no rain. We are expecting rain this week, so hopefully you will also. Glad Far Guy is feeling a little better.

  4. It's as hot there as it is here! I sure hope Far Guy is feeling better soon.

  5. Same kind of temps here, with 100 predicted for today again. I've pulled my flower pots into shady areas on the deck and porch, but we'll see if they survive.

  6. It seems the heat is everywhere. It's cooler now in Spokane but it was almost 100 last week. I guess it's moved eastward! I'm spending most of my time indoors. I'm gad Far Guy is a bit better. I hope the doctors can soon come up with something to help him permanently.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Temperatures in the low to mid-80s and sometimes a hot wind to stir the air around. Rain would be welcome, especially an all day drizzle.

  8. I'm so glad Far Guy is feeling a tad bit better. Every little bit of 'better' helps!

  9. You hanging basket is beautiful! Hope the heat doesn’t make it droopy.

  10. I will keep your husband in my prayers. Hope you get a break in the weather soon!

  11. That's crazy that your weather is warmer than ours! I have a feeling we are about to get much warmer here soon though.

    I'm glad Far Guy is feeling a little better but I hope he will feel a lot better soon!

  12. Praying that Far Guy continues to improve. We are hot, but it isn't horribly dry. Today it sprinkled and it was like a mist as I was sitting outside.

  13. Glad FarGuy is feeling a little better. When I got shade this afternoon I was out watering my new baby plants. I think this evening will be a good sitting outside time for a while after it cools off a bit. Glad your new project is working well. :)

  14. I hope Far Guy continues to feel better. The heat must be hard on both of you.

  15. Your heat is our heat too. I don't know that you usually have this much heat. I hope the Far Guy is still on meds and he can keep getting stronger. It is nice to get outside in the evening.

  16. I can't believe it! We have hardly gotten into the 80's and you and my family in Iowa are hotter than hades! What strange weather. It has been the coolest, rainiest Spring I've ever seen here. Your flowers are lovely and give my best o Far Guy. I can't wait to see your new project.

  17. I don't think I could deal with it being that hot. We don't have A/C and rarely need it. When it gets to 80, I think we all wilt. Glad to hear FG is feeling a little better.

  18. We've cooled off nicely today and even had a few spits of rain but not nearly enough. Hope your cooler weather follows soon.

    I hope that Far Guy's health will continue to improve. Enjoy your project!

  19. It got very cold here, snow down to 3000 ft in the mountains, in the low 40'e here overnight. We got heavy rain overnight. Now it will gradually warm back up, maybe to 70.

  20. Kindof cold here but not overly cold for me yes long pants are needed but still wearing T shirts or singlet tops

  21. Hopefully Far Guys doctors will figure out something to help him feel better. Such a long time to not feel well. This hot weather is hard on every living thing. Hang in there and stay cool!!

  22. Sure praying for far guy to feel better soon. Yes, we're sharing your very hot weather! Ugh. I don't like it in August, and sure don't like it in June! I can't wait to see your new project. Hope we all get rain!

  23. I think we must have traded weather patterns. Here today, our high was supposed to be 79--although I think the thermometer said 81 outside my kitchen window late in the day. But it's freezing! And tomorrow will be the same. We'll gladly trade you!

    Glad Far Guy is doing a bit better, although it would be nice to see that get way more better, and soon.


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