Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Fun Stuff

 We played Splendor with my baby brother and his bride...I did not win.  Far Guy played the newly refurbished Pin Ball Machines at their lake home.  We got to pet Baxter.  That was pretty much the excitement for the day. 

The Yellow Lady Slippers are blooming along our driveway.  Three blooms is what I counted, two flower stalks were eaten off.   The photo only shows two blooms...note the dreaded Poison Ivy in the lower right corner. 

I have at least three projects going at once, needless to say progress is slow on all of them. 

Far Side


  1. So cool you have these unique wildflowers blooming along your driveway!! Looks like they are reaching for the sun. I suppose if you tried to clear around them, they would also become lunch. Wild flowers are just that, meant to be left wild.

  2. I do so love your Lady Slippers. Sure hope one of these days you win playing Splendor.

  3. Yesterday we hiked a trail and my friend was in shorts. Uffdah, the trail was lined with Poison Ivy. Hopefully he didn't break any leaves!
    I've yet to see ladyslippers, but am happy to get a glimpse of them!
    Sounds like a nice quiet day.

  4. What a great time - enjoying time with family.

  5. Yellow lady slippers always make me think of you.

  6. No better thing than spending time with family doing the simple things. Petting Baxter would be at the top of my list. Poison Ivy. I didn't even see it in the photo until you pointed it out. Yuck!

  7. I would love to play those pinball machines too!

  8. Sounds like a nice slow summer's day. :)

  9. Sounds like the extent of the excitement around here too, Connie, except we have no relatives with which to gather except our adult children and grands.... who don't come over very often. So you folks live a rip-roarin' exciting life. *lol* ~Andrea xoxoxo

  10. The lady slippers always remind me of you. Glad you had some time with family. What projects are you working on?

  11. We all need breaks in our every day of our everyday! Good for you!

  12. I love the yellow lady's slippers. I saw some this spring in a Metro Park which was once a woman's garden.

  13. I hope you stayed well away from the poison ivy getting that shot! I wonder how many of your readers have ever seen a lady slipper “in person”. You are lucky to have them growing near your home.

  14. I do love your Lady Slippers. Lucky you to have your own little patch.

  15. I love seeing the Lady Slippers! How fun to have a refurbished Pin Ball Machine. That would keep Tom busy a long time. It's so nice you can get together with family now.

  16. I'm going to check on my lady slippers tomorrow.

  17. Beautiful lady slippers!
    I live in fear of poison ivy - I got it once about 10 years ago and it was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. I NEVER want it again!


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