Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Tuesday

 Usually Tuesday is a "no mail" day but hey we got a new phone book! 

We had no place we had to be so we could do whatever we wanted all day long.  Far Guy woodcarved, watched birds and held down the fort for a delivery.   I had an adventure spraying Thistle and Poison Ivy and tried a new ant 3 PM I was tired and hungry...had lunch followed by a nap.   Far Guy cooked supper...I woke up from my nap before he could wake me up and say "Supper is ready sweetheart."   I told him he could say it anyway. 

After supper we sat outside watching a mama bird feed her noisy babies.   In the afternoon Far Guy witnessed a Hummingbird chase a Robin and the Robin had something in its mouth.  Not sure what it was...but it was a strange interaction.  

We went for a ride.  We met a very friendly Labradoodle named Louie....he wanted to go for a ride with us!

The potato field is in bloom.   The air smells so fresh and clean after the last rain we got...not many skeeters yet.

We had a really nice Tuesday.

Far Side


  1. That is really nice news from you. So glad you had such a leisurely Tuesday. I went to Bible Study. When I came out it was raining like God had opened the flood gates. We all had to wait for about 15 minutes before i could even attempt to get my car. Streets were flooded and branches down every where. Praise the Lord we all made it home okay.

  2. Those kind of days are the best days.
    I cut down elderberry and burdock for a while in between rains. I am happy it rained but now it can let up for a wee bit!

  3. Yep, that potato field looks like my own little garden patch. We could sure use some rain around here, and that's rare for me to say.

  4. No skeeters is the best news. Minnesota has the largest and most bloodthirsty skeeters I’ve ever seen!

  5. Sounds like a really good day. The mosquitos are out in full force here - I'm usually the last person to get bit but there are so many they aren't be choosy.

  6. Sounds so peaceful , makes me smile.

  7. I'm so glad you had a nice day. :)

  8. Yaaay for carefree days, with the your love!!

  9. What a wonderful Tuesday. It sounds like a nice slow day. Getting things done but with no rush. The no skeeters sounds great!

  10. It’s nice to have a day off …. Even when you’re retired! I think you should have given Louie a ride. He sounds like a Good Boy.

  11. Apparently Robins will raid other bird's nests for baby birds. Robins look sweet but are not exactly so. I hope your Wednesday was as pleasant s Tuesday was. (as so often is the case I'm late in reading blogs again).

  12. That does sound like a nice day at home. Sometimes it's those days that are the best.

  13. We are hot...cooked. I'll try not to send this your way.

  14. Thanks for sharing that quiet nice day!

  15. Sounds like a good day, just making your own agenda. And dinner cooked for you too!

  16. aww so glad you guys had a really nice Tuesday! Rain makes everything seem so fresh! And you got to meet Louie, who wanted a ride in your car! Hope your mosquitoes stay away for a long time yet. We don't have them yet either! Take good care. Hey....I'm typing with two hands again. Got my cast off and stiches out (ouch) today. My arm looks like something from the frankenstein story! Hope it all fades in time!

  17. Thankful for a good day for you both and for the rain.

  18. I don't get to eat french fries anymore so the potatoes in the field will never be eaten by me at McDonald's. I am still curious as to how they grow in Minnesota unless the sandy soil is good for them.

  19. Definitely sounds like a nice Tuesday.


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