Monday, June 14, 2021

Trail Cams and a baby

 We unloaded photos from the two trail cams we have set up in the yard. 

We have night visitors during the month of May... also many Crows and Squirrels. 

No wonder the bird bath is continually turned over or empty.  Far Guy put some tent stakes in the ground to anchor the bird bath.  One day the solar fountain was on the ground. 

Yesterday I mowed the front yard and did some trimming.  Far Guy worked on his new old car, he lost a small spring the other day from the he has spent days looking for it. 

My baby brother and his bride welcomed a new Grand Baby yesterday...a handsome baby boy born in Seattle....we got to see photos!  It is Grand #10 for them!  He maybe visiting Minnesota in August!

Far Side


  1. Well at least it isn't a bear knocking things over? I know how frustrating racoon can be and how much damage they can do.
    Congrats on another grand for your baby brother! Hah. How fun is that? We have 5 grands and that is it, no more.

  2. Better a raccoon than a bear!
    I saw your post about visiting your grandchildren- something I will never do as my only daughter never had children. Lucky you!

  3. I had to chuckle at your complimentary close of your blog post, Connie.... "Fat Side". I know it was a typo but it gave me a good chuckle this morning. :-D I can totally relate about the night time visitors and the disruption they can cause. One year my children bought me a beautiful ceramic birdbath for Mother's Day. I put it out and the following morning the bowl part was knocked over and on the ground... in pieces. I've already had raccoons totally remove anchored-down birdfeeders and haul them away... never to be found again. But they're hungry and that's ok. I've just learned techniques to squash their marauding tendencies. One of those techniques is that I bring in the suet feeders every evening at dusk or they'll be gone by morning. :-) Congratulations to your brother & his wife upon the birth of their new grandchild. I so love babies!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. Congrats on the new baby in your family! That is always fun. The deer have stood on hind legs to pull down the bird feeders as my husband keeps hanging them higher in the trees. They've totally destroyed one so far.

  5. Always fun (and sometimes not) to see what trail cam's pick up when we are not looking. Not a fan of coons. Hope your brother visits in August and that carburetor spring turns up.

  6. It is always fun to look at the night visitors! Congrats on the new baby.

  7. I've always wanted to do some game camera but have never pulled the trigger.

  8. Due to construction in our area, the raccoons fled to our street a few years ago. My husband spent a long time designing and constructing an elaborate locking shelter for our trash cans. It has outsmarted them, but I cannot figure out how to open it either, LOL. I bet they are all searching for water, as dry as you are.

    Congratulations on the new family member! I hope he can come to visit this summer.

  9. Congratulations on the new addition to the extended family.

  10. Yay! Babies are so much fun! I love seeing what comes through our yard on the night cam.

  11. Night visitors always seem to be trouble makers. Congratulations to your brother and his bride on the birth of their new grandbaby!

  12. I sure enjoy seeing your nocturnal visitors. And congratulations on the new addition to the family! :-)

  13. No deer visitors here, but raccoons - yes.
    I would love to be able to put a GoPro camera on our neighborhood cat to see where he goes. He seems to have quite a visiting circuit.
    Seattle welcomes your new family baby!

  14. I love seeing your trail cam pictures. It must be fun checking to see the surprise night time visitors. Congratulations on the new baby in the family!

    It's so aggravating when you lose something small like that spring. Does Far Guy have one of those magnets on an extendable stick? He could run that all over the area and even inside the engine compartment and might find the spring. I love those magnets.

  15. I'm not sure if the camera my son put up is the same kind of camera but he recently put one up because we had kids go through our outside chest freezer. Thankfully after they took what they wanted they actually shut it again. It would have been a lot worse if they'd left it open.

  16. I looked out our dining room window late Saturday night. A rabbit was close to the porch, a raccoon was eating dropped sunflower seed under the bird feeder, and a deer was grazing under the pear trees. All three very close to the house. And our dog was asleep on the other side of the house!
    Have a wonderful week!

  17. Always nice to have a new baby in the family!
    I'm sure all the critters are thirsty.
    Racoons don't think about anybody else, though--LOL! ;)

  18. Racoons can be a big nuisance.

  19. I hope he found the spring. Probably irreplaceable with the age of his bomb!

  20. Fun to see the night visitors. I did get myself a solar fountain; quite enjoying it in the back yard but the silly birds don't seem to have found it. Perhaps I need to put out some seed in the feeder as well to entice them.

    Good luck to Far Guy in finding that missing spring. Congrats to the entire family of the new baby. My cousin and her husband became grandparents again yesterday as well.

  21. How nice to hear about an addition to your extended family! That's always a reason to celebrate. Hope you get to see them in August!

  22. Congratulations on the new little family member. Babies are so great. Loved the trail cam shots too. Racoons can cause such a ruckus can't they?

  23. My neighbor decided that it was an owl that took out the one rabbit. I would like to see the neighbor cats that come over at night. We had a raccoon once last summer.


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