Monday, May 24, 2021

White Blooms

 We have some new blooms.   Sure hope it doesn't freeze.    That is a real possibility later this wary of the super flower blood moon Wednesday and there will be a partial lunar eclipse visible in our area early Wednesday morning...then the moon sets below our horizon for the total eclipse.  (Friday it is forecast to get down to 38 F ...that could be a freezing night for sure) 

Chokecherries in full bloom. 

This is another bloomer. 

These upright blooms belong to a Hawthorn...yes it has long spiky thorns.  Most people call it a Maythorn around here it is called a thornapple ...woodcarvers use the twigs for stems of flowers they carve.   It will get berries that the birds will eat. 

Yesterday we watched church and made a big batch of Baked Beans for the Summer.  I soaked the beans; pintos and northern beans overnight.  We cook them up add lots of secret ingredients and when they are cool we package them into servings for two...they will be a side dish over the summer when it is too hot to cook...they will accompany some brats or hamburgers on the grill.

Far Side



  1. The blossoms are so pretty. Lilacs are in bloom around here now. Hopefully I get a chance to see the moon and eclipse this time around. Take care.

  2. I too hope it doesn't freeze and damage those pretty blooms. It looks like the southeast is going to bake for awhile.

  3. Looks like there will be lots of chokecherries this year from all the pretty blooms we saw over the weekend, also current. Do you have current in your area? Those beans sound yummy. Never thought of making a large batch & putting in freezer. You'll have to share your secret ingredients some day. Karen

    1. No currants. My secret is I never measure what I add to the beans!

  4. I never thought I would say this but I am a tad tired of Spring. Come on SUMMER!

  5. I hope the blossoms survive. Smart to make the beans ahead of time. :)

  6. The spring blossoms are so pretty! On my walks, I often stop and take a deep breath to enjoy the perfume.

    Yum, baked beans! My mom used to make them in her bean pot. I've never made them though so your secret is safe with me. :)

  7. Lots of blooming plants around here finally too! I hope your temps don't dip that low again until fall arrives.

  8. Pretty blooms and a great idea for the beans. I laughed out loud when I read your answer as to what your secret ingredients are. It's so hot and humid here I don't think we need to worry about freezing.
    Hope you two have a great Monday!
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. We do the same thing only we don't soak the beans, we pressure can them. When we need a jar, we just pop the top, heat and serve.

  10. I love the white flowers! The simplest things I don't even think of. I only make baked beans when we have a crowd - because my recipe feeds a crowd. Why not make up a big batch and freeze in portions of two? Genius!

  11. Those are some beautiful blooms. I sure hope you don't get a freeze! You are smart to prepare and freeze those beans. That's a welcome addition to summer meals.

  12. Pretty blooms!
    We keep an assortment of dry beans on hand - I am cooking some for supper tonight, and there will be enough to put in the freezer for later.

  13. Glad you are getting to enjoy a few blooms. Beans sound really good.

  14. Those hugs with the grandsons sure are precious, aren't they? After such a long wait!! We had a frost/freeze warning several nights week before last. But nothing since so hopefully this will be cold weather's last hurrah for you folks too, until late autumn... which will come far too fast, won't it. ~Andrea xoxo

  15. I use the same secret ingredients in my baked beans too!! Molasses is one ingredient that must not be missed according to my family.

  16. Now the bean Idea is a winner. I like home bakes beans.

  17. I thought that was a white lilac...I have one that came up in my yard and it smells great! Chokecherry? Are there berries? Edible?
    I have some weed trees in the back with big long thorns on them! I have to chop them down. I learn so much from you.
    Also, freezing in small batches would be great as I have a recipe that makes a bunch and I love them but it would be nice to have them for sides in the summer like you said.

    1. Yes the berries are edible but not the seeds. I make jelly. I extract the juice from the berries.

  18. I think we will have a bumper crop of chokecherries this year if the hail doesn't get to them first.

  19. Lovely blooms, cold here in the morning

  20. Love your white blooms! Your beans sound delish! Yes this looks like a cold week including thru Memorial Day Weekend.

  21. Oh, I hope it didn't freeze!
    My baked beans come from a can, but I was very annoyed that Safeway did not have my favorite brand last week. I like B&M Original.

  22. Here's hoping it doesn't freeze out your way this week!

  23. We buy our baked beans and I get to wash all of the sauce of them before I get to eat them. The beans hold some of the flavor but not as much as that great sauce has.

  24. White Hawthorn is very medicinal. It helps in heart failure (heart tonic) and prevents angina pectoris. Used with echinacea it fights contagious diseases that affect the respiratory system. Hawthorn tea from the flowers leaves and fruit can help with weight loss.


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