Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Just Hanging Around

 Far Guy has been resting.   He was feeling a bit better last night...but nowhere near normal.  He has a Video Appointment with his Doctor in the Cities today. 

I got out the wasp nests that I crocheted last winter.  I used Mod Podge on them and hung them outside to dry. 

I collected them last night. 

They are all stiff now and should repel water to a certain extent...so they should last about three years. 

They work real well for us at keeping those pesky Wasps with the painful stings out of our area.  They say they will protect quite a large area...the wasps that come through notice the nests and move along...works for me.   I have one hanging under the back desk, one near the Sauna and will add another one or two  around the yard.  The rest will go to my brothers. 

Far Side


  1. I didn't have much of a problem with them last year, the ones that can be a pain are the European Wasps. Well, I think that is their name.
    I'd think twice about those nests even as a human! They look pretty real!
    Hope things improve today.

  2. I'm glad Far Guy is doing a little better at least. Hopefully he'll keep improving until he ends up better than he was before he had it done. Fingers crossed for a positive video call appointment today.

  3. They look so "real". Good work on making them.. Prayers being sent for Far Guy.

  4. I hope FG can figure out why he's in so much worse shape after this procedure that was supposed to help him. Glad he's got a chance to talk to the doctor, at least. Those wasp nests sure do look real!

  5. Best of luck to Far Guy with his appointment. I hope they can do something to help him feel better.

  6. Very cool wasp nests. I'm gladd Far Guy is feeling a bit better.

  7. I always thought that was sort of a wives tale. Fortunately we don't have much of a problem with wasps. They do build the occasional next under our eaves around our house but if it gets to be a problem I just go out in early morning when they are sluggish and knock it to the ground. They usually move on at that point.

  8. Good gosh, I hope today's doctor can help out with all this. It sounded like a procedure that should have made life a lot easier, not harder!

  9. Soon! Very soon I will modgepodge my nests (THANK YOU) and hang them on our house! You are just the most wonderful of friends. My prayers for FarGuy are said everyday.

  10. I'm certainly that Far Guy is able to get some answers from his doctors and is feeling better soon.

    While I've never seen a wasp around here (knock wood), your nests look pretty darn real to me.

  11. I wish we could keep illness at bay as easily as those wasp nests keep the wasps away.

  12. I hope the video appointment goes well and that FarGuy will be better off in the end than he was before the surgery. Very stressful for you both. At least you shouldn't have to worry about wasps adding to your stress--LOL! Hurray! Brilliant idea--whoever came up with it. :)

  13. Your yard looks like it could be a movie, "Attack of the Wasps"!

    I hope the Video Appointment with his Doctor is helpful. I'm keeping Far Guy in my prayers.

  14. So glad FarGuy is feeling at least a little better. I will pray for his appointment coming up. I love those crocheted wasps nests you make. Genius!!! ~Andrea xoxo

  15. I wonder if they repel red wasps?

  16. I made one and now I can't find it! LOL! Typical of me. I never thought of the modpodge...good idea! My daughter wants some so I need to find the pattern too. Yours look great! A real fortress!

  17. Sounds like a good idea. the yellow jackets can be a big nuisance.

  18. I missed you last post so I went back to see what the procedure was. Hopefully his lung doctors can help.
    I'm surprised that the fake wasps nests actually trick wasps. We have yellow jackets. Are those your kind of wasps too. Here they nest in the ground.

    1. WE have some of those too but more of a concern are Paper Wasps and Hornets who build nests that look like the ones I crocheted. https://plunketts.net/blog/difference-between-wasp-yellowjacket-and-hornet

  19. Keeping the prayers going for far guy. Hope he learns something from his video conference with the doctor today. Glad to hear your wasp nests are working. What a great idea they are.

  20. I sure hope FG's video appointment today was helpful.
    Wasps and bees were part of the reason for enclosing our back porch. We eat outside already and will until Autumn temperatures drive us indoors. It seemed we would no sooner sit down and those darn wasps would be after our food.

  21. I hope the video call was helpful today and Far Guy was able to get much needed helpful medical advice.
    I need to crochet a few of those wasp nests for our deck, but especially Dennis's Mom. They keep building nests in her mailbox! Then, you reach in for mail and they come at you. I'm going to go back and look for your pattern.
    Blessings and hugs,

  22. Fingers & Toes crossed that Far Guy finds some relief soon. How frustrating to go through a procedure that is suppose to help you, and doesn't. I modpodged my nests yesterday, they are drying in my garage :) Looking forward to hanging them!! I have noticed a few wasps flying around already. Great photos!!

  23. It is interesting to know the wasps are fooled by those things. I am glad he got a video visit so they know how he is doing.


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