Friday, May 28, 2021


 We bought a solar fountain to put into the birdbath.  

It gives us much enjoyment!   Old folks are easily entertained! 

Hopefully blogger will let me upload an image...I have a new photo editing was an app ( Pixelmaker Pro)....I don't have it all figured out yet...what can I say...I am still learning! (Not sure how I got the water blue)

Have you played the game Splendor?   Jen and Andy introduced us to the game.  I ordered one.   

I watched two shows on Netflix this week Greater and soul surfer I give them both a 10...excellent movies!  For my series I began watching Heartland....I should be reading more as bookclub is next week...I am reading The Radium Girls.

I mowed the side and back yards and some of the Wild Gardens yesterday after grocery pickup.  Mowing was a dirty job again. 

I took my Dad to Bingo and I won 57 dollars so we got our money back...breaking even is a good thing. 

Far Side


  1. Glad you won at Bingo. Love the new fountain. My neighbor has one in their yard. I mowed this week also - grass was wet and over 7 inches long; nasty job . Have a great weekend.

  2. Gosh, all such fun news. I love the bird bath. And I love that you and dad won at bingo! Hoping for a few minutes to watch some Netflix this weekend.

  3. I like the fountain and yay for the $57 win! Enjoy the weekend. :)

  4. Have you seen a bird in the bird bath since you put that fountain in there? I ask because my wife put one in there a few weeks ago too and I haven't seen a bird in there since. But since we have plenty of moisture elsewhere, they may not be that hard up yet to want to use it.

    1. Yes birds, squirrels and deer still drink the water:)

    2. Funny you say that. This morning ours was completely dry. The only thing I could come up with was that the deer drank from it.

  5. Yayyyyyyyyy on your winning bingo, Connie!!! Congratulations!! I've been thinking about getting a solar bird bath thingy too. Let us know how it goes with that as time goes on, would you? Thank you for the game suggestion. We're *always* appreciative of those firsthand reviews. Back when I still had a Facebook account (I closed it over a year ago now), someone suggested The Radium Girls to me. I never read it but it's still on my list of possible books to get from the library. Let us know how you like it. May you get rain soon, to calm down your soil. We got a heavy soaking last night... just what we needed. ~Andrea XOXO

  6. Yay! - for winning something at bingo. I won $5 total. Love the little bird fountain. Karen

  7. I've never heard of a solar fountain. I must look for one.

  8. I have been wanting to purchase one of those solar fountains. What brand did you go with?

    1. It was a cheap one from Walmart Ikayaa is the brand

  9. You won just enough to keep you coming back. The bird bath fountain is quite clever and I'm guessing the birds will love it. Have a great weekend!

  10. Soul Surfer is an excellent movie. I like that YOU and Your Dad WON! Radium Girls the movie is a tad boring.

  11. Replies
    1. HI!! So good to see your comment! It made my day!

  12. What a neat idea to keep the water moving in the bird bath. I'll have to see if I can find one!

    Never heard of Splendor and I'm too impatient to watch a movie. I started watching Frankie and Grace (or is Grace and Frankie?) on Netflix - managed 3 episodes over a few weeks and haven't gone back. Nothing wrong with the show, I rarely think to look for it.

    Congrats on the bingo win! It's always nice to break even.

  13. I haven’t heard of Splendor. I’ll check into it. I think you would enjoy The Good Girls on Netflix.

  14. Splendor? Never heard of it. Must be fun if you got your own game. Glad you enjoyed time with your dad and even won some mula at bingo! Mowing is a dirty job for sure. Grass cuttings seem to find their way into the most unusual places *^*

  15. Never heard of the game Splendor.
    Love that water fountain!!
    Congrats on the breaking even at Bingo.
    Heartland! I got through about three seasons, I think, and then seemed to forget about it. Thanks for reminding me. Was pretty good as far as I had watched. :)

  16. I like the fountain in the birdbath. Dennis is packing my birdbath in the POD and I may look for one when it arrives.
    It's cold and damp here today. Not much geographical distance between us but lots of rain here and none for you.
    I've never heard of Splendor either. I'll have to check it out. Piper and I have been playing a lot of UNO.

  17. Congratulations on your bingo win! I love your solar fountain. Do the birds like the running water? I've been thinking about getting one as I think they are improving on them and the cost is coming down. I think I'll check out the game Splendor. I've not heard of it but I love games. Enjoy your weekend!

  18. With our regular TV series ending, I will be looking for other entertainment. I have the series Heartland on my list.
    I had no trouble posting photos on Blogger just now.

  19. HA! So Blogger was being a big meanie to everyone yesterday. They would not let me upload my photos either. I thought it was a connection problem. Things seem sorted out today though... A day later. never played Splendor. I'm more into real time strategy games. But I do like to branch out from time to time.

  20. I have never played bingo
    The fountain looks great

  21. I'm glad to have some new Netflix movies to watch, thanks for the recommendations. I'm watching The Kominsky Method right now, season 3 just came available.

  22. Whoa....good job winning at Bingo....that's always fun! Love the sound of your new birdbath solar fountain....hope the birds like it too! This is the last night we have to cover our flowers due to frost....luckily we can just lug ours inside! Take care.

  23. That's a neat fountain. I wonder if we get enough sunshine to make it work. I will check them out at Walmart.
    Nice that you won at Bingo.

  24. Bingo, you win. That is a good deal. I have seen those fountains on the net but I still haven't ordered one. Stay tough Far Guy. He probably is out walking me.

  25. I want a solar fountain! I was thinking about you yesterday while filling the birdbath. Remember when Far Guy hung a watering can over your birdbath and I copied your idea. It was so cute. I have since changed things...again. :)

  26. Woohoo — big win! We had that same little solar fountains last summer and loved it. Except they didn’t work for long. I hope yours do better cuz they are fun.

  27. Congrats on the Bingo win! I got a bubbler for my bird bath as I heard the hummers like them but I haven't put it out there's not waterproof....duh! I am on episode 115 of 215, I think, of it! Thanks for the movie recommendations...I always love the ones you suggest! Can you play Splendor by yourself? LOL!

  28. I also bought a fountain for the bird bath. It seems to cause the water to evaporate really quickly though. :(


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