Friday, May 14, 2021


 Far Guy used to raise Strawberry was in the edible it became his "thing" along with all the vegetable starts and Native Plants.

When the neighbor kids came by selling coupons for hanging baskets for school sports programs he bought one. 

It is a beauty it has both flowers and fruits. 

For now it is out on the patio being moved in an out depending on our night time temperatures.  

Sure hope we get some rain soon as it is very dry here. 

Far Side


  1. Says posibility of rain for the next three days here--but only 20-40%. Very dry here, too. Been having fire warnings. Strawberry plant looking good! :)

  2. I have always liked Strawberry baskets. Such an easy way to grow strawberries. Far Guys basket looks great.

  3. I love the idea of strawberry baskets. Hope the two of you are having a beautiful day.

  4. I haven't seen a strawberry basket in years. Sounds like a great school fundraiser. It was raining when I fell asleep last night. I haven't gone out to check the rain gauge yet, but things are still wet outside. We need rain badly too.

  5. It sure looks nice and healthy!

  6. Gorgeous plant! We're in the extreme fire rating here - it's so very dry. My spruce trees have been dropping needles like crazy. Nothing much in the forecast either. :( Fingers crossed we both see rain soon.

  7. There is already a "burn ban" at the lake in Washington. That doesn't usually happen until July or August. It does not bode well for fire season.
    It's been dry here too. It was supposed to rain all night but it didn't. I'm running the sprinkler right now beause we fertilzed two days ago and I didn't water it becaue it was supposed to rain heavily and it never id.

  8. I think I may have to nudge my wife into planting a strawberry hanging basket instead of the ones that just flower, die and left for me to dispose of in the late fall.

  9. Yes, I agree with Martha.... Far Guy's strawberries look nice and healthy. Yummy days ahead! ~Andrea xoxo

  10. We had showers yesterday so You know what's coming.

  11. That will be fun to watch them grow and bear fruit. We had to large strawberry beds down on the farm when I was a kid. We had two large strips of them and we picked a lot of strawberries.

  12. Those are going to taste great and it won’t be too long before they are ready. Watch out for the birds though!

  13. I love strawberries and would sure enjoy a basket like that. The great thing about it is when you grow them yourself you know they don't have dangerous chemicals on them. I see many sweet desserts for you two this summer!

  14. We signed my granddaughter up for something at Lowe's and she got a free strawberry plant. Nothing like a homegrown strawberry!

  15. Strawberries are one of my favourites! I hope to plant lots at the new place!

  16. Oh, that would be a fun plant to have. Hope you get some rain.

  17. Your strawberry basket will be fun. You don't have to crawl on the ground to pick the berries!
    It's getting dry here too.

  18. whoa that is a beauty of a strawberry basket! that's wonderful....hope you enjoy many strawberries from that beauty! It's starting to warm up here and we sure need rain too. It's in our forecast about 7 days in a row next week....sure hope it amounts to something!

  19. I've tried a couple of times to grow strawberries with no luck. Makes me sad because we love them and they are pricey in the stores.

  20. That's a lovely healthy-looking strawberry plant!!

  21. I love strawberries, so wish I lived where people were delivering baskets of them like that... I'd be happy to help with the fundraising. ;)

    If I could, I'd send you some of our rain. We almost always get loads of it.

  22. Nice basket. Homegrown strawberries are the best!! I've grown a bed of them most my adult life. My lucky kids grew up eating strawberry freezer jam. No Smuckers in my household. I planted strawberries in a raised bed last year. Fingers & toes crossed they begin to produce. We are super dry too, finally getting some rain today. Hope you get some water works as well.

  23. Our strawberries in the garden are in flower, but I worry about a paucity of bees. Where are those guys?


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