Wednesday, May 5, 2021

A Turkey

 It is Turkey Hunting season.  This one found sanctuary in our yard. 

Far Guy saw him out the window and I grabbed my I shot him with my camera. 

We are not seeing as many turkeys as in previous years. 

Far Guy is about the same...a bit better no worse. 

Far Side


  1. Shooting with a camera is my favorite way to shoot turkey. Keeping the prayers coming for Far guy.

  2. Our turkey season goes on and on and on. I think until June 1st and is done with a lottery I guess. The gobbler guys were really busy earlier this year than last so I don't know how calling a Tom will work.
    It used to be only 4 days a week for 3 weeks and now it is 6 days a week for 6 weeks. Our turkey population is booming, but that is because there is so much for them to eat on the cropland.
    Good to hear that FG is doing a tiny bit better.

  3. Two of my grandsons went to their other grandparents to hunt turkeys last weekend. I asked if they "got" any, the answer was "no". I asked if they saw any and the answer was "No but we heard them. It was like they were taunting us!" Glad Far Guy is no worse, praying that he starts to move toward better very soon.

  4. Baby steps. I feel better about a little bit better. Now we just have to pray for a lot bit better.

  5. We haven't seen as many turkeys as usual either. Normally we would see a whole flock moving through the neighborhood. But not this year. I keep thinking it's because we've had mountain lion sightings in the area. But I could be wrong.

  6. We had flocks of turkeys running around Spokane. People always enjoyed it unless it was their yard the entire flock decided to roost,(and poop), in. Good news on Far Guy. I'll keep praying.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. That's a big bird! I'm sure he's grateful you used your camera to shoot him.

    Glad to hear FG is no worse, but it must be worrisome. Take care.

  8. I haven't seen any down here but I saw a lot when I lived in Iowa! Good shot! I am praying for your family....for Gene and those who love him and are worried about hi you. Take care.

  9. A bit better sounds good.
    Wonder why less turkeys--may just be hiding away better.

  10. Hunting and shooting with my camera is the only way I'd hunt. Still saying prayers for Far Guy!

  11. Turkeys went from being rare sightings in my childhood to being almost pests like ants at a picnic. In fact, I've chased off several into the woods the last couple times I went out mushroom hunting. Despite this, I prefer shooting them with a camera because wild turkey just isn't as tasty as domesticated turkey, something I probably wouldn't say for any other species of animal or food source.

  12. Great shot of the turkey. Glad you did not use bullets. LOL.

  13. I've missed checking your blog for a few days. I am glad Far Guy is a little better. I hope tomorrow is a little better than today. It is heartfelt when our husbands are not feeling well, especially as we all get older. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Terry is very ill also. I can't post anything now for I'm at the hospital. After several long days we finally know what he has...pneumonia in both lungs (completely full) and gallbladder disease. As soon as the pneumonia is gone or at least better they will operate. Friday morning at 6:30 is the scheduled date.
    I hope FAR GUY gets to feeling better very soon. VERY SOON.
    Hugs to you both.

    1. Oh no my prayers are for healing for Terry and I am sending you a hug!

  15. Turkey season has been open here for weeks also. Why, I wonder, are turkeys hunted in the spring, breeding season??? I don’t think any other animals are so it doesn’t make sense to me. We enjoyed seeing a few of the beautiful big toms earlier in the spring with their glorious tails and blue and red thingies. Anyway, thoughts and prayers for FG’s recovery to speeeeeeed up.

  16. Hope Far Guy improves, sending thoughts & prayers!

  17. I'm glad to hear he's a little better. Praying he keeps going in the right direction. That's a big turkey and that's also the way I would shoot him!

  18. I do hope that bird knows a camera shot doesn't hurt. Prayers for FG.

  19. We saw turkeys when we were house hunting a while ago. I grew up in and area with lots of wild turkeys, so it always makes me happy to see them.

    I'm sorry to hear about Far Guy - sending him lots of good healing thoughts!

  20. It's turkey season here too, but I'm not hearing any banging. The turkey's tend to hand out in folks yards. They know how to be safe.

  21. A bit better and not worse...a small improvement is better than none.
    Positive healing thoughts and prayers, GM

  22. Praying for far guy.....that he gets better and better! What a nice turkey trotting thru your yard! Fun to see! Thanks for the pic!

  23. You aren't seeing as many turkeys as last year because they all flew to California and are hiding out in my back yard!!!

  24. I wonder if wild turkeys are any good to eat. Run, turkey, run.
    Best wishes to FG.

  25. Glad Far Guy isn't any worse anyhow.

    With a camera is the best way to shoot a turkey in my opinion. I expect the turkey agrees.


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