Friday, February 5, 2021


 It is turning downright cold...freeze your butt off cold....sub zero cold with horrid wind chills.  So we are hibernating at home. 

 Grocery pick up was great, just a brand swap on bread.  

Far Guy made a list for groceries...he said he may as well cook up some Seafood Gumbo.  Miracle of miracles everything he needed was available.  I am not a huge fan of Gumbo...I will have it once the day he makes it...maybe with some fresh bread!  It is one of his favorite freezer meals.

Book Club was a good discussion on the trials and tribulations of pioneer life in 1877 North Dakota;  An Untamed Land by Lauraine Snelling.  The book to read for the March meeting is My Life with Martin Luther King Jr by Coretta Scott King. 

For something new this week, I took out the cards that were a gift from Jen. 

Can you see the faint design?  It is is a new kind of stamp that allows you to see the outline of the design. It is called Fadeout, no line coloring detail ink.

This one was created with Prismacolor pencils and a lot of glitter.

This one was created using Tombow watercolor markers and just a bit of glitter. 

I have some Arteza water based markers and some good old pan watercolors to try the next time I decide to play with these cards. ( Jen pre stamped ten cards for me, five different designs.)

Stay safe and warm out there! 

Far Side 


  1. I *love* your cards!! You did a beautiful job on them! I've got some supplies out to make some Valentine cards this weekend. I don't work much with stamps but have watched several YouTube videos of people who do. Arteza sure has taken over the market with art supplies of every kind, haven't they? I remember when they started out with markers and went hog wild after those were successful. They're affordable and come in multi-color sets, which is so handy. Thank you for showing us what's on your art table. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Bitter cold here also. Love the stamping designs Stay safe and warm.

  3. Looks like you have enough to keep occupied for a while. We are expecting cold weather for the next ten days, nothing as cold as you get when you have cold weather, but cold for us. Might even get down to zero!

  4. Seafood gumbo sounds delicious! I love the beautiful cards and so glad grocery pick up went well for a change. Bundle up and stay warm!

  5. Stay inside and enjoy your painting! The cards look fun!!

  6. Good idea to have lots of projects to keep busy in such nasty weather. My art supplies sit neglected.....

  7. The deep freeze has arrived here too and will get even colder. And yes - I plan to hibernate as well. I plan to run a couple of errands over my lunch break from work today, but then I'm hoping not to have to leave the house for a week. LOL Those cards are sure pretty. I imagine it's relaxing to add the color and sparkle, and fun to try out different pens.

  8. Hibernating - yes we are too! Stay warm!

  9. The cards are lovely! Yes, the cold is here and it's going to stick around for at least a week. I've been checking the long range and the Farmer's Almanac has been almost perfect in the forecast for January and now February. It's calling for less cold weather by the end of the month.

    Take care, stay well!

  10. You are so talented. It's always fun to see what you are creating.

  11. Brrrr. That’s real winter! Congrats on an almost perfect Wal-Nuts pickup. We fared pretty well this week, too.

  12. Beautiful cards.
    I've been out this morning with mittens/goggles/and insulated coveralls to do the chores. The sun is shining, it is super cold, and the equine are warm under their fuzzy coats. Count me very very happy!
    I'm happy not to have to go anywhere.

  13. Beautiful cards! We are waiting for the "Polar Vortex" to get down our way next week. It won't be nearly as cold in North Texas as it is up there, but it will be very cold for us! Down in the low teens.

  14. I'll be sending you very cold weather for a week or two.

  15. The cards are gorgeous! Jen sure knows what her Mom enjoys for a gift. We've got a big cold front moving in here too. It comes in tomorrow and stays all week from what they are saying. We may see our first below 0 temps of the year with snow Saturday thru Monday. I know your cold is much worse than ours so stay in and warm and safe! I've got homemade soup on the menu for next week!

  16. The cards are beautiful. :-). I've never had seafood gumbo, but I'm not huge into fish unless it's deep fried! Like shrimp, clam strips, etc. The Oregon coast has a restaurant called Mo's that makes it all wonderfully. Also fresh tuna caught that day. Yum.
    We're supposed to get really cold, (for us), this weekend with lows in the single digits. Today though, is still beautiful blue skies and mid-thirties. I'm going to take Chloe for a long walk this afternoon and enjoy it.

  17. Wow! Those are not easy to see! You did a really nice job with them. Fun to try out different mediums on them. What a great gift!

    We are supposed to be basically below zero for a week or so--brrr! I went out to get bird seed and stuff for Annie food in my garage freezer a couple days ago so I can hibernate, too. ;)

  18. Our predicted "cold snap" next week will get us down below freezing at night, but not too far below, and highs in the thirties. Cold for us, but far from Minnesota cold. Gumbo sounds like good cold weather food. I'm making Pozole today.

  19. My sisters in Manitoba have been telling me all about their winter which has so far been mild but now has changed to nasty. Possibly the same systems you get.
    Keep warm.

  20. Now that's cold! Stay safe and warm!

    Glad the grocery pickup went so well, and you've been enjoying some crafty fun again while hibernating.

  21. Nice cards
    I w ondeer if I would still sweat in such weather

  22. The wind today had a definite “bite” and it took forever to shake the chill once I got inside. My grocery order went well this week, too. Love the cards!

  23. What pretty cards! It is freeeezing here too. My grandchildren invited me over this weekend to see their basement remodel and I turned them down. I told them I will not be leaving my house until next Tuesday or Wednesday. They were stumped as we have snow perfect for sledding.

  24. Ooooh love your pretty, glittery cards....they're awesome! So Far Guy is cooking gumbo....good for him. At least you'll eat it once! Sure is cold for the next eight days or so....can't wait for the warm up!!!

  25. What lovely cards! A perfect and creative thing to do when it's so cold outside!

  26. Your cards are so pretty! Thanks for sharing your passion with me. :-)

  27. I'm not a big gumbo fan either, but if someone else is cooking, who am I to complain? Your cards are just beautiful!

  28. Homemade soup and fresh bread hot out of the oven: the perfect antidote to a freezing cold, dreary winter day! Even if it is gumbo.

  29. I'm not sure I've ever had gumbo so not sure I would like it or not. I'm not a big seafood person unless it's crab legs (big ones) dipped in butter)....yum! I'm not one to participate in book clubs but I usually like the books they choose so I wrote them down. So you go in person or Zoom? Love your new cards! How do you put the glitter on? Glue?

    1. Zoom meeting online! The glitter glue comes in a small bottle or tube...I have several different kinds.

  30. The design makes it fun to create whatever you want. You got some good results.


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