Saturday, February 13, 2021


 Friday morning it was -35 when Far Guy got up...I asked "How cold is it out there?"  He said -35 so I covered up and went back to sleep while watching the morning news.  

I eventually got up and cleaned the bathroom, did some laundry and dusted. 

My other baby brother delivered our mail.  I poked my nose out to get the mail...brrrr. 

While cooking supper I kept announcing the falling temperatures...-14 to -20 when we did the dishes.  Announcing the dropping temperatures irritates someone I love ...but I do it anyway...I think he expects it.  

We are warm and cozy.  The new furnace seems warmer than the old furnace...another heat register was added upstairs.  It is noisy in a different way...but quieter than the old furnace...this one sounds like a jet engine warming up.  I CAN hear the television over the noise of this one...

My new computer ( I Mac) came during the furnace adventure...we may set it up today if we feel like having a technological adventure.  We have not unpacked the box yet.  My old computer (Windows 7) still works but it has driver issues and is slow as a turtle crossing the road on a summer day.  We will set up the old computer across the room until I have some photo files transferred.  I plan to transfer some photos by flashdrive and then load them on the new computer. Like I said it will be an adventure. 

In the meantime here is a puzzle for you. 

Stay safe and warm! 

Far Side


  1. The meteorologists keep predicting Zero here but so far it hasn't happened. We are getting more snow this year than we have had in several years. The children are enjoying it...snowmen, sledding, ice skating, snowball battles.

  2. I want an iMac. I hope you’ll do a review.

  3. That puzzles looks like an actual picture. Gorgeous! And I'm so glad you're warm.... minus 35* is awfully doggone cold! ~Andrea xoxo

  4. I'll be interested in your adventures with the IMac. One of the reasons I won't/can't switch is many of the photo editing programs I have won't work with Apple software.
    However I am so happy you have heat! I keep announcing the temps outside too. And then hubby asks when I get inside if maybe I shouldn't go sunbathing...with a wink.

  5. So glad you are warm and cozy! Have fun with the new computer adventure :)

  6. It’s been (nothing like so cold as where you are but) so cold here that parts of the Thames have frozen. Even near London.
    Our boiler makes such a racket sometimes half the house vibrates. I do wish it wouldn’t.

  7. I remember when we got a new furnace maybe 5 years ago. It sounded like a jet plane revving up too. We thought that was odd, made the guys come back and they tweeked it but it still sounds like that. We got used to it. Glad it's warmer, it's probably more efficient too. You might see a reduction in your heat bill! :) Well. Maybe not THIS year, after all -35 takes a lot more out of a furnace than

  8. It's currently only -2 here in southeastern SD. The next 3 nights are expected to be 15-20 below zero. We've survived so much worse, so I guess I should quit worrying about it shouldn't I? It's a good excuse to just stay home and sew.

  9. Brr. thanks for sharing the cold with us in Ontario! It was 0.5 in the basement when I got up this morning. The wood furnace had burned out. The oil furnace didn't kick in because the little wood stove in the livingroom was still puffing away. Oh my goodness that was a close call.

  10. Getting a new computer going ain't easy. Good luck.

  11. Cannot imagine that kind of cold!
    Pretty spring-like puzzle to enjoy on a cold day - Thanks!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. You’ll love the Mac and the ease of its setup.

  13. Be interesting to see what you think of the Imac. Personally, I wouldn't even walk by the walled garden that is Apple, let alone go in as you have. You are an old dog that is gonna have to learn a LOT of new tricks.

  14. I'm so glad that you got the new furnace before the really, really cold temps. We still have no running water. The parks water spigot is frozen solid, which in turn, burnt up our heated hose. We got 15 gallons of water from our camping friends and Dennis is going to try to put them in the tank so we at least have some water. Fun times. Four more days of below freezing before it begins to be above 32 during the day. It's an adventure! (I keep telling myself that anyway.)

  15. Love your puzzle picture! I got my husband a new ipad for Christmas. He hasn't taken it out of the box yet.

  16. So nice of baby brother to get your mail for you. That would be one long cold walk!
    Glad you have your new jet plane furnace. Whew! This cold isn't letting up for a while yet.

  17. Thank you for your pretty Valentine's Day header. And that is just incredibly cold. I guess the entire country is in a deep freeze, but not like yours! :-)

  18. I do the same thing to Tom - announce the temperatures as they fall! It is good to hear the new furnace is working well. I'm looking forward to hearing how you like your new computer. I'm not an Apple person myself but I hear they are easy to set up. You two stay inside and warm!

  19. Good luck setting up the new computer. I'm so hopeless with anything technological that I wouldn't have a hope.
    Really lovely puzzle!!

  20. So glad you got that furnace and it is working great for you! A new computer is always an adventure. I was going to order groceries today but there is no pickup until next Thursday because of the coming storm here. They are swamped evidently. But I am fine as I hoard food and supplies anyway. I'm going to have to let the faucets drip though because they don't bury the pipes very deep here. I'm excited....8-12 inches, 2 storms....a week long extravaganza! Happy Valentine's Day to me! I've been cleaning. Any and the boys and I are always calling each other with weather updates as we love weather. Stay warm!!!

  21. I am not cold because of summer and all and it never gets that cold here.
    Hope your Natasha's birthday day aka Valentine's Day

  22. We think it's cold at +25, our low last night, and cold enough to snow!

  23. Good luck with the new computer. I've never used a Mac so I'd be lost initially trying to use it. I'd be calling my daughter every 15 minutes!

    I'm so glad your furnace was installed, just in time for the really cold weather to hit. We're warming up tomorrow so it should be there in a couple of days too.

    Take care, stay well.

  24. We are forecast to get 14 inches in the next 5 days...we shall see.
    Love your hearts in the header...esp the black and white one.:)

  25. You've definitely got it colder than us - but it's been snowing steady for the last two days here! I guess mother nature is making up for the mild January we had!

  26. The heat jets burning that propane are music to your ears. Ours makes a subtle roar before the fan turns on. I have been running it warmer at night when it is so darn cold. I am glad you are up and running and a new vent probably does help with the whole house. Don't go outside.

  27. So glad you got your new furnace and are warm and toasty! Good luck with your new computer. Setting up a new computer always seems to be an adventure!

  28. Wow ....thanks for the puzzles....I worked on the one with the flowers in the wagon!'s mighty cold here too....but starting Tuesday I think we're going to start climbing out of it...maybe Monday for you guys! Glad to hear your new furnace is working like a charm. Hoping soon these cold days will be just a memory! Take good care!

  29. I’m sure glad to hear you are enjoying your new furnace. We had to get one, too, and also think the house feels warmer. They did some work on the ductwork, so I’m pretty sure it is warmer. Going to do your new puzzle this evening. Thanks for sharing.


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