Saturday, February 20, 2021


 I am much better, the swelling in my arm is now the size of a golf ball instead of a softball!  Wow I can move my arm!  I did have an afternoon nap yesterday!   Far Guy says he is just I let him cook while I napped!

We ran some errands in town, Post Office drop off, gas fill and a car wash, a curbside pickup at Ace Hardware, a stop at the tire store and DQ!  

Gasoline went up in price again.  Since I keep track of such things the price per gallon has increased by 60 cents a gallon since Election Day.  Gasoline is now $2.59 a gallon here.  I imagine that the price of food will go up also as transportation prices increase.

Progress is being made on Line Three, it is a big deal here in our area of replaces old line three that was built over 30 years ago.  It transports crude oil to Lake Superior.   The Highway Department put up a bunch of no parking signs along the highway...I suspect that since it is now warmer some people will be laying down along the line...a few weeks ago a few crawled inside one of the pipes and wouldn't get out.  

I am learning more and more about the iMac computer everyday.  Some things are very windows brain has a hard time shutting off sometimes.  One thing I learned yesterday is that if your Magic Mouse is upside down it will just make crazy movements that make no sense on your screen and no matter what you try or how much you sigh in disgust until you use the mouse in it's proper position it will continue to go crazy!  

Far Side


  1. I noted gas jumping quickly around here especially after the big freeze up in Texas. Seems in anticipation of higher prices gas goes up. We used to set out prices at our station according to what anyone else had. We never made money off from the gas, but the products that everyone purchased when they came in to pay. Every coffee and soda was nearly a 100% profit.

    Ouch on your arm. So hopefully the second shot won't be so horrible? Keep us posted!

  2. Glad you're feeling better...maybe it was the DQ.

  3. Glad to hear you're getting better after your shot. I wish I could get one, but so far no luck. I actually got as far as getting an appointment, but it was canceled. And that you're getting used to your new machine. Good times are ahead! :-)

  4. So glad to hear the swelling has finally gone down. Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Glad your arm is getting better. And naps are always good no matter what. Gas prices have gone up here also as well as food prices. Our gas is $2.59 a gallon also. Glad I am retired and don't drive much. Stay warm.

  6. Those little outtings for chores sure are nice, aren't they? I love running to the bank and things also. ~Andrea xoxo

  7. Up here in Manitoba we are paying $5.22 Canadian. Jean

  8. Your arm swelling is certainly the worst I've heard of. So glad it's calming down finally. The situation in TX probably won't help our gas prices either.

  9. Wow, that is a big injection site reaction!! Sorry. First one I have heard of, altho I haven't talked to many that have been immunized. Hope your second shot is easier on you. I did learn (second hand) from a nurse, they changed recommendation for a second shot to no sooner than 20 days. Reactions were significantly higher if done sooner. I am way down the list & still on the fence... Enjoy the sunshine & warmer weekend temps!

  10. Good to hear that the swelling is going down. Your price for gasoline doesn't sad too bad to me. We pay $1.10 per liter, which works out to be about $4.12/gallon in Canadian dollars. Add in the exchange rate and oh boy!

    Take care, stay well.

  11. Glad the swelling on your arm has gone down, and Far Guy is feeling so good. Also glad you're quickly learning how to work the new computer.

  12. I'm glad your arm is getting better. Our gas has also gone up. I imagine it will continue. Other prices will go up too. They raised the minimum wage here to $15 awhile back and everything went way up, up, up! Lots of people lost their jobs. It's a domino effect. Wages can't be raised across the board without prices increasing. I don't know why people don't understand that.
    DQ sounds really good. I love their peanut buster parfaits.

  13. You are brave changing from windows...I admire you. It's something I don't think I want to experience.

  14. Gas here went silently up about 15 cents a liter. I don't know why.

  15. Learning new computer things is so challenging to me. I know when I went from whatever version I had to Windows 10, I was perplexed for days. It took me three days to figure out how to shut down the computer! When I worked in an office in the 1990's I was a huge WordPerfect expert. I read the books (computers and computer programs don't come with books anymore), I took a course at a community college and then a one day seminar at a University (road trip!). People in the building in other offices even came to me for advice. I don't think WordPerfect even exists anymore and 30 years later, I still can't figure out how to do some things in Word that were so easy in WordPerfect.

    1. I miss WordPerfect too, Miss Merry!

    2. I had forgotten how much I loved WordPerfect. I had an instruction manual about 2” thick that I used to read in the bath! Windows and Mac don’t encourage reading in the bath do they?

  16. Mine arm was fine until about 11-12 last night when it developed a golf-ball size lump and started to hurt. Just feel like sleeping today but, luckily, I can. I feel so badly for the people down south who are freezing.

  17. Gasoline is creeping up here (south central Missouri) as well and is now $2.29. And you're right, I am sure the oil companies will use the severe winter weather as an excuse to raise the price even more, which indeed will likely cause food prices to go up. We had the second COVID shot yesterday and I am grateful that neither of us had a reaction at all.

  18. What a beautiful blue sky in your pictures! I'm so glad to hear you are feeling a little better. If you have always used a Windows computer I imagine it would take some time to get used to a totally different system. Everyone says they are easier to learn but I've never tried. Maybe it's one of those things that just comes with practice and time.

  19. Oh, Connie, I am glad you are improving and I had to laugh at the rest of your post!🙃

  20. I'm a little scared to use an Apple computer. I have not used one since 2000 while in college. And even then, Windows was winning the "Computer battle". I grew up with Apple 2GE the first time I went to college (1989-92.) My prof thought Apple was going to take the world by storm! And IBM and Commodore 64 were going to go extinct. Funny how the future turned out. Glad to hear the swelling is down. Now you can have a "Swell" time at home...

  21. I am confused about people laying in/on the pipeline. Are they protesters?
    Your gas is cheaper than ours and we are close to pipelines, docks, and refineries.

  22. I am pleased your arm is improving, I don't think I would be able to cope if I tried to switch from windows to apple.

  23. The price of gas went up here too this week. We were told it had to do with the problems in Texas. I have no idea if that's true. Here in B.C. right now gas is 1.35 a liter. 3.78 liters to a gallon...I don't have my calculator handy but I'm sure it is a lot. Not much we can do about it, is there.
    Good to know the swelling in your arm is going down. More DQ is needed.

  24. Forgot to add, the crazy mouse still gets me every now and again. Even after all these years *^*

  25. Sounds like you're getting used to your Imac slowly but surely. I will get a new laptop computer set up on my desk this Thursday. Mine won't be an Imac, though. Glad you got far guy to help with the cooking. Hope the weather continues to warm up. Take good care you two.

  26. Oh, my! That swelling in your arm sounds awful! Glad to hear it is subsiding. Of course, a trip to DQ probably didn't hurt...

  27. You're gutsy after having Microsoft and going to Apple....they're different.
    Good for you!
    Glad you didn't have any severe reaction to your shot. I go this Wednesday for my 2nd shot. I am wanting a good old-fashioned cheeseburger and fries!


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