Thursday, February 18, 2021

All about the boxes

 I have been accused of being a box hoarder.  It may be partially true.   This week I saved a bunch of boxes that other boxes came in...just incase...I might need them someday. 

Yes that is a candy box filled with dark chocolate from a friend!   Someday when it is empty I will save it for something! 

I saw this other box online....and could not resist! 

It was my paper project for this week.  It is a Greeting Card Organizer!  Perfect for me...I make many cards and previously stored them in a dresser drawer in plastic bags...this is much better!

Shot report:

Far Guy is very tired and his arm is sore...his sorts are out.  He rested many times yesterday.

My arm is sore, red and swollen.  I am tired also so I had a long nap in the afternoon. 

Today is grocery adventure day and we are warming up enough so that it spit snow for a bit yesterday.  

Far Side


  1. I also am a box hoarder. Yours are much prettier than mine tho. Hope you both are feeling better soon.

  2. Boxes have become so fancy. I save & try to repurpose the sturdier ones I receive. Like you, I might need them someday!

  3. My granddaughter got her second Moderna vaccination last week. She had a headache afterward that lasted at least a day. I haven't talked to her lately. Some of the others in the dental clinic had worse reactions like you and Far Guy did. I get my second Pfizer shot next week. Haven't heard what reactions are coming from Pfizer.

  4. My first shot was canceled because of supply problems due to the weather. Sigh. Now I have to start the whole process over again, and it's very hard. Rest and heal up from that shot.

  5. I'm saving boxes for the youngest Grand's visit...doll beds, tunnels, playhouse....

  6. I can't seem to throw out a good box either. Good to hear your post-shot symptoms are not too severe. SD has announced it will open up appointments to the 65-70 age group beginning next week. But I know much older folks who still are waiting on appointments yet, so I'm not feeling very optimistic. We are on the state's list and will have to just wait to be contacted.

  7. I hope you are both feeling better today!

  8. That's what I've heard about the shots... sore arms, redness, fatigue. I hope all that is short-lived and you two get to feeling better. I've heard the second shot is much harder than the first, as the antibodies made in response to the first shot start attacking the ingredients in the second shot... before even more antibodies are made, which is where the immunity comes from. I'm glad you both are this far.

    Today is grocery adventure for us too. I slept way too late today so I'm guessing it will be more towards noon before we get going. Usually I order online and do curbside pickup but today I'm going to the Mom and Pop store in-town. I get so lightheaded with that dang mask on!! Pooey!! I'll be thinking about you folks as I shop. ~Andrea xoxo

  9. Hope today is a better day for you. I like your card organizer!

  10. Fellow box hoarder! It drives my guy crazy. I save the tray style boxes from produce at Aldi for transporting casseroles or large quantities of cupcakes and such to church (back when we took food to church). Some even have handles! I have boxes inside of boxes inside of boxes. And the minute I give some up to recyle; well, that is the size I need! At the present time the grandchildren are searching for the perfect box for leprechaun traps.

  11. I keep boxes, but they are strictly utilitarian as I hope to someday move from this house and I need packing boxes.

    Ooh, a red and swollen arm does not sound good. If it is warmer than the normal to the touch I'd be checking with a doctor as it might be infected. I'm relying on my experience with a dog bite from several years ago. Chances are it just a reaction but do be careful.

    Take care, stay well!

  12. I am a bit of a box hoarder myself. It looks like there are a group of us out here. I'm trying to declutter and get rid of things but it is sooo hard!

    I hope your vaccine after effects are not too bad. I've heard they can be worse from the second shot.

    You two take care!

  13. I have to confess to also being a box hoarder...well, all kinds of storage containers, for that matter.
    Sounds like a lot of people have similar symptoms from the vaccines but they usually pass within a couple days. I hope you both feel better soon and that is the case. Rest and recover.

  14. We did shots in the morning and then went home to rest. We returned for groceries in the late afternoon and bought a roasted chicken for supper. My trulicity was not in so I will have to go back in a couple of days to get it. I see a warm up coming in a couple of days.

  15. I, too, am a box hoarder but have no place to keep them right now. I do have a few in the storage unit to pack things up for the big move cross-country.
    My friend still had a temp yesterday but it's better today. The second shots are usually worse, but it sounds like Far Guy did pretty well.
    We're supposed to get another round of snow tonight and tomorrow before a warmup begins over the weekend. Hallelujah!
    Blessings and hugs,

  16. I am also a box hoarder, I love a good box, I take afterl my Mum

  17. I have a pile of boxes... I save them to send monthly packages to my grands in Virginia. But honestly, I have waaaaay more than I need! I hope sore arms and a little tired are the only side effects you have from your vaccinations.

  18. We save Amazon boxes to reuse for wrapping gifts at Christmas. We save other boxes too. but we don't get many pretty boxes.
    I like your card sorter.
    Weather issues across the nation have delayed shipments of vaccine. We hope that gets straightened out before our scheduled second dose Feb. 27th.

  19. The second shot made my Lil Red sick. I think it was Far Guy’s second one? She felt bad for 48 hours. My second is March 9.

  20. Boxes and pretty tins are just two of the things I can't get rid of. They're both SO handy ( but do I need so many?)

  21. The box thing will get me into a full rant. the Micro manager saves everything.

  22. I save boxes, and I have a similar box to organize cards. I received my first shot this afternoon- no symptoms yet, and I hope it stays that way.

  23. Sorry you guys are sore and tired.....hope that gets better soon. Love all your boxes. You are so clever and always find interesting things to do with them all. Is your weather warming up? Ours is!!!

  24. That greeting card organizer looks like just the thing for someone like you!

  25. Storing things in boxes is much better than bags. Even better if you can have nice boxes for the purpose.

    Sorry you guys are sore from the shot. Hope that's the worst of it, and you feel back to your usual selves again soon.

  26. Well, maybe my tiredness was from the shot. I love you box and I think I need one of those too. I have cards that need to be "coraled"!

  27. The candy box is so pretty! You can gift fudge or some other homemade treat in it next year. Who wouldn’t save that!


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