Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Day

 We will have turkey dinner here at home just the two of us...we will join our youngest daughter, her husband and some of our Grands via Zoom.  Staying safe this year we hope to be able to celebrate with our family next year. 

Stay safe! 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Far Side


  1. Definitely best to stay home and stay safe this year. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. No company today here either. Makes me sad but really looking forward to a vaccine & being able to see my daughter.

  3. Thank you for the wonderful card you sent me, homemade and all. I will cherish it and enjoy thinking of how much I appreciate my dear virtual friends, like you. Happy Thanksgiving! :-)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your day.

  5. That's what we're doing too... minus the Zoom-thingy. We're going to be safe and take precautions, as you folks are. We'll be all the better for it, won't we. Happy Thanksgiving my friend! ~Andrea xoxo

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all stay safe and well. :)

  7. Enjoy your Zoom time with family! How wonderful that we now have something like Zoom so families can get together from a distance!

    I am thankful for many things today and among them are my blog friends. Thank you for your friendship Connie! Happy Thanksgiving to you both!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving. Sounds like a great way to celebrate and keep safe at the same time.

  9. What a handsome turkey.
    Have a great day today. Enjoy some wildlife...the moving kind. ;)

  10. I adored that photo of Aunt Anna with her pretty shawl. How kind you are and to think she knew of your kindness is no small thing. Very happy thanksgiving to you and happy too you are being safe.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Far Guy. It's a different one for sure but we still have a LOT to be thankful for!

  12. Just the two of us here, too. We went non-traditional/favorites and skipped the turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving! We decided to go with a ham steak instead of a month of leftover turkey. But we did have a great time taking quizzes written by our grandchildren at our zoom family gathering.

  14. Thank you and stay safe as well!

  15. Yes! Something to look forward to. In the meantime, have a Zooming Thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing your daily escapades with us all.

  16. Happy Thanksgiving to you both!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! The day is about sure went by fast. Was just reading about your Aunt Anna. She was a nice looking lady. The shawl you made for her was perfect.

  18. Happy Turkey Day to you two too! It's just we two here also. Had a delicious turkey dinner followed by pumpkin pie and a movie. Very nice day. Talked with kids and grandkids on the phone....everybody sounded good. Take care.

  19. Happy Turkey day! Peace and quiet does not sounds too bad for the Holiday.

  20. Hope you guys were blessed with your family visits via zoom! Love shared even through technology is still love. Be blessed and be well, my friend!

  21. I hope your Thanksgiving was a peaceful and enjoyable day.

  22. Ours was quiet, I turned off the computers and put the phone on do not disturb. Peaceful. Just right.
    Happy Thanksgiving a day late.

  23. We had an 8 puond turkey breast too. We had about three meals of it and will probably thaw it a little at a time.We talked to the boys everyday for weeks so we only got one call from Chicago. A face time of the grands was fun.


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