Saturday, November 7, 2020

Pocket Shawl and other stuff

 I found a pattern for a pocket shawl on the had a long fringe so I adapted the pattern...and it had small I changed that also.

As I worked on this project I wondered who I would give it to...two people came to mind...I think I have it figured out. 

 I can tell you it is very warm...just working on it warmed me up. It is bright and cheerful!

I learned a bit about this larger project...I have yarn to make a another...a bit of a different pattern... perhaps sometime this winter I will start that project.

I am back to smaller projects with a quicker finish again.  (gifts)

We did our Wally World pickup...they are out of the 20 ounce bottles of water that Far Guy likes for making his coffee...we have to use bottled water or buy a new coffee maker every few months. 

I finally got the French Door washed up and sparkling...two more windows to go and I can cross windows and doors off my Fall work list. 

My baby brother came by with his huge mulching tractor...the wildgardens were done in no time!  Stiney (his little dog)  tracked him all the way over here and then went back home by himself...Stiney has not been feeling well...he is old and has liver issues....but he was running like the wind yesterday.  It is hard to have old never know from one day to the next how they will be. (Stiney has been on many walks through the trails to get to our house so he knows his way around.)

My other baby brother and she who sees Robin's first came to visit and give us the Covid report...some neighbors tested positive but are feeling okay.  Scary times we live there any rhyme or reason why some people get so sick and others have mild to no symptoms? 

Far Side


  1. I was reading a medical article regarding Covid and the discoveries that are being made. It was pretty deep too hard to explain with a simple sentence...and still leaves questions unanswered. I think it keeps changing too?
    Anyway, beautiful shawl!
    The DNR just put out a notice regarding how dry it is here.

  2. Beautiful shawl!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    (Even with all this covid-19 mess, there are still good things to be found and enjoyed)

  3. That shawl is so very pretty; I love it. Yes, this covid thing makes no sense at all. Sure hope it goes away sooner than later. Have a great weekend.

  4. This is a beautiful shawl. Steiney sounds like a sweet dog. My stores are very low on many items, including distilled water for my bi pap machine,
    One of my college friends recently passed from COVID. So very sad.

    1. So sorry to hear of your friends death from Covid:(

  5. I suspect that if everyone (except the very young) was tested, many would be positive that never had a single symptom.

  6. It is a strange virus, all right. I got it in the spring and was mildly sick, but SG got really sick, even though he didn't have to go to the hospital. I love that pretty shawl. :-)

  7. I think this one is my favorite shawl yet, it's gorgeous! I hope you and Far Guy have a great weekend :)

  8. This ""old dog" also has up days and down days - never know which it is going to be!

  9. Beautiful shawl!
    Who knows with Covid - it is so unpredictable in its immediate impact. But scares me most is the after affects. I'm going to try very hard to avoid catching it.

    Take care, stay well.

  10. The shawl is gorgeous and just the right size to snuggle into on a chilly day. I’m glad you have access to larger machinery to do the bigger outside chores. You are blessed to have a helpful and caring family.

  11. Nope, no rhyme or reason at all, to this virus. And now we have a mutated version coming out of Denmark... starting its journey around the world the same as the last one. Scary indeed. Congratulations on those windows. I haven't even begun my yet. Ugggghhhhhh!!!! ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Colorful shawl. :)
    No rhyme or reason. None that they can figure out, anyways.
    Can you use distilled water in the coffeemaker? I did that one place I lived because of the buildup from tap water.

  13. Nice job on the Pocket Shawl!! I'll have to look back to see if you posted a pattern link...

    1. It ids called Thermal Pocket Shawl and the pattern is on Ravelry

  14. Very pretty shawl. I like the big pockets.

  15. Such a pretty shawl. I'm sure whoever receives it will love it. Pockets are ALWAYS good.
    COVID terrifies me. Mandy did so many rapid covid tests last week at work and most were positive. It keeps mutating and now some people are testing positive for the second time over three months after recovering! Will it always be with us or will we ever get back to normal?
    Chloe is 15 and sleeps a lot but sometimes still acts like a puppy. We've never had a dog last longer than 14 years so we're grateful for every single moment with her.

  16. I love the pocket shawl! I've never seen one like that. Covid has really been increasing everywhere recently and that makes it stressful for all of us. There is no way to understand how one person gets so sick and another doesn't. I will be glad once we are through this winter because I don't expect it to be easy. I hope the remainder of your weekend is good!

  17. The colors in the shawl are wonderful.
    Covid still presents many mysteries, and I fear it will be a long time before we can go on living without fear of it.

  18. Whoever gets the shawl will love it, I know I would.
    Because of Covid I am not permitted to go out to shopping centres only going out when I havve to

  19. It seems like fall work never ends. At least you have some nice weather.

  20. That shawl is gorgeous! Crochet? I think you did great adapting it and you are just such a busy lady. Can relate to the coffee maker and hard water. I gave up and now just use the tea kettle so no drip coffee.

  21. Love that colorful pretty! and isn't it nice that you can have brothers popping in to visit and help you out so often....that's wonderful and so close their dog can just head home when he wants to, on a well-worn path. Glad you got most of your order from the store...sorry about the water! Enjoy the last few days of warm weather!

  22. You do beautiful work and that shawl is a stunner! It doesn't make sense really. Amy thinks that she did have Covid because the secretary at the school tested positive and she had the exact same symptoms and issues as Amy. Her FIL had it and he is in his 80's and never even had to go to the hospital. I wish that for everyone who contracts it!
    People are stocking up for the "dark winter" and Covid. The stores will catch up. I hope I can get a turkey breast!

  23. It's the same with a lot of things: some people suffer more than others. I expect there is some kind of explanation... Likely routed in biology or something... But I sure don't know what it is. Scientists are trying to figure it out though.

    Anyway, good luck with all the craft projects.


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