Friday, November 6, 2020

Busy Day

 Another busy day yesterday...picked up curbside Naan Bread or Green Enchilada Sauce.  We have another order in at Walmart that I will pick up today.  We did get a Turkey Breast so we can have Thanksgiving dinner. 

While Far Guy was at the Infusion Center at the Clinic I stopped by a locally owned appliance store and ordered a new refrigerator...ours is 22 years old...I ordered another Amana.   Not sure when it will be here but they will give me a heads up before it is delivered.  (There was one other customer and one salesperson in the store and we all wore masks.)

Back at home we unpacked groceries and then did some more projects...Far Guy cut out some wood for carving and I messed around with glass flowers was perfect weather to be in the greenhouse/woodshop.

My baby brother stopped by along with his bride and Stiney. 

He has new has heat and air conditioning and will be outfitted with tracks for winter ice fishing.

I put up the Thanksgiving Flag.

We have just a little snow left in the yard.

Sounds like another day or two of nice weather and then winter will return.

Far Side


  1. Oh wow! A new frig! That will be nice.
    The weather has been wonderful all week. Appreciate it while we have it, I guess. :)

  2. It was another beautiful Indian Summer day here yesterday. I had a massage so I am good for another month. Today we are expecting temps in the low 70's - happy day. Have a great weekend.

  3. You are ready for your Thanksgiving!

  4. Enjoy the nice weather while you can!

  5. I like your festive flag. We have little snow like yours left. Rose likes to take a bite every time we go out for a walk.

  6. Your baby brother has impressive new wheels.

  7. How nice to get a new refrigerator! I'm glad to hear you've had some good weather. It's been nice here this week too. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving will be here soon!

  8. We might be eating beef for Thanksgiving. I ordered a freezer in March, delivered in July, so I had to give up my June steer. My October steer went to the butcher last week, but yesterday I found out one of the meat cutters is down with covid so I am another 8-10 days out . . .

  9. Glad most of what you ordered was available and your day was a good and productive one. Good luck with the other food order.

  10. Today is our last day of nice warmer weather. We drop down down into rain and snow tomorrow. Our daughter and son-in-law ordered a freezer in March and it is still on back order. I hope you get your appliance. They are so frustrated.

  11. We were refrigerator shopping last week. Most all of the ones made in the USA were just not available, but on back order and some of the dates were way out there. They said that they can't keep ones made in the US in stock. We finally did find the one we were looking for, but it took some looking around on the computer to do it, and it will take a couple of weeks for delivery.

    Mostly what was available was made in China, but no more of that for us. Our new way of life includes nothing made in China. Probably gonna be hard to do, but we will try to do without if it comes to that. The only exception, for a while at least, will probably be a medicine or two.

  12. We've had our last nice day, with weather warnings for lots of snow over the weekend. Hope your warm weather lasts a little longer.

    Have a great day!

  13. Amana appliances are reliable. I had Amana refrigerator, washer and dryer in my house. I’m sure they will outlast the new owner. I like your brother’s new wheels!

  14. It looks very pleasant there. It's sunny here but with a cold wind. Says we'll make it to 53°F but I don't believe it. :-)

  15. I'm so sorry you didn't get your naan! I just discovered some "mini naan" bread at Aldi's. I think there's about 6 pieces to a package and the pieces fit in the toaster. For my lunch I've been toasting a piece of naan and topping it with some fresh avocado and a fried egg. It's so good for lunch. Could you don a mask and maybe go into an Aldi while Far Guy is getting his infusion? Or would that be a risk you aren't willing to take. If I lived near you, I'd buy you some & drop it off. ~Andrea xoxo

  16. Love your Thanksgiving flag - it is very pretty and the message very true.

  17. My grocery pickup order was missing shampoo, clementine oranges and canned sweet potatoes. Just once it would be nice to get everything wouldn't it?
    I really like your Thanksgiving flag and it's message. Your brothers new wheels are really cool. he can go everywhere in that!

  18. Glad the snow left you for awhile.

  19. Our fridge is about the same vintage as your old one. Maybe I should start thinking about a new one. How to figure out which one, that's the question.
    I like your Thanksgiving flag.

  20. Thankfully I generally get everything I order also luckly Tasha will go to the shops for me whenever I need

  21. Winter hits here tonight. You know what that means for you. We have two systems going through...both bad.

  22. I actually went into the grocery store today rather than ordering online. They were having some meat specials and I wanted to SEE what I was buying before paying for it. All of the store employees wear masks every time I've been there since March, but I noticed today that more of the shoppers were too. However, I stopped at the hardware store for fridge filters, and NONE of their employees had on masks. I was, and so were the 3 other people shopping at the time. One a side note - I don't spend nearly as much when I order groceries online, mostly due to the lack of impulse shopping I suppose. Have a good weekend!

  23. You did have a busy day. What a cute vehicle!

  24. Sounds like you've been keeping busy around the house. Wow ...ordered a new refrigerator. Do you get the kind with the icemaker on the outside of the door? That was the kind we had in our last house and we really liked it. This Frig has it on the inside, which I don't like as well. Glad you got your turkey! Now for the fixin's! Take care!

  25. All kinds of new stuff around there. That is quite an interesting little set of wheels.

  26. What? Your refrigerator is only 22? A mere spring chicken. I remember our first refrigerator lasted us well over 30 years. Our next one died within the first five...not the same as they used to be...

  27. I just caught on to Naan bread and I'm LOVING IT! I've been toasting a 1/2 piece and putting butter and honey granules on it for a sweet snack. I'm about to go for peanut butter on it too. But man it isn't cheap!

  28. Have you tried making your own naan bread? It’s really easy and it’s delicious. I can even make it with rice flour so I can eat it, too. We love the smoky flavor.


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