Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The 31,081st Day

 That is a whole bunch of days!  31, 081 days equals 85 years and 34 days. 

Yesterday morning my Aunt Anna fulfilled all her days here on earth.  Aunt Anna was a breast cancer survivor for many many years.  Then she was diagnosed with Metastatic Bone Cancer, she has been having chemotherapy treatments for the past several years...they were doing no good and would have to be increased... so three weeks ago she decided to stop treatments and to spend her last days at home.  Her only daughter cared for her for a few weeks and a week ago Hospice brought her a hospital bed and comfort care.  I spoke with her and she was thankful for the great care her daughter was giving her... she said if it were not for her daughter that she would be in a Nursing home.  Very recently her son came home to be with her.  So the house was filled with the voices she loved.

One day I took over a shawl for her ( I left the package outside the door), so she could feel the warmth and love from her family...her daughter sent me a photo.


She loved all the colors! 

There will be a private family service with a Celebration of Life next summer. 

I guess that is the best we can hope for in these Covid times. 

My Aunt Anna was a marvelous of my favorite people.  Her only living sibling is my Father. My Father is nine years older than her.  Are we sad...yes...but happy that her earthly struggle is now over. 

Her daughter wrote "Heaven got a little bit brighter this morning.  We will miss you Mom."

Job 14:5 A person's days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.

Far Side


  1. So sorry for your loss. Your cousin is right - Heaven got a little brighter. Aunt Anna is now at peace.

  2. A beautiful lady! Treasure your memories!

  3. I am so sorry for your lose. She must have been a wonderful person.

  4. What a wonderful person. Thank you for introducing me to your Aunt Anna. May she rest in peace.

  5. What a beautiful woman! Even with cancer she does NOT look 85 years old. Her face has a brightness to it, like she doesn't mind "going home" in the least. God rest her soul with peace. Deepest sympathy upon your loss. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. I am so sorry for your loss.
    This is a beautiful celebration of life. What a good death she had.

  7. This is a lovely tribute to your Aunt, and what a beautiful photo. My sincere sympathies on her passing.

  8. Sorry for the lose of your aunt. That shawl & those colors looked good on her.

  9. What a beautiful lady. I know you are going to miss her greatly.

  10. So sorry for the loss of your family member

  11. So sorry to read about Anna, but we rejoice that she no longer has to deal with earthly trials, she is now enjoying the promises of heaven being with our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord bless you and Anna's family with comfort and His Peace, at this time of sadness. Anna was a very special lady, she will be missed. Sending Hugs to all!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt Anna. She looks so beautiful in the pretty shawl you gave her. What her daughter wrote is really beautiful too. Sending prayers for the family.

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful soul who will be missed by many.

  14. So sorry for the loss. she left surrounded by love and comfort. That's really all we can ask for.

  15. So sorry ~ your shawl was beautiful and just perfect for her.

  16. What a beautiful woman. I am so sorry for your loss, but glad she in no longer in pain.

  17. I'm sorry for your loss but glad that you had her in your life. That is a beautiful picture of her in the lovely shawl you made her. You can see the love shining forth in her face.

  18. She looks as if she was a wonderful, happy woman and I love that she had her family all around her. You wrote a beautiful tribute to her Connie. I'm sorry you are all going through these trials this year as our family has. May God's peace be with all of you my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  19. I'm sorry for your family's loss, but glad she will no longer be suffering and was as surrounded by the people she loved as was possible in the current circumstances at the end.

  20. I love it... "Celebration of Life" ceremony. Sounds so much better than Funeral. or "wake" Life should be celebrated.. especially when you die. You have LOTS of Birthdays, but you only get one Death day. People should celebrate that one the most. ( 85 years of stories... sounds like a great time.) Covid is robing people of those celebrations. I hope they are able to make them up sooner so people will not have time to forget.

  21. I am so sorry for your loss. She sparkled with that shawl on her shoulders.

  22. Loss is hard but she had a good innings which is something

  23. Her smile out shined her disease. She looked like a wonderful person So glad she got to spend her last days at home with her family. So sorry for your loss.

  24. Your Aunt Anna looks like a very lively energetic person. I'm sure your gift was a comfort to her.

  25. It's especially hard to lose a loved family member at holiday time. Peace be with you and all of her loved ones.

  26. I am so sorry for your loss. Growing up I had an Aunt Anna and I adored her. She passed just after my first son was born. I'm glad that you got to have your Aunt Anna in your life for a long time. ((hugs))

  27. I am so sorry. I am glad she had the comfort of her family during this difficult time.

  28. God Bless your Aunt Anna. I had an Aunt Anna too, that I loved. Mine passed away many years ago. I'm sure there will be many happy reunions now that your Aunt has reached the great beyond. Let's make the most of every day we have here, since we don't know when they will end. Take good care of each other, friends.

  29. Sorry to hear that. What a lovely photo, she looks like a very special lady. Hugz Mxx

  30. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your Aunt Anna must have been a wonderful woman. In the picture of her with the shawl wrapped around her she seems to radiate a kind of sweetness and peace.

  31. I am so sorry. What a beautiful lady, she certainly doesn't look her age.

  32. She looks a lot younger than her chronological years here on earth. Even having been sick and doing cancer treatments… She looks fabulous. So thankful you have those great memories.

  33. May her soul rest in eternal peace. She looks lovely in her shawl and what a beautiful smile. I'm happy for her that she didn't have to go into a nursing home- the loneliest places on the planet.

  34. What a lovely, poignant way to put it: the house "filled with the voices she loved." For all she has been through, she had such a bright, encouraged expression on her face in that wonderful photo. Yes, if not for COVID, it would have been nice to gather together this week in her memory...but what wonderful memories you have--a tribute to a wonderful role model!

  35. Look at that smile! So thrilled she is one that got to be at home with family in her last days. It breaks my heart for all those in care facilities (or even hospitals) that are being denied that.

  36. Somehow I missed this last month. I'm so sorry to learn of your Aunt Anna's passing. She sure had a beautioful smile -- and didn't look her age! Beautiful lady! Bless her daughter for bringing her home to be with family as she neared her journey to heaven. Keeping all of your family in prayers!!


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