Monday, November 23, 2020

Chilly Day

 It snowed early Sunday morning...not much but enough to make you think winter was coming back. This was snow number 10 for us...and this one will melt too.  The walk and the patio were cleared off by the afternoon sun. 

In the afternoon I went for a ride.   Checking out wildlife on the trails...I saw the feral kitty tracks and a few sets of deer tracks. 

The moon was out...

The moon is just above the bare Oaks in the background. 

I went to another vantage point ...the sun was still out.  If I were to place a guess the sun and moon were equidistant from the horizon.  The next time I venture out for a ride I need winter mittens and possibly my real heavy parka.   

I made potato salad...cause that was what I was hungry paired well with meatloaf and cooked carrots.  I have not made meatloaf in a long time.  The leftovers will be frozen and some day encased in a puff pastry and baked...we will see how we like that! 

Far Side


  1. I can't say that I have ever seen the moon and sun out at the same time. Then again I have a lot of houses and trees around my house making visibility hard at times. Neat pictures. We are expecting some snow Tuesday.

  2. Glad it was only a light snowfall, and you were able to go out for a nice walk.

  3. Did you go by 4 wheeler by chance? I used ours and got cold, but I was only moving fence posts and a chain and taking trash in the cart to the dumpster on the ridge that I share with the neighbors.
    Snow tonight!

  4. I looked carefully but couldn't see the moon. It doesn't look as cold as it must actually be. Nice pictures, though.

  5. Glad you are going to try the meatloaf puffs, I think you will like the. Stay warm!

  6. What a wonderful way to spend the day! I love exploring in the woods, and seeing how nature evolves.

  7. I like potato salad too but never thought to pair it with meatloaf. I'm going to give that a try! I love walking in the snow and looking at all the footprints left behind... as long as they're not human ones. :-O :-) *haha* If there's human tracks besides my own, we have a big problem! ~Andrea xoxo

  8. You have so much beautiful scenery to enjoy there. Lovely for a relaxing walk or drive. Seeing the tracks must be fun too. I think the only feral cats we have here are the occasional mountain lion in the ravine behind our house.

    I make meatloaf at least once a month all year long as it's one of our favorites. But I haven't made potato salad in years mostly because my husband won't touch it, and it's one of those things that is hard to make in small servings. But I buy it when I'm craving it.

  9. Meatloaf in puff pastry sounds interesting - there's never any leftovers for me to do that with though. Dave loves meatloaf!

  10. 10 snows already? That's amazing! Potato salad sounds good with meatloaf. I have anew favorite potato salad...BLT it's called. Some woman in Iowa won first prize with it from a Food Network contest. She lives in the same town as my daughter. It is yummy. It looks very pretty in your neck of the woods.

  11. Ten snows already! Actually I am a little surprised you have not gotten a larger snow by now but then I don't have a good memory for when you get the big one. I just remember that once you do it stays until Spring! We woke up to a hard frost today and it is rainy now but no snow. They are saying we might get one the week after Thanksgiving. We are home all the time so I guess it doesn't matter when or if we get snow. It is pretty to see. You two have a good week!

  12. Brrr, it looks chilly in the shade. I can’t remember the last time I had meatloaf, but it’s time to put it in the meal rotation. Glad you enjoyed your chilly ride.

  13. My daughter lives a little north of us and got a dusting of snow. But we got freezing rain and dreariness. I have gotten out my mittens!

  14. Winter has definitely settled in here and there won't be any melting. I do enjoy sunny days with the snow on the ground, it's the dreary days that get me down.

    The path through the woods look enticing. Enjoy. Take care and stay well!

  15. We had meatloaf last night for dinner. I tend to only make potato and macaroni salads in the summer. Not sure why I do that because I love them.

  16. I like anything put into a puff pastry. I bet yours will be delicious. I hope the feral kitty has a warm spot picked out for the winter and lots of mice to eat. It’s hard being homeless in Minnesota in the winter!

  17. It snowed here, last night! IT's so pretty.
    I did a double meatloaf, and mashed potatoes, which we're munching over the week.

  18. We had a couple of inches last night. It was really heavy and wet but it's melting already too. It's definitely getting colder at night here. Two of Dennis's favorite foods are meatloaf and potato salad so he would have loved to join you for dinner.
    Take care and dress warm.

  19. I have seen the moon & sun out together, just cilling out and relaxing.

  20. I'm afraid our snow is here until spring.

  21. My menfolk loved second day meatloaf more then the first. They claimed the sliced meatloaf made the best sandwiches. I haven't made one in a very long time now.

  22. Ugh! 10 snows and none of it sticks. I remember the Minnesota winters... Snow was like powder and that horrible wind chill. I certainly don't miss it. At least Alaska was missing that wind. ( In Fairbanks... Very cold, but no windchill. Kinda nice.)

  23. The sun is low on the horizon these days. Not much warmth, but not as cold as your neck of the woods.

  24. Sounds like you went for a nice ride, if a bit on the cool side. Isn't it strange to see the sun and moon in the sky at the same time! Your dinner sounds delish and I bet the meatloaf in a pastry crust will be great too. You also sound so ambitious....I'm lagging behind in that particular field, I'm afraid. Take good care you guys!

  25. I've not made meatloaf for ages so must be time to do so again. Leftovers are usually eaten cold - I've not heard of encasing them in pastry before, but it sounds rather nice :)

  26. We had about eight inches. Don't think it will last here either, though the snowbanks may linger.


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