Saturday, November 14, 2020

Fine Day

 We had a fine day yesterday.  We recycled and made a drop off at the Local Food Bank where there was a line outside but also a grocery cart outside for donations.  I had a few things that we were never going to maybe someone else can benefit.

My other baby brother stopped by...she who sees robins first sent over blueberry muffin mix, disinfecting wipes and several jars of canned venison.  (She reads the blog.)    He wore a mask and we talked at a good distance of his daughters and several of his grands tested positive for Covid....they are all doing okay...their symptoms were like a bad cold.

We had the venison for lunch and it was fantastic.

Our snow melted...cause it warmed up a bit. 

Far Guy has been watching a series on his computer in the evenings...every once in awhile he would laugh out loud...sometimes he would say "you have got to watch this!"   I decided to watch for myself yesterday afternoon...funny stuff...just the break we need in our ever so serious lives.  The series is on Netflix and is called Norseman.  I give it a 10 out of 10.  Not everyone may appreciate the humor...but we sure do. 

Far Side


  1. So glad you two had a fine day and really glad to hear the Covid cases in the family are mild ones!

  2. I love that show! Wicked comedy and some very dark humor. We love it.
    Glad you got some venison. I think I have one venison roast left. Not hunting this year around here.
    That sounds like a perfectly fine day indeed!

  3. Thanks for the tip about that show. I'll put it on my list for future viewing. I'm always looking for something new and good.

  4. Wishing your niece and family a speedy recovery. Hopefully they won't have any lasting issues.

    Take care and stay well!

  5. Howdo you fix your deer meat? We've been looking for something to watch so we'll give your Norseman. Thanks for the idea.

    1. My sister in law cans the meat. The meat is stripped of all fat and cut into cubes and placed into jars which are either processed in the oven in hot water baths or the pressure canner. It is the only way we like venison...we are spoiled:)

  6. I made a note about "Norseman". We'll check it out.
    Covid id getting too close to you. Glad you are being careful.

  7. Laughter is good during these stressful times - never miss an opportunity to laugh out loud.

  8. The food pantry is very clever by having a cart outside for donations. Glad your family members have only had relatively mild symptoms. We've decided NOT to gather for Thanksgiving. The grandkids are all in school (for now), and the daughters both work in hospitals. I'm sad, but think it's for the best.

  9. Glad to hear you two had a warmer day and that family members have only mild cases of COVID. Like you, I had some canned food to donate that we were not going to use and donated it to a local church with
    A food bank, The gentleman in charge could not have been more rude to me! I was shocked, in the future, I will make other plans to an org who at least is appreciative.

  10. Isn't it great to have a generous sister-in-law who reads your blog! I hope their family members are soon feeling well again.

  11. How nice that your brother brought over some of the items that you didn't get at the store and the canned venison. That was very thoughtful of she who sees robins first! Thanks for the tip about the Netflix show - it sounds like something Tom and I might like. You two take care!

  12. Praying the virus does not cause any problems for your family and all get over it quickly!

  13. I like that mostly blue glass flower!!

  14. Won't be long before everyone will know someone who had Covid so far I don't but I expect that to change

  15. It sounds like your day was a good one. It's good to be able to donate to help others isn't it? And you received your own donations too! We got some venison sausage from Alicia and Jeremy last week but I've never made anything with the sausage before. Any suggestions?
    I'm sorry to hear about your family members having Covid and I will pray there are no lasting effects from it.
    Wishing you a great afternoon.

    1. Venison sausage...I suppose just boil it up or put it on the grill. We only like it is delicious that way. Years ago we made venison chili:)

  16. Praying for your nieces and their families.

  17. Oh, I've got that in my queue. I'll have to find it.
    Glad you got some of your missing items!

  18. Glad to hear you guys had a good day and your SIL dropped off some good things for you! Sorry to hear about people in your family getting seems like it's everywhere this time of the year. We cancelled our Thanksgiving plans with family and will stay home by ourselves....our church is making a big Thanksgiving Dinner for take-out only so we'll pick up a couple of dinners there. Maybe we'll be able to see family by Christmas. Hope Hope.

  19. We have to enjoy the good days when they come.

  20. Well, at least your family's first experience with COVID up close and personal wasn't so bad...but it was good for you to keep your distance and visit outside. Can't take any chances. How fun that your sister-in-law reads your blog...and sends blueberry muffin mix when the grocery store can't get the order right!

  21. So far your Netflix recommends have been fab so I'll have to look that one up now too!

  22. Sorry about those people with the virus. Hope nobody else you know gets it, and those who have it get better soon (and recover completely). Besides the thing about the virus, it sounds like a very nice day.

  23. I was thinking this morning about canned venison. I have only done it once and had to process it in a water bath canner for 5 hours, I'm sure it could be much quicker with a pressure cooker- but oh my it was yummy.


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