Monday, November 16, 2020

Lazy Day

 It is colder now and it snowed again. The high yesterday was 34 F or 1 C eh!  We watched small snow tornadoes out the was windy. I think this is snow number 8. 

The fat tree rats are almost constant visitors in our yard.

The last of the Christmas cards are drying on my desk and a few cowls got big buttons. 

We were both at loose ends we both had a nap.  It seems the afternoons get real long lately. 

The Hallmark Channel has been on all weekend...who really knows what is happening out there in the big bad world...I am certain if something earth shattering happens someone will call us. 

Far Side



  1. Cold and windy here too, but no snow. We were without power from 2 pm yesterday until 4:30 am today. Just finally getting the house toasty and warm now. Thank goodness for lots of quilts!

  2. If you can keep away from the news for a bit, I think things will be less stressful. I'm trying my best to do that and failing.
    This morning I awoke to no winds! That is a good start to the week.

  3. It does my heart good to read your blog. So glad you have kept on through thick and thin. Sending love to both of you.

  4. We spent our weekend in Hallmark Land, too. By Sunday my husband was musing if maybe the tree would blow up everytime we had a town lighting ceremony.

  5. You two are so active it must be hard just being inside when it snows. Just try to relax and enjoy it :)

  6. I've been watching some Hallmark movies too this past week. They are "feel good" movies and just what I crave lately. We masked up and both went into the grocery store on Saturday. I was kind of surprised at what random products seemed to be out of stock or very low in stock.

  7. Yes, let someone else hear the bad news before you....good idea!

  8. Love your squirrels. Here we have ground squirrels...No matter what I enjoy them. :)

  9. Hallmark Channel ratings must be record breaking this year. It has been on at my house too, hubby loves it. I can only watch so much tv, then have to change it up. I bundled up, took the dogs for a walk and braved the gusty winds. Pines trees were a-swaying.

  10. I’m watching shows that don’t require too much thought - same for books. My mind is numb. Windy, windy, windy on Saturday & Sunday.

  11. Snow again. Just a dusting. I don't get squirrels--wish I did--but a lot of sparrows and small birds and the partridges. It gets dark so early. That's why I hate daylight savings time--no easing into it...just boom! I hope that light works. Let us know, please. :)

  12. We lived several years without a television or access to any news and there was always someone to tell us whenever anything big happened. It was actually a very peaceful way to live.

  13. I started watch The Crown yesterday but think I'll spend today reading my most recently purchased novel. Tree rats, yep, I know them well. :-)

  14. Sometimes it is healthy for us to turn off the outside world! Especially these days we need an occasional mental health break from all the news. Enjoy your movies and naps - they sound perfect!

  15. The cable is out here at the RV park so we haven't had the TV on in days. We've watched some youtube videos and read quite a bit.
    It's pouring down rain here today and I had my grocery pickup order. What a disappointment that was. Lots of substitutions and just plain out of 11 things!
    The panic buying must have started again. Plus Thanksgiving. I'm home now for the rest of the week.

  16. I think there is less to do once we get the yard all packed away and cleaned up for winter and that makes the afternoons seem longer. Naps are a good thing though...

  17. No snow here, although we did have a storm last night
    All my days are lazy days more or less

  18. Your last sentence is really cool!

  19. I love that, tree rats! They are characters.

  20. Sounds like afternoon naps work out pretty good for you guys. I have enough trouble just trying to sleep at night for a few hours. Your Cowls are so pretty and I'm glad to hear you're just about done with your cards. You sure know how to keep busy. As far as the world goes.....I'm leaving God in charge of it! He knows best.

  21. Yes, I'm sure someone will let you know if something important happens. In the meantime, enjoy some quiet time. That's a lot of times it's snowed for only being half way through November so far.

  22. I seem to have more time on my hands now that I have quit Facebook... imagine that...
    Since I don't watch the news channels either, I can only assume that the world is keeping on turning!

  23. Hallmark is the best choice as all other media is sucking it. The cowls are lovely and the afternoons and evenings drag on a bit here too. Really struggling switching to winter mode this year.


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