Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veteran's Day 2020

 Thank you seems so inadequate but it is the best I can do...Thank you Veterans from all wars in all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Thank you to those that served at home and in far away lands.  Thank you to those who died protecting our freedom.

Thank you to young soldiers and old soldiers who read this message today.  Thank you!

Air Force Flag


Far Side


  1. Yes!! God rest the souls who have passed and God bless the souls who are still on this earth. Where WOULD we be without them all. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Happy Veteran's Day to all our veterans. Thank you for your service. Thank you Far Guy for your service.

  3. The day will pass quietly here, but with the same sentiments.

  4. Yes, you are right. Thanks seems such a small gesture, but an important one to give to our fallen soldiers. Veterans Day marks a moment that I can wear my poppy pin and think "lest we forget."

  5. I also feel very inadequate in saying thank you to the veterans in my circle of family and friends, and to all of the others out there.

  6. Amen! Dennis is an Air Force veteran too. Thank you to a. Who have observed to protect our freedoms.

  7. Thank you to all of the Veteran's who have fought for our freedoms. Was Far Guy in the Air Force? So was Dennnis.

  8. want to know how to thank a veteran? Try to be someone worth fighting (or possible dying for. Sadly, a good part of the population doesn't meet that mark any more.

  9. We don't want to every forget the price so many paid for the rest of us

  10. I knew it was Veterans Day all day and I even downloaded some pictures and then I totally forgot to post them. But my sentiments exactly!

  11. Exactly what KCD said ☝️ !! Thank you is a big expression, though, it really does say a lot!! And thank you for your service, Far Guy! *SALUTE* God bless you!

  12. Amen. Bless our veterans! We owe them everything.

  13. I'm sure your message is appreciated.

  14. May God Bless all our veterans, wherever they are.

  15. Did Far Guy get his free cup of Coffee? (IT was such a pleasant surprise getting something free today....) hehe.


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