Saturday, November 28, 2020

Grand Day

 Jen took a photo of the Grands lined up. 

Left to right oldest to youngest. 

Left to right tallest to shortest.

They are Adam = in school and working, Noah = working, Paige = working and waiting to get into a school program, Maddie = working and  Savannah = in school and working.

We are thankful they all have jobs and homes/apartments and are healthy! 

There was a bit of a tallness challenge between Paige and Maddie...Maddie was disappointed that she lost. 

Sometimes I still see them as small children.  

We are blessed to have them in our lives!

Far Side


  1. How can they possibly grow up so fast? All of them are so photogenic too. Savannah looks different for some reason or maybe I just haven't see a picture of her in awhile.
    Enjoy your Holiday weekend! Oh, my daughter just told me she got 2 boxes of Shiny Brites last year at a garage sale! I told her about your collection! Time to start hauling out those decorations!

  2. Love the photo when they were little. They are all grown up now!

  3. Wonderful blessings!!! Hey 2021, we want to see our grandchildren in person!!

  4. Fun photos. Sorry that you weren’t able to see them in person this year.

  5. Awwww.... how absolutely beautiful. And they were little just yesterday, weren't they. I totally understand. Thank you for sharing this happiness with us. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. How wonderful! I love these photos of the grands. It is also wonderful seeing the one from the past. How quickly they grow up!

  7. It is a great group of grands. They are doing well and have really grown.

  8. Wonderful photos! They grow up so quickly, and it sounds like they are doing well in life.

    Take care, stay well.

  9. Such little cuties and now they’re all grown up cuties. Can’t wait until we can all visit grandchildren in person again.

  10. What a awesome photo, I am trying to get a photo of my grandkids togrthrt but both Blain & Leo are not interestoed in doing it os annoying

  11. Time goes by very quickly and they are grown up.

  12. You are very lucky! They are a fine set of grandkids!

  13. Nice picture comparison. They grow up so fast.

  14. Great pictures of the grands. I especially like that last photo. Good memories.

  15. Great photos! I seems the youngers just kept growing to surpass the one before them.

  16. Yes you are indeed blessed to have them in your lives. One thing I will never know as how it feels to have grandchildren. I have plenty of nieces and nephews, though. :-)

  17. What a good-lookin' group of grands! (That's actually not too hard to say five times fast lol.) And so wonderful that all are healthy and working and happy! Grandchildren are a special gift from God that I'm ever thankfulmfor and I know you are, too! Love that last photo -- very cute!! 😄

  18. What great pictures of your grands and you guys too. Awesome from little up to big!

  19. It is nice to see pictures of the grands ~ in a blink of an eye and they are all grown up!

  20. How fun that they are still lining up for photos for you--even if you couldn't be there in person! Do the greats get a photo op post of their own???

  21. They are beautiful and handsome! What great photos, especially the last one. How can they possibly grow up so fast?

  22. Wonderful photos. Nice to hear that they are going about their lives. I find myself remembering Tom and me during those early adult years when I watch our grandchildren. Some things stay the same. In other ways, these are different times.

  23. I love your line up pictures every year.


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