Saturday, November 21, 2020

Another Day

 One day seems just like the other.  

Yesterday after usual house stuff I began the process of packaging up the 2020 Christmas Ornaments.  The are simple wood carvings this year.   I will give a few away here on the blog after Thanksgiving. 

I made quite a mess on the dining room table. 

I had to make some of my own boxes out of old checkbook going to the Dollar Store to get pretty boxes to shove in the envelopes that will be mailed.  Far Guy came to the rescue to make a few boxes too.  I ordered Christmas bags and tissue paper from Wally World and was pleased with the result.  So I am ready to make a trip to the Post Office and make some deliveries locally...keeping my distance from everyone. 

Then I sewed buttons on a cowl.


I am so not a purple person...but I know someone who is.  The cowl is more purple than this photo shows.  I do love the purple buttons they make me smile. 

Brother in Law Ron is very sore after his bypass surgery but he is supposed to get home today.  The Doctors are pleased with his recovery...although it will never be fast enough for him! 

Far Side


  1. Ahhh! Checkbook boxes make for great little boxes.
    Right now I am scrambling like you to get things from on line sources.
    What a beautiful place you have!

  2. Another "Day" title. I wonder how many you can think up. I'm enjoying them and that cowl makes me smile, too.

  3. It will be a quiet Christmas here- my daughter just had to cancel her flight as she was going to spend Christmas with me, but they have closed the border to interprovincial travel.

  4. I'm so glad Ron's recovery is going just as planned & expected. There's a lot to be said for that, even though it might be painful or "not quick". I love that cowl as well. I had a lady friend who absolutely adored the color purple... all of her life. Everything she had was purple... well, maybe not *everything* but close. I painted my bedroom walls a light lavender in memory of her. She passed away almost two years ago and I miss her still. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. I’ll bet you have friends and family who look forward to your annual ornament every year. What a special gift.

    A friend of mine took a vacation (dumb!!) with her husband to Cabo prior to her scheduled triple bypass surgery. She went for her pre-surgery physical this week and guess what? She has Covid. So far she has mild symptoms, but I just didn’t understand taking the chance of traveling like that before her surgery. Now her surgery is postponed and that isn’t good either.

  6. Glad to hear about Ron. My best friend's husband was rushed home after his bypass as the hospital is filing with Covid patients. I am amazed at how well he is doing. She got a quick visit after surgery and then when she picked him up to come home.

  7. You are really on top of things! I really like the purple buttons too :)

  8. Glad to hear that you BIL is doing well enough to complete his recovery at home.

    Good too, to hear that WW did a good job selecting paper and bags for you. I tend to purchase after Christmas so I have enough to keep us going for another year or so. I do re-use the bags and boxes as well.

    I love purple so those buttons definitely made me smile. Take care and stay well!

  9. I have trouble with the color brown, and just lately, I've learned to like the color grey.

  10. I'm glad to hear that Ron is doing well enough to go home. Life has is up's nowadays too, we have to look for them.
    The cowl is beautiful. Purple is my favorite color although I'm more partial to the lighter tones, I like them all.
    Love your dining table. It looks nice and sturdy. It can be an adventure, ordering online. You never know for sure what will actually be in that order!

  11. I don’t see a mess on your table, I see “festive”. I’m still working on Christmas cards. Paul adds people to the list faster than I can keep up!

  12. Another day, but you always have a lot to show for your days! It must feel good to be getting the ornaments ready to go out. Anything worthwhile makes a mess along the way! I love the way the purple buttons bring out the purple in the cowl. Someone will love that for sure. I send my best wishes for Ron to have an easy and fast recovery. I'm sure he is happy to get out of the hospital! You two have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Everything you create is pretty, even your mess.

  14. So glad your BIL is going home and doing well.
    Yes, the days can seem the same, that's for sure.

  15. I love the purple!
    Good luck to your BIL.

  16. Good to hear Ron is doing ok, the crowl is pretty.

  17. Your usual is a very good usual. The best thing we can do is keep busy.

  18. I'm glad you made it through another Day. I hadn't realized until I read DJan's comment the you had the last 7 or 8 posts titled something Day.

  19. I am ready to Christmas to come. I am sorry about Ron and I hope is is a fast recover time. My wife's friend made so many things from buttons. Banners and Christmas trees.I am anxious to see the ornament.

  20. You're keeping busy, as usual. Love those cute purple buttons! Happy to hear that BIL Ron is getting home....may his healing go very well!

  21. What mess?? Just looks like Christmas fun to me! 😃 Too bad I'm not closer, I love to repurpose things to make boxes and I could make plenty for you! // I remember you said recently (I think) that you needed to get buttons for the cowls you make. I have plenty of perfectly good pretty buttons I could send to you if you like. There is a contact form in the right sidebar of my blog that you could send me your address because it comes straight to my email and no one would see it that way. I look forward to seeing the ornaments you guys have made!!

  22. Oh, your brother in law will be in for a long road to recovery, despite his impatience. It takes a while to get over that massive surgery...but then, I've heard some bypass patients say they could feel the improvement right away, despite all the upheaval and aches and pains. It really makes a big difference to have all those arteries unclogged once again!

  23. You have been quite busy! Glad your brother in law is on the mend. Happy weekend!

  24. Glad you're almost ready to send out and deliver this year's ornaments, and that Ron is doing well.

  25. It may be another day same for you but go back in your blogs and see you get a LOT done,

  26. So glad your BIL is able to go home! Just in ti me for Thanksgiving which is really appropriate for him and his family I'm sure. Your table looks neat compared to my desk. What are you 2 up to for Thanksgiving this year?

  27. Took me ages to work out what a checkbook box is. I had to look it up. They don’t exist in this part of the world.


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