Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunny Day

 The local Post Office is only open for a few hours on Saturday mornings...I got up and dressed cause they frown on jammies and got the Christmas Ornament packages in the mail.  One person came into the Post Office to wait in line behind me. 

Far Guy and I walked to the mail box and afterwards we sat in the sunshine and watched the birds.  It was good to sit outside.   It was about 35 F or 1 C eh! 

I went immediately upstairs and mostly finished my dusting and vacuuming up there...Far Guy says he has no dust on his train set...I will tackle that and show him the dust another day.  His idea of dusting all that old train stuff is waving a swiffer duster around while he holds the vacuum hose in the air...he also uses canned air.  For a long time he had a remote control aircraft that moved lots of air...then one day it crashed too many times. Uffda. 

Far Guy worked on the Christmas letter...I looked at Christmas paper designs online and will order our paper on Monday so I can pick it up on Friday at a local business.  Far Guy ordered all the postage stamps online. 

Hairy Woodpecker...a female I think.

Embrace every sunny day you can! 

Far Side


  1. Rain is predicted for today. Yesterday we had rain in the morning but it was a light rain. Jeanne and I walked anyway. It was a good day for seeing birds. We saw Buffleheads and a Northern Flicker among others.

  2. Sounds like a nice - though chilly - day, and a very productive one too.

  3. Glad you had a sunny day! I keep thinking of way back in the early days of blogging. Didn't Far Guy have a blog at one time? It seems like I followed him and found your blog through his. Is that real or did I make that up?

  4. We've been having a mix of sun and cloud, and I agree I enjoy every bit of the sunshine. Even thought it's cold, the few minutes I spend feeding the birds and checking out the animal tracks in the snow feels better when the sun is out.

    Take care and stay well!

  5. I like Far Guy's idea of dusting with the airplane!
    Every day is a blessing, especially sunny ones.

  6. I was amazed that my cards I had printed actually came long before the date they were supposed to. Now I have the cards and everything set up.
    It was nice on our porch yesterday. In the high 30's but so much warmer in the sun.
    I'm looking to find groceries on line and am getting frustrated. But there is one local store that does curbside pickup. I'm done trying to get groceries at stores where people yank off their masks after they walk in.
    Our hospital just notified our community that their 25 beds are nearly full, they are short of staff, and they have a full ER as well as nowhere to send critically ill people.
    I'm at wits end.

  7. Love the woodpecker. We have a little teeny downy hanging out in our tree.

  8. I discovered you can order postage stamps online, too. I love it. I can look through all the designs and pick special stamps for special occasions or as a statement. I ordered the Halloween stamps for cards for my grandchildren (I put some spare scary ones on bills), flags, famous people, people who aren't very famous, but should be, holiday and scenic ones. I am mailing more cards now that I have a stamp collection!

  9. I laughed at the image of the aircraft doing dusting!

  10. You guys sound so organized, dust or no dust. I did dust this week. I'm sure you won't be able to tell by next week. Seems a futile task. We had a beautiful day yesterday too. I got Katie to the park around 4:30, just before the sun went down. Today we have snow. Sure is pretty, this is our first significant snow this season. Katie and I went out and did a couple (say maybe 12) pictures of her in the snow and then I rewarded her with a short game of throw the snowball. These days she doesn't want me to throw it far, more like toss it just above her so she can catch each one. She doesn't like to miss. She didn't want to come in when I was wet, she made me chase her around the yard, but now she's sleeping, so I think that was just the right amount of fun for her today.

  11. It sounds like a successful day. Guys do come up with interesting ways to do their jobs don't they!

  12. I love sitting in the wa4m sun in the fall and winter. It’s so soothing.

  13. You are so right. Embrace the sun! Love you!

  14. It’s such a blessing to order needed items safely online. Sitting in the sunshine watching the birds sounds lovely.

  15. I mailed our cards last week trying to get our new address out before others start mailing their cards.
    I like Far Guys method of dusting. I'm one to pick up each thing and wipe it off but my Mom was and my sister is, more like him. :-)

  16. The woodpecker is so pretty. I haven't seen any woodpeckers around since early spring. We used to see the Downy woodpeckers quite often. Wonder where they went?

  17. The canned air used for dusting sounds like something my DH could use for his very dusty collection of antique tools that he claims are NOT dusty. Maybe I could hold the vacuum hose while he uses the canned air. Thanks for the tip.

  18. We had some sun yesterday, but none today. And the rain is due any minute. I didn't know FG had a blog once upon a time. :-)

  19. That is a marvelous photo. Good for you two in getting some things done.

  20. Sunny here and stinking bloody hot as well, on Saturday I rode the scooter downm to post some letters Leo came with me to keep me safe/

  21. We had a bit of filtered sunshine yesterday morning, and no rain which is a treat at the moment. A bit depressing I must say. It's a bit wet as of Sunday afternoon.

  22. Not many sunny days here in November, but we embrace the dry days. We got lots done outside here yesterday and today. While I have to be careful, it does feel so good to be able to work outside. Cleaning out a flower bed is much more satisfying that indoor dusting. That may be why you will find dust in my house.

  23. I'm happy to hear about your sunny day and your outings getting things accomplished. I've never ordered stamps by mail....maybe I'll have to try that one of these days. I remember you talking about far guy's train set before. Is it up all year? I can't remember if you've shown us a pic of it or not. We've had a couple of train sets over the years....none now though.

  24. Glad you got your packages posted - and without your jammies!

  25. I found a little set of tools you can attach to your vacuum and they have soft brushes on the end. Perfect for drawers or tools and trains! I got it on the internet...I'll see if I can find it again and let you know. It wasn't expensive I don't think. Your sunny skies look great!

  26. Oh, believe me, I am embracing every single sunny day I can get...while feeling guilty, because "sunny" around here in November means we are still in a drought...


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