Sunday, November 8, 2020

Windows and Two Rides

 Far Guy helped me and we finished up the windows...yeah us we are done with windows!  I began a deep cleaning upstairs...Fall Cleaning  instead of Spring will take a while.  I will clean one small section at a time.   Good thing about working upstairs is I can leave a mess up there and walk away.

After windows we went for a ride in the Desoto.  Since the speedometer sticks at 25 mph Far Guy got an app for that...  we had it up to 56 enough for us... we had it out on the Highway and then we drove over to Steve and Jo's and honked the horn...only Putz and Odda were home.  We have been waiting all week to go for that has been too muddy to take the new old car out. She ran like a champ! 

Then we went for another ride in the other vehicle ...up North to drop off some gifts at Susie's...we are behind on our Birthday and Christmas visits and gifts.  She was making Evergreen Swags outside.   It was fun to visit at a distance...better than no visit at all. We have been friends for 45 years.

They live further in the boonies than we do.  It was a mostly cloudy dreary day.

How about that ...a Swag was my Christmas gift! 

I hung it up as soon as we got home. 

Far Side


  1. That is some Swag! Whoot!
    I've got a custom made Shephard's Hook coming this week to use for hanging plants in the summer and lights in the winter.

    Nice too that you guys got the DeSoto out for a spin.
    We had another decent day here but winter is still coming.

  2. Wonderful to hear the new old car ran like a champ. Far Guy must be a good mechanic. Glad you had a chance to visit with old friends, even if it was at a distance. Just seeing good friends is great.

  3. Glad you finally got to have a nice ride in the Desoto. That has to be such fun!

  4. What a lovely and thoughtful gift! Sounds like a nice day for a drive, or two.
    Take care, stay well!

  5. Beautiful car!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. Sometimes a ride is just the thing to make everyday life manageable. Thank you so much for the card. I loved it. It lifted my spirits, which I need so often through-out the day.

  7. THat sounds like a really good day. Glad the car rides (both of them) were fun, and that is a beautiful swag!

  8. Fun to go for a ride in your car car. A Peter, Paul, and Mary song is now stuck in my head.

  9. Fresh evergreens - they always smell so good, but they also trigger my allergies in a major way. You swag is very festive! Going for a ride brings a little joy. Wish my husband enjoyed doing that.

  10. Two rides, a little visit, and a pretty swag. Makes for a lovely day for sure.

  11. Just the word Desoto makes me think of daddy. He bought a couple of new ones back in the 1950's. The swag is so pretty. I need to make one soon. Oh, that pocket shawl, your last post, is beautiful! Simply beautiful!!

  12. Your car looks like so much fun! My bro-in-law bought and restored a ‘52 Chevy and I love riding in it when we visit them in Wisconsin. Kind of like going back in time. Your Evergreen door spray is beautiful. We are just getting fall colors down here.

  13. I bet that was fun going out for a ride in the Desoto! Just thinking about it takes me back. I love that swag. It is a beautiful gift and will help to get you in the mood for the holidays. (Why do they seem to come earlier each year???)

  14. Such a lovely car glad it runs well a ar ride is lovely

  15. What a lovely start to the Christmas season - your swag is awesome :)
    I'm glad you got to visit a few people, even if it was at a distance. And I loved your car, must be great riding around in that.

  16. I love your swag. It looks great hanging up there, all Christmasy! What fun that you got to take two rides and visit an old friend and get a Christmas gift! Good job on getting your windows done too! Never a dull moment at your house.

  17. Sounds like you had a nice fall day.

  18. What a day you had. I love that you both had a great time. Two rides for you and I never left the RV. It snowed off and on all day so I just stayed inside.
    That swag is amazing. So beautiful and a wonderful gift.

  19. Nice you got to go out for a couple of drives, and the weather co-operated well enough that one could be in the new old car.

  20. Now, how's that for putting everyone in a Christmas-y mood?! What a lovely swag.


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