Friday, November 13, 2020

Snow again

 I am not sure what # snow this is...I have lost track.  It snowed big flakes for quite a while. Enough to make the ground white.

I couldn't pick up groceries until after Far Guys he was with me...just like a little kid watching which people had masks and which ones did was fairly exciting for the old guy to see people! (Groceries are the highlight of our week!  Old people are easily entertained.)

The grocery report was dismal.  No 20 ounce bottles of water, no Green Enchilada Sauce, no Blueberry Muffins, no Cara Cara Oranges, and no antiseptic wipes.   I ordered a Pork Roast and some fatty looking Pork Chops I never would have bought were substituted... in the reading department Co Jack Cheese was interpreted as Pepper Jack Cheese.  So they get an F this week. 

Sure I can make my own blueberry muffins and research how to make my own green is just easier to order.  

I think we are on the brink of more shortages.  I was able to get a bottle of Lysol with bleach so I can make our own antiseptic wipes if I have to. 

The Covid numbers are going way up around here.  A wonderful lady died this week she was in the Nursing Home and we think it might have been Covid that contributed to her death.  She was married to Far Guy's Uncle.  She was 90 years old. 

One of Far Guy's Doctors said " Just assume that everyone has Covid." 

Stay safe out there in the Covid world. 

My earache is much better...hope it stays away:)

Far Side


  1. I like reading what your grocery store runs out of. It's such weird things that they run out. Every week in think hmmmm...what did they run out of this week. Yes, old people are entertained easily lol. But your grocery store antics are funny...yet not funny at all. 😟I don't want my comment to seem like I'm making fun of your situation, because I'm not. It's just so weird the items that are in short supply. I could see the essentials or things out of season, but enchilada sauce? Blueberry muffins? Weird.
    Covid cases are going up here also. This is another I cannot understand. We know how it's transmitted, so why do people keep putting themselves in situations that could spread it even more? Are we not more intelligent than this? With the Spanish flu people didn't know better so having a first, second, third AND forth wave was foreseeable. So you'd think we would know better to not repeat history.

    I dunno. I give up! Ugh.
    Happy Friday !
    P.s. I hope that your next foray into the grocery world is better.

  2. I sure wish I knew what is up with all the shortages in the grocery stores; it just doesn't make sense. I still go to the grocery store; just go real early when few people are there. You wouldn't believe the empty shelves. Sorry to hear about the death of Far Guys Uncles' wife. People are saying that the isolation due to Covid is a big factor in deaths these days. Glad your ear ache is getting better. Stay healthy and safe.

  3. Our area is getting dangerous because of Covid, also. A niece died of it last week and a mand who was a cub scout in the den I led is in the hospital with it. Scary times.

  4. When we order groceries for pick up they don't substitute unless we okay them to do so. Can you arrange for your store to do the same? I'd rather do without than to get something that I won't use. I know how you feel about us old people being easily entertained! I am not looking forward to this next wave of COVID as I feel it could easily be more deadly than the first. So sorry to hear about Far Guy's aunt's passing. Sad times. Have a great weekend!

    1. I say no substitutions and they substitute anyway:(

  5. Glad that earache is better but so sorry your grocery order was that disappointing. I had a long conversation with one daughter yesterday as she vented. She's working extra shifts at the hospital on weekends - for obvious reasons. Her husband was planning to take the kids and go to his parents to deer hunt with his dad. But they don't mask - at all. Don't believe in it. And they both drive school busses!!! Anyway, his mom is sick but refuses to get a Covid test because "it's OK if I get it". So he told his mother they are not coming there this weekend, even though he has already had Covid. And she is upset about that. What is WRONG with people? Stay safe!!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of Far Guys Uncles' wife. Things are getting more frightening by the day all over the country!

  7. Yes, COVID is rampant almost everywhere. Iowa has 91 counties out of 95 in the red zone and their governor is an idiot woman who won't do anything about it. She belongs to the Covid cult that says ignore it and it will go away. I went to Walmart yesterday and they had everything except they substituted one brand of Queso dip for another which was fine. Are you going to a Walmart? I've had no problems except last time they were all out of 7-up but this time I ordered 7-up and Gingerale just in case. It is a big deal to go to the store even if I never get out of the car! LOL! It's an outing!

  8. Terry and I like to see who has on a mask and who doesn't. We also like to see how people whip off their mask as soon as the exit the store.

  9. Hi Connie I know you know I'm somewhat of a prudent adventurer as in fly fishing in Montana's grizzly bear country canoeing in the far far North etc. so now in the face of the pandemic the loss of my beloved and so on being prudent to means my world has shrunk to the size of a pinhead. My recent annual physical exam was the best in years though I asked the doctor a guy my age could die of boredom. He told me to find a girlfriend. My simple response was that I was 54 years out of practice asking a girl for a date :-)

  10. Far Guy and my husband are the same guy in the parking lot. I get a total of how many were unmasked (our states mandates masks) and how many can't seem to understand how to wear them. Meanwhile, we picked up the 1/4 steer we ordered last March! We are so excited to know we won't need to play the grocery store meat game again for a very long time.

    My Aldi's order had several rice dishes I could have made myself. But it's easier and faster to buy the boxes. They subsituted the same weird packet of some kind of chicken rice that is a thick lump. I guess you massage the bag and put it in the microwave for a few minutes. I am not sure if it is as bad as I think it is or if I am repelled by the massaging of the goop. I think we have four bags of it left. Luckily I did get a big bag of plain old rice that I can doctor myself.

  11. I agree with FG’s doctor! This virus requires our vigilance every single day. Cases are skyrocketing here, too, and the Governor has been petitioned by healthcare workers and hospitals to issue a mask mandate. It’s past time to expect citizens to do the right thing on their own.

  12. Covid has finally hit our little town, 2 cases so far. Most people her have been masking and social distancing in public places since the beginning. I think it's time to start stocking up on things so I don't have to go out as much and before everything shuts down again.

  13. Wow. I saw a lot of shortages at the grocery store yesterday too. Odd stuff was missing, like taco sauce. Who needs to stockpile taco sauce 2 weeks before THanksgiving? I wish I lived closer to you, I'd take those pork chops back for you and look for something better. But I'm glad I don't live too close to you because we haven't had any snow yet. So there's that. I agree we are heading to more shortages coming. Hunker down people, covid is everywhere.

  14. I have been concerned that both covid and shortages would get worse as we went into winter and that certainly has been the case. We have never seen such a high number of cases in our area and the hospitals including the ICUs are almost full. This summer I started saving extra canned goods on a shelf in our basement. I wanted to stock up on disinfecting wipes but I could never find any. Back in early March I ordered six containers of Clorox wipes from Amazon right before the price went up and they disappeared. That has lasted us until now and finally I just recently found some more wipes at the grocery store - at a much higher price of course! Those wipes have been the most difficult things to find, well, unless you are looking for Lysol spray which can't be found here!

  15. They should definitely get an F for substituting when you have checked NO substitutions. They do crazy substitutions here at Cashwise, too, if you don't check NO...but to have them substitute anyways--geez!

    I have lost count on the snowfalls here, too. Some were so light, but I think we've had half a dozen so far...and we didn't get any last night, either, like you did. It all melted away during the Indian Summer week.

    Yes, we are easily entertained--LOL! Have a super weekend. :)

  16. I am glad that the numbers are still relatively low in Washington state, and especially in our county. But I have decided that going to the gym is a bad idea, even with all the restrictions in place. And yes, I am also noticing how little it takes for me to be entertained. :-)

  17. I'm so glad your ear is better but sorry to hear about Far Guys aunt. I don't understand why some people aren't taking htis more seriously. It's just plain scary out there. Dennis and I are in self-imposed isolation too. I have only been to the Vet and for my mammogram this week. At the vet I didn't leave the car. Dennis goes to work and comes home. I'm sure glad for my online friends. I think I would go batty otherwise.
    I'm working on my Walmart grocery order for next Monday. I wonder if anything will actually be available? I think a lot of food chains are interrupted because of the high number of cases. People just can't go to work because they're sick.
    Take care of yourself and stay safe out there.

  18. I made my last trip in for the month [fingers crossed] as we don't have any way of curbside pick up or any on line orders in our area. I can drive 40 miles one way to do it though! Nope.
    People watching is interesting though. I used to love sitting in the Chicago train station and watch people.
    That 'friend' of mine told me that Covid is no big deal yet again.
    I got a call from a young mom last night. Her sister came down with the symptoms, yet went to work ... UNbelievable she told me! Those who deny are those who don't take care.
    Hang in there I know it is hard.
    I do agree with FG's doctor, assume everyone has it.

  19. We find it very amusing too watching who wears a mask and who doesn't. We're some of those who do take ours off fairly quickly after exiting the store mainly because we have trouble breathing properly through the layers.

  20. I'm with FG's doc - it's sort of like defensive driving, I assume everyone else isn't paying attention so I do what I can to avoid them. As for easily amused, I'm not sure you need to be old - I've always been a people watcher. Long waits at airports have never been a real problem for me as I can make up stories.

    Glad to hear your earache is some better, and my sympathies on the passing of FG's aunt.

    We're getting up in cases here too and I'm sticking close to home as much as possible. I still haven't done curbside since the first disastrous attempt but go as early as possible when the stores are quiet. Take care, stay well!

  21. You had us laughing at "old People are easily entertained." Does that mean I'm getting old too? Cheryl says you better get your turkey early this year. If everyone is stuck at home, there might be a run on them! ( and hording turkey might be good for the industry!) Oh, And I like playing the "He is wearing the mask wrong" game as well. Cheryl is usually oblivious to the people around her. I'm the hyper aware one...

  22. I like the quote from one of Far Guys doctors. It's one way to help keep out heads in the game.

  23. Your grocery woes continue. Must be frustrating.

  24. It must be super frustrating orderin stuff and not getting them, I had a couple of items come up not available but got everything I ordered.

  25. Oh my goodness, your grocery experience was pretty dismal this week. Sure hope things are better next week. I think covid numbers are up everywhere right now....they said there would be a resurgence when the weather got cold this fall. Hoping this nasty bug will finally just fade away. Take care!

  26. No one wants to make green sauce.

    Be glad for a better day.

  27. So sorry to hear about the loss of your wonderful friend. Those losses seem even harder in the midst of all this isolation. And there have been signs of people expecting shortages around here, too. Maybe people are just resorting to going grocery shopping more often, just to avoid the boredom and loneliness!

  28. We call it The Lottery — and try to guess what items we WON’T get this time. Funny, we didn’t get Our cara cara oranges or green enchilada sauce either. Must be a national shortage!

  29. Our shortages never ended here and now are getting even worse. I'm truly frustrated and annoyed with people. We've seen people walk into the stores two or three times during the same shopping trip only to come out with the exact same things, so you know they are the hoarders. Don't know how a store could do a Gotcha! but it would be pretty interesting to see if they did!

  30. Ew ear ache! I am I think finally getting a handle on mine (chronic swimmers ear and sinus issue). We are warming up significantly. The snow is almost gone on the south sides of things which is fab - since I wanted to get the little car to take to town. Now the mud begins.

  31. We went in to another lockdown at the start of November and the moment it was announced people started stripping the shelves again, even though there was a message put out from our Prime Minister that all grocery stores would stay open so nobody needed to stock up. It's just stupid. There would be plenty of food and other supplies for everyone if people didn't keep trying to stockpile it. Also, some of the stuff they stock up on doesn't make sense, and it makes me so angry that they do that, end up throwing half of it away because they couldn't use it before it went bad, and then other people couldn't even do their regular shop properly.


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