Sunday, November 15, 2020

Quiet Day

 We had a quiet day doing our usual stuff; housework, laundry, cooking and free time.

I worked on Christmas Cards and sewed buttons on some Cowls that I finished this week. 

Just a few that are finished.  They will be gifts most likely...I crochet to keep my hands busy.  Some of this yarn has been hanging around for a long time. 

 Bad news for some of the people we Aunt is entering Hospice Care, Son In Law Andy's Dad is in the hospital with something they are unable to diagnose and an old friend has Pancreatic Cancer. 

Many people out there are struggling.  My prayers are with all who struggle with health issues Covid related and non Covid related. 

Count your blessings if you are in good health! 

November is half over today...the days are dark and dreary....which is usual for November weather.

Far Side


  1. November is what I call the dark month, so many changes happen along with the weather and daylight.
    A friend of mine in Missouri and I talked, her sister is very sick with Covid but is refusing to go to the ER.
    I don't want to dwell on all the dark stuff. I ordered cards online and have been working on my rag rug as well as reading.
    Quiet is good and that is how I intend to spend most of today.

  2. Good health is definitely a blessing to be treasured. I knit and sew to keep my hands and my mind busy, especially during this unsettling time.

  3. (Prayers) are what we need right now!

  4. Your cowls are beautiful! Sending prayers For your aunt, Andy's dad and your friend. I'm more nervous by the minute about Covid.

  5. Lovely cowls! I'm sure they'll be much appreciated.

    Sad to hear that those you know and care about are not well. Sadly, our medical resources both in your country and mine are being strained at this time.

    Take care and stay well.

  6. Prayers for you and for all your friends. These are terribly unsettling times.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about the illnesses of your family and friend. This is a difficult time for many people. Good health is indeed a blessing and I give thanks for the health of my family members daily. So often we don't know what we have until we lose it.

    Your Cowls are beautiful! They will make welcome Christmas gifts. I love the variety of colors.

    I'm sending my best to you and Far Guy. We are in dark days and this winter will be difficult but I try to remember all the good things I am thankful for each day and your friendship and blog are certainly among those good things!

  8. The cowls are so pretty. They will be lovely gifts. We thank God every day for our good health. Will keep your loved ones in our prayers. ((hugs))

  9. The cowls are so pretty. Especially like the multi-colored one.
    Sorry to hear of all the people dealing with health issues. Yes, we have to count our blessings if we are okay and functional! I am keeping busy working on Christmas cards.

  10. Your cowls will be well received I’m sure. It seems like everyone I know lately has a family member dealing with either Covid or some other serious health crisis. I don’t know if it’s more folks than usual or if it just seems that way. I have a friend who just began chemo for ovarian cancer.

  11. We also give thanks daily for our continued health, even if it's not perfect, as far as we know our demise isn't imminent. Love the pretty cowls. Sorry to hear of the news about family and friend illness. It's a dark time right now for many of us.

  12. Your cowls are so pretty and will be treasured by anyone blessed to receive one. I know what you mean about keeping hands busy. I wrote the Christmas letter today and hope to work on cards this week. They need to go out soon so people will know of our address change. I guess a Christmas card early will brighten the spirits anyway, right?
    I'm so sorry to hear about the illness of your friends and family. I wish I could believe when 2020 ends everything would magically be okay, but we know that this will follow us into the next year. I will be praying for all of your people and you and Far Guy too. Stay safe.

  13. You make pretty gifts to brighten the dark days.

  14. I'm sorry about your friends and family. We have one family member in the hospital too, with stuff they can't figure out. His covid tests come back negative, but we feel that maybe he had covid and the stuff going on now is a result of it. He is the son of husband's brother who died 3 weeks ago of covid.

    Your cowls are beautiful. Love the different yarns.

    Last year at this time we got lots of snow, today it's just really bad wind and rain (and a little hail for effect). I ope nothing falls onthe house...and that tomorrow will be better.

    I did one CHristmas card toay. I have a grand total of 7 finished. Think I might need to step up my production rate.

  15. Sorry about the health problems some of your acquaintances are having.
    These are indeed dark days as November days usually are and also because of the Covid issues. Stay well!

  16. Those cowls are so pretty! You have been busy! You fins the best patterns.
    So sad to hear of your friends and relatives struggling with health problems especially during this pandemic. I pray every day for all who are suffering or struggling in any way. It just seems there is so much of it. Take care you two!

  17. Dreary day here in Iowa. Opening Day Deer Season in Michigan and my entire Family is probably out there braving the rain, wind, and cold. I know I used to... with great happiness! Hope everyone in your family gets to feeling better. I sometimes think people take good health for granted... until they lose it somehow. ( age, accident, tragedy...) I think I had enough of a rough childhood to know that I want nothing to do with hospitals! So I have to work on keeping the body up to par. ( which is hard to do... sometimes. )

  18. Good health must be the most valuable asset a person can ever have, so I am sorry to hear that you have family and friends who are facing illness at this time. Best wishes to them and their families, Mxx

  19. Will pray for all the folks you mentioned in your blog today, who are sick. Looks like you're keeping busy, making those beautiful cowls and working on your Christmas cards too. We're supposed to get a little warmer weather mid-week....hope you do too! Take good care.

  20. The cowls are really pretty! What a great way to use up parts of yarn!

  21. I'm sorry to read about the poor health of those connected to you. This is a hard and sad time for so many, and I will keep them all in my prayers that they and their family's find comfort and support during these challenging times.

    On the flipside, we've had some wonderful November days, but I know they will be short-lived and those cold and dark days are ahead.

    Take care, and be well!

  22. What lovely colors in your photo today. Just perfect for fall!

    So sad to hear of all the people you mentioned with health problems. This is a difficult time to have to face health issues of any kind.

  23. Glad you got some work done on various craft projects. Sorry you know so many people struggling with their health right now. I hope those who can get better and those who can't can be made comfortable for whatever time they have left. Stay safe and well.

  24. November can be a dreary month. It always reminds me of Jo in the book Little Women who had her birthday in November.

  25. You have been busy busy ~ yes it seems like the virus is getting more popular in our area. Take care!


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