Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Dog Day

 We enjoyed my baby brother and his bride's dog all summer.  Stiney was a frequent visitor when they went hiking the trails...he had his own water dish and knew right where to find it under our patio table.   Stiney would run the perimeter of our yard...his nose collecting all the news. Here and there would be a flash of the little black dog.  Sometimes on his rounds after a drink he would come over to get his back scratched...he knew I was always game.  After another round or two he would settle happily down for a short rest.  

He was a frequent visitor on our trail cameras. 

Here Stiney is held safely in Beth's arms getting a ride back home.  Stiney had good days and some bad days all summer....old age and liver problems. 

Earlier this month Stiney appeared on the trail camera...he was looking for my baby brother.  Shortly after this they all went to Oregon for a visit...sadly yesterday Stiney went to the Rainbow Bridge.  ( I think the Rainbow Bridge might be a bit like Minnesota for Stiney as he loved it here.)

My baby brother and his bride will miss this little black dog very much.   Me too.

Far Side


  1. It is always with a heavy heart that we see our best 4 legged friends age and then leave us. I am sorry for their loss of Stiney. I literally could fill a wall with photos of all my old canine friends.
    I swear, if you were a neighbor, I'd let Charlie come over and entertain the both of you!

  2. So sorry to hear about Stiney. May he find a good life on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

  3. Oh, so sad. Our pets do so much for us - our spirits mourn when they leave us.

  4. Awww, I'm sorry to hear of the family loss, but the good part is that he was so very loved during his life. That's all I can hope for myself, too. Rest in peace, Stiney.

  5. Such sad news. I'm so sorry for all of you :(

  6. R.I.P. Stiney... Run free on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

  7. Sorry for the lose of a beloved pet friend. Sounds like he will be missed by all that enjoyed his companionship.

  8. Awe - so sad. You'll miss seeing him exploring.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear this. It's so hard to lose a fur friend!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear this. We share our lives with these beautiful creatures knowing we will outlive them, but it still hurts immensely when they leave us.

    Take care, stay well.

  11. Gosh...I am so sorry for all of them. It breaks my heart to read this, because I know their hearts are also breaking.

  12. You all have my sympathies for the loss of sweet Stiney. It is so difficult to handle the loss of our sweet babies.

  13. Sorry to hear that. He sounds well loved and like he had a great life. :)

  14. Sorry about Stiney. I received a beautiful Thanksgiving card. Brightened my day - thank you!

  15. Awwwwww..... rest in peace, sweet Stiney!! It sounds like he possessed a life well lived. To have people mourn over our death is a blessing from Above indeed. Every dog should be so lucky. God bless all of you who made sure Stiney had a good life & was loved! ~Andrea xoxo

  16. I'm sorry to hear about Stiney. I know he is enjoying his forever Minnesota home.

  17. When someone loses a beloved pet it just makes me so sad. We get so attached to our furry friends. Condolences to Stiney's loved ones.

  18. I'm so sorry to hear about Stiney. He sounds like a very sweet dog that liked to visit you and Far Guy. To have our fur babies get old is a bittersweet part of having them in our family. Love and comfort to you and your baby brother and his bride.

  19. It is always sad to lose one of our furry friends. I like the idea of their going to the Rainbow Bridge (not heard that expression before). Mxx

  20. Stiney time had come which is sad but it happens and wew manage to go on day by day

  21. Unfortunately, most of us can relate to losing our beloved companions. The older I get it seems the easier I shed tears. But at least we have those precious memories.

  22. I'm sorry for your baby brother and his bride's loss. They will certainly miss Stieny ( as will you no doubt).

  23. Sorry I misspelled his name. I realized that just as I pressed publish.

  24. Oh, sorry to hear about Stiney .....hopefully he's cavorting with your Chance somewhere over that bridge. It's so hard to lose pets, even if they're worn and tuckered out. When we lost our last pet, I vowed never to get another one...my heart couldn't take it. Some people do much better at that, than I do.

  25. Aww, poor sweet Stiney. That hit close to home as you can imagine with Jake. Something that's in the back of my mind much of the time, even though he is doing quite well for a nearly 16.5 year old. One day at a time. Run freely and happily, Stiney!

  26. Oh, I was afraid that was where this post was going. Too hard. I think with every loss of a pet, it brings back memories of ones we have lost in the past. Such good friends to lose...

  27. I'm so sorry for your loss. Such a precious little thing.

  28. I still miss our two last dogs and think of them often. The nest door pet was a part of your family too.

  29. So sad losing our beloved fur babies.💖


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