Sunday, November 29, 2020

Cee Cee Baptism Day

  We drove up North.  Our Great Granddaughter Cee Cee was baptized last evening.

The baptismal gown has been packed away in the trunk since it was worn by Great Grandson Hey Mikey for his baptism.  The gown hung in the living room all week.  The cap had blue ribbon but Jen brought some pink ribbon along with her. 

We met Jen, Andy and Cee Cee in the parking lot of the church...everyone else was inside at Mass.  I changed out the ribbon and Jen dressed Cee Cee in the backseat of her vehicle. (luckily it was reasonably warm  40 F)

Jen and I both wore masks...I stayed a distance away and just watched. 

The gown fit just fine.  (Big sigh of relief)  For those of you who don't know...this baptismal gown was made out of my wedding door neighbor Jo and I made it.

I knew that my big girl camera wouldn't like the dark so I used my cell phone to take a few photos. 

Cee Cee looking at her Great Auntie Jen as if to say "Why are you wearing that mask?"

Jen and Cee Cee 


 Saying Hi to Great Grandpa.

Other family members were already in the church.  We did not go inside..we felt that it would be unnecessary exposure for Far Guy.  We left for home as Jen and Andy walked toward the church with Cee Cee.

Andy took a video for us it was almost as good as being there.  The important thing was that she was baptized.  We got to deliver the gown and see her dressed in it. 

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Matthew 28:19

Far Side


  1. Seeing CeeCee and Jen must have brought you both a lot of joy.
    What a beautiful dress and child!
    There is a lot of meaning behind that dress too.

  2. She is so cute and how special that the gown was made from your wedding dress! I'm glad you two didn't take any chances. Better safe than sorry.

  3. Happy for the two of you that you got to do this much.

  4. A sacramental dress for sure!
    May little CeeCee receive many blessings in her life.

  5. Oh, I love the story of that christening gown! I'm happy for you that you got to share in at least part of the experience.

  6. Congrats to CeeCee! Glad the gown fit her perfectly. :)

  7. Oh how beautiful little Cee Cee looked. And now she's all "right with God" too. Bless her heart.

    My mother was known for her homemade baptismal gowns. In fact it was mentioned in her obituary when she died. You are lucky that even down to your great-grandchild the parents are still getting their children baptized. Church going doesn't seem to be as popular anymore as it once was. All my children were baptized very early in their lives... now my granddaughters have never seen the inside of a church except when I took them. Then our son & daughter-in-law have decided not to have any children... so both the baptismal gowns my oldest daughter & son wore, when they were baptized, are rotting in a box in my closet. *sigh* Makes my heart hurt when I think about it. So you're very lucky, my friend, but I know you already realized that. Love, Andrea xoxo

  8. She's adorable, and the dress is perfect! It's got many lives still left in it, I suspect. :-)

  9. Your family found a way to adapt beautifully to the situation we are living through. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Congratulations to CeeCee and the family! She looks beautiful in the gown! I remember when you were making it and when Hey Mikey wore it. I think that is a wonderful way to pass down your wedding dress. I love your pictures and I am so glad you were able to get a video!

  11. The baptismal gown is a family treasure. Maybe it will continue to be passed along to more generations. My girls and their children have all been too big to wear my vintage baptismal gown that my mother made for me. But it’s in a box for posterity. So glad you got to see her dressed in the gown in person.

  12. So great that you could in a small but important way be part of this occasion. Blessings on the little one and her parents.

  13. She is so beautiful and perfect! You all have a wonderful family who are very supportive of each other when it comes to wonderful traditional family celebrations! I love the gown and the history of it.

  14. So beautiful, I wish my grandchildren were baptised

  15. Whoa! That kid is Growin'! Happy Baptism day. I'm glad it happened when I was an infant... so I would not get scared being in the front of the congregation. It was terrifying enough when I was confirmed! The dress looked great! Good thing you get more than one use out of that wedding dress.

  16. Beautiful baby, dress and story! Congratulations. Glad you were there and stayed safe!!

  17. What a precious keepsake the baptismal gown is! So glad you were able to deliver it for the occasion and see your granddaughter and great granddaughter!!

  18. Grand idea about the wedding dress...I do believe I remember you saying that before.

  19. What a wonderful day. Your great grand Cee Cee looked so beautiful in that beautiful baptismal gown on her Baptism Day. I'm so glad you got to see the ceremony on a video. What a pretty little girl she is. Thank you for sharing. Glad you got to be a part of at least a little of it.

  20. Connie, I cried as I read this. CeeCee looks like a baby doll in her beautiful gown. I'm so glad that you and Far Guy were able to be a part of this very special day in her life. I do wish you could have been inside, but your wonderful family made sure you didn't miss a thing with the video. You are very blessed my friend. Thank you for sharing this beautiful event with us.

  21. Such a pretty baby and the gown is lovely. I'm glad you were able to spend some time, even socially distanced.

  22. Glad you were able to deliver the gown and see her in it, even if you couldn't risk more than that. At least it could be done, and you were as involved as was safe for you and Far Guy to be.

  23. I am so glad you could do the day even with all the adjustments. You have all the good memories and Far Guy got to see her too.

  24. Beautiful baptismal gown! What a cutie she is.


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