Friday, July 24, 2020

Town Report

The State of Minnesota will be requiring masks to be worn indoors beginning July 25.  There is a fine...but who are the mask police anyways...

Becker County now has 92 cases of Covid -19 and Hubbard County 13 cases (where we get groceries and go to the clinic)

Grocery order pickup was an adventure milk, pretzel rolls,  potatoes or various crackers...who knew.

This is the last of the sculptures at Goose Poop Park.  It is not named.

It looks the same from just about any angle.

Town was very busy...Crazy Days are happening and Main Street is blocked off...I would be crazy to go there.   The clinic seemed busier than normal. 

Before we left town we got our monthly tank of gas and a car wash.

Far Side


  1. Many of our local grocery stores and Walmart are requiring masks beginning earlier this week. We are experiencing many shortages in our area too. I hope you two have a nice Friday.

  2. Can you get potatoes from a local farmer's market at all? I have a farmer friend I called and she put me in touch with another person who had a large garden. I am slicing and dehydrating some potatoes just to see how that works out. This spring I couldn't find any potatoes or sweet potatoes!
    I'm putting in an order with a farmer lady for items I can't get other places.
    I read last night that aluminum cans are going to become part of the shortage! Really? What will beer/soda drinkers do?
    Hope you have a good day.

  3. Maryland has been doing the mask thing since the lockdown and it was going well until they opened bars, gyms and indoor dining. Now our numbers are climbing again but since the hospitalizations are still holding steady no one seems to care. A friend is in the hospital right now from a suspected heart attack. She is 40, very healthy but had Covid in March. Now her heart appears to have suffered damage even though her case was not much worse than the flu. Hospitalizations are not the best metric to declare success. Araignee

  4. We have a mask requirement here - all indoor businesses and outside if closer than 6 feet. We also have various food shortages and certain aluminum can beverages. Things are really starting to get overly nuts. Doesn't make me a happcamper. Have a great weekend.

  5. From what I've seen on the news it looks like all these poor customer service workers are the mask police and many people are being hateful and rude to them along with refusing to wear one. You two stay safe and have a great weekend! :)

  6. Our county had 15 actives cases as of yesterday, but our total since March is up to nearly 100. The active cases concern me as we have no idea if where they are located. We have 1 large town and 2 small towns. Plus we have a regional hospital here. I wish we got more information. Crazy Days begin here today - and I have a couple of stops I want to make. It will be interesting to see if many people are masked or not since we have no mandates.

  7. We are doing okay here, but are also not likely to move to the next reopening phase any time soon, as we are still not meeting all the metrics for the current one. :-(

  8. We've yet to go to mandatory masks and I can't see our provincial government taking that action unless or until numbers significantly increase. We've had two days of large numbers but most are related to local Hutterite colonies. It may not protect me but I'll keep masking and taking other precautions until I get a vaccine.

    Take care and stay well!

  9. I ventured into a Sam’s Club yesterday. I was very comfortable since masks are mandatory to shop there. In and out quickly to restock the pantry with items I use a lot. I like the sculpture you found in GPP: this one is my favorite of those you shared this year.

  10. Our state in in Mask mandatory ruling now --- lots of things are canceled. I couldn't find kalamata olives, of all things, yesterday at the store. Weird times for sure.

  11. Yes, crazy to go to Crazy Days, surprised they're even having it. I was just at the grocery store. No cereal, no bottled water, no salad dressing. Those were all things I had coupons for but there was nothing to buy. Lots of other things gone too. And this was on a Friday morning, not all that early. Can't imagine what the shelves will look like once the Saturday shoppers get finished.

  12. We have had mandatory masks in all public places for quite some time now and still our numbers are going up, up, up. Just yesterday we had 97 new cases in our county alone. It's been like that for weeks and why I haven't gone anywhere except home and the lake for over a month. One Walmart grocery trip thrown in there. All it will take though, is someone being careless at Dennis's workplace and all bets are off. Several there have been diagnosed just this week.

  13. Wearing masks just makes sense. Mask resistance doesn't.
    We haven't noticed grocery shortages here in this major metropolitan area.

  14. We’re happy to see lots more people wearing masks here since an ordinance went into effect about a week and a half ago. Even the tourists! Mostly they think since they are on vacation Covid is too. We watched while waiting a half an hour in the parking lot waiting for our prescriptions and Walmart isn’t letting anyone in without a mask. They have a checker at the door and everyone complied. I kinda like that sculpture. The wood is pretty.

  15. No milk nor potatoes? What could be more basic. I hope you find some at another store. This being Friday we did the grocery shopping. Very few masks were seen...a few people had them hanging from their chins. I have mine in my purse in case someone speaks to me or coughs near me, otherwise I don't wear it.

  16. You have things down to a very safe routine.

  17. I could maybe turn that sculpture into a cowboy if I could add a few more things to it! I'm so sick of the mask business. Half the experts say they're a good thing....the other half say they're a bad thing. ho hum.

  18. Our county, the biggest in Ontario, hasn't had any cases in a month. We are now required to mask. There is an awful lot of yip yapping and complaining about THAT.

  19. What a funny looking statue
    No Covid cases in Lake Macquarie thankfully

  20. That latest outdoor art looks more like a carving than a sculpture! But I take to it a bit more warmly than some of the others you've photographed. Must be the warm wood tones...

  21. Calgary has just mandated masks in indoor spaces and public transit. I usually only wear one when I go to church as it's mandatory there, so far no sick people in our town but I'm sure that will change at some point. I haven't been sick for over 3 years, had H1N1 for a month and I think it's very similar to the Wuhan virus, at least from what I have read it sure seems the same as what I had- maybe it wasn't H1N1 after all....

  22. I like the wood of that sculpture... it's interesting in it's look, kinda reminds me of some of the wooden blocks my grandson plays with. // People here have been violent if they don't want to wear masks... I avoid stores if at all possible. // Everyone is noticing that shortages of all sorts of grocery items are starting all over again. Stay safe!

  23. The circle of life , my name for it.

  24. Our daily discoveries of infection is three to five hundred per day. The stats are out that 54 percent of our deaths are people from the nursing homes. I can't even comprehend how that stats are continually so high. Seven to eight people each day die. We have our friend home from hospital and rehab so we get to take here for chemo again. It is the most dangerous thing we do but we can't enter the hospital.

  25. That's really strange that you can't get those items. Especially potatoes. I think the sculpture should be called Broken Horseshoes as that is what first came to mind.
    We're doing well in our part of AR but I don't go anywhere but Walmart where they load my car, the pharmacy which is drive up and gas which is a self-serve station and no one is ever there. I still wear a mask at all times except when I go for my walk. Stay safe!

  26. It's odd the kinds of things that keep not being available.

    Masks must be worn indoors and on public transport in England as of July 24th too.


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