Sunday, December 22, 2019


We had a lovely gathering/party.

We gathered at a favorite eating establishment in the boonies.

The message is clear ...we are loved by many special people.

Our youngest daughter did a wonderful job with the decorations and preparations for the party all we did was show up!
Son In Law Andy was the MC of the Trivia Game..Who were the best man and maid of honor?  How large was their first home?  Where did they go to school and what were their majors?  Name their four Shetland Sheepdogs?  Name the grandchildren from shortest to tallest?  How many States have they lived in?  What kind of car did Far Guy say he should have never sold; model , make, year and color?   Which ride did Far Guy set up on a regular basis during the summers on Merriam's Midway Shows? What did we say was our greatest accomplishment?   Share a story...and they did.

Far Side


  1. Great set of questions. Wish I knew the answers. Sounds like a great party.

  2. What a wonderful heartfelt celebration! You 2 are obviously very much loved and appreciated by many! I love the banner!

  3. That must have warmed your hearts. Great idea the Trivia!

  4. Wonderful celebration! Congrats again on the milestone.

  5. Wonderful family! You are loved! Congratulations! Many more to come!

  6. The banner is precious! Sounds like a fun evening.

  7. That must have been so much fun! Whoever thought of that trivia game is really clever.

  8. It sounds as though you all had a wonderful time. I would love to know the trivia answers and that banner is the perfect memento. Congratulations again!

  9. Fifty years celebrated with friends and family, surrounded by love. It doesn't get better than that. Happy anniversary.

  10. Happy belated 50th Wedding Anniversary.

  11. Nice party! The banner is very clever and what a keepsake!

  12. What a perfect celebration with your loved ones! I love the trivia game and the banner with your family. Your daughter did a fantastic job! More special memories to add to your collection.

  13. It sounds wonderful and meaningful and fun and loving. You are blessed.

  14. These things bring back many good memories.

  15. Sounds like a FUN party! I think you should share some of the questions along with the stories that answer them.

  16. That must have been a great party! I love that kind where all you have to do is to show up. Too bad it doesn't happen more often.
    That banner is a treasure!!

  17. I love the pictures with letters telling you how much you are all loved. I wish I knew the answers to those questions! :-)

  18. Great party with great fun. Again I say congratulations.

  19. Such a nice celebration for a wonderful occasion! I like the quiz and I would like to know the answer to the last question. The photo banner is such a cute idea.

  20. Sounds like it was a wonderful time for all, especially you two. How fun the trivia questions were....did you know all the answers? Did anybody? How nice to have it at a favorite restaurant too. Congratulations on a wonderful party and 50 great years! Blessings to you both!

  21. Sounds like a great party/gathering, I prefer the term gathering overe party don't know why I just do

  22. How very sweet. I know you & Far Guy will treasure this memory forever.

  23. This sounds like an amazing time! Wow!

  24. Sounds like the perfect party. You and Far Guy sure have a loving family.

  25. Thank you for sharing. This sounds like a terrific celebration!

  26. Of course you are loved by many special people! And I bet they had a few stories to share. Speaking of which, what car was it that Far Guy said he wished he never sold?

  27. It all sounds wonderful! Congratulations on your 50 years!


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