Monday, December 2, 2019

Snow report

We got snow.

The snow stick shows 9 inches on that side of the house.

It was more like 12 inches of snow on the patio.   It was a work out but I got it done.  Far Guy helped for awhile then he ran out of he came inside to gasp for breath.

It was a heavy had lots of moisture in it.  I shoveled a path around the bird feeders, sure would like to make that area less of a fall hazard....although soft snow is not a half bad place to land.

The electric snow shovel was worth it's weight in gold...still hard work...and some areas you just have to shovel with the good old scoop shovel.

My nephew Josh came by and cleared out the driveway!

Ready or not here Winter comes....I thought we had 20 some days before Winter should still be Fall.
Far Side


  1. Thank goodness you have someone to clear the driveway. I've never heard of an electric shovel. I'll have to check that out. Your pictures of the snow look beautiful! But then I'm not the one shoveling either! LOL!

  2. I am so glad you had help clearing the driveway. We had rain most of the day yesterday; then it turned into snow. This AM snow was on the grass and rooftops but the cement was okay. It is way to early for all this mess.

  3. Oh my goodness. And wet snow is the worst! I am going to have to look at electric shovels, too. Here in town, we replaced our three boys (when they grew up) with a snow blower. It is great for the light, dry stuff. Mr. Merry likes it so well that, since he retired, he does almost our whole neighborhood's sidewalks. He tries to get the driveway before it gets packed down and then does a few other driveways for some special neighbors.

  4. You got a lot of snow, all right. And it does look awfully pretty, even if it's heavy and hard to shovel. Good for you for getting it done anyway, and kudos to Josh for clearing the driveway! :-)

  5. It just started snowing here this morning. It is forecasted for the next week. I guess it will for sure be a white Christmas.

  6. Oh WOW!!! That is a lot of snow! It's pretty but such a lot of work. Stay safe out there. I fell down the stairs twice this weekend and once up them and I can't even blame it on any slippery stuff lol...

  7. Very pretty! But yes, lots of work. Yesterday late morning our whole neighborhood was out with snowblowers digging out from under that wet snow. And of course the snowplows came through and blocked in all the driveways again. Dave said it was like digging through rocks across the end of the driveway.

  8. It seems it's snow time for a lot of people. We got a tiny bit yesterday and last night, just enough to make the roads slick on the way to the airport with Mandy and Piper this morning.
    Winter seems to be here with a vengance already.

  9. I feel for you - shoveling snow, heavy or not, is hard work. Thankfully, I don't have that burden anymore. Keep warm.

  10. Your snow is so pretty, and of course it makes it more what way when the sky is blue and the sun is shining. But, snow makes for a lot of work, and I would get tired of it very quickly. Our predicted snow didn't come, just some light rain this morning, and for the next week unfortunately. I can get tired of the rain very quickly too!

  11. Thank goodness for nephew Josh! A wet snow is good for making snowmen but a real pain to shovel. Glad you have the electric snow shovel. We have one and I love it. Be careful when you have to use the regular shovel - that heavy snow can sure give a back ache! It does look really pretty though. I hope you both have a good week without too many appointments.

  12. O! Yes you did! Snow, snow and more snow. You did a nice job with the shovels...that IS hard work.

  13. It's white over here, too. I have Christmas carols on. ;)

  14. My family in Rapid City got dumped on by a Thanksgiving weekend blizzard.

  15. Heavy wet snow is the worst! I hope we can get through winter with a minimum of snow. It's pretty but so inconvenient.

  16. Too much snow for me! I'm glad you were able to get it cleared up.

  17. Oh no! We have cold and wind today and yesterday. Had to go for a hospital test at 6 a.m. and it was too cold for me! lol

  18. I figure about 6-7 inches down here. It was time for a walk afterward yesterday, and was good to get outside. You have a nice woods around your place.

  19. Oh, boy! What a start to winter. You don’t have to worry about those Thanksgiving calories anymore. They are all used up!

  20. I thought for a second that you shoveled the whole drive way!

  21. Well, you do live in Minnesnowda.
    Be careful out there.

  22. Goodness! That is a LOT of snow.... I forgot to mention we got a "Dusting" of snow here in Iowa, before the Sun melted it this afternoon. Looks like rain the next few days.

  23. You're should still be Fall! Oh well.....we never get to that date without winter setting in! Your snow is is ours.....need to get used to it again. We're working on Christmas decorations....slowly but surely. Tomorrow I may tackle the Nativity scene....which I made in ceramics class about 47 years ago. The tree will come later as that's the biggest job. Well, then theres the wrapping of gifts....whew....December is busy. Peace to both of you and don't fall down!

  24. We only got about an inch of snow and it was of the light and fluffy variety.

  25. We didn't see even a flake in my part of north eastern Ontario!

  26. I wish you could send some of that my way...

  27. The calendar never cooperates with the weather. But look on the bright side: maybe winter will finish 20 days early, too!

  28. Mr. Allen tells you my weather. Today Tuesday we are slowly melting. It is warm enough that it should go faster than it is doing.


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