Thursday, December 5, 2019

Not Fancy

We had guests for supper last night.
Here is the table..

This is about as fancy as we get around here.   My Mom likes to make placemats and potholders for Christmas.  I used to have several other sets of Christmas Placemats but lost them one year when we had a cousins get together...they may have gotten tossed away.

The comfort food was plopped down in the center of the table and everyone served themselves.  Like I said Not Fancy.  I made chicken in its own gravy and kuchen for dessert. Our guests are bringing a vegetable. 

Chicken In Its Own Gravy a recipe from my sister
1 chicken skinless floured (I forgot the floured part)
Melt 1/2 stick of butter in a glass baking dish  Bake 30 minutes at 325 degrees

Mix 1-2 cups of grated cheese (I used Co Jack)
1 Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup (I used Cream of Chicken)
1 can evaporated milk
Pour over chicken ...cover...Bake 1 hour
* Serve with white rice ( I made both white rice and wild rice)

Far Side


  1. Says Nigella Lawson: "Sometimes if you cook in a complicated way, your tension translates to your guests. They'll have a much better time having chili and baked potatoes than they would if you did roast duck with a wild cherry sauce and then had to lie down and cry for a while." Your table is lovely and festive I am sure your guests had a wonderful time.

  2. What an amazing and beautiful set up! Generally I toss on a plastic cloth and we craft and eat and play cards on the table.
    One day I will set up something beautiful like this!

  3. What a lovely table! Those blue plates are gorgeous. Thank you for the recipe! I'll be trying that one for sure and I do love some're the only one who I've heard that makes it. I've made it for years and still love it!

  4. I really like your table. You should have seen our Thanksgiving. We ate buffet style, (for the first time ever,) and the kids talked me into using paper plates. Two firsts for a holiday at our house and do you know what? We had a wonderful time and it didn't matter at all. I may do it again!
    Thanks for the chicken recipe, I'll be trying that for dinner tomorrow night.

  5. I love simple! The dish sounds very delicious for a cold night. I appreciate you sharing the recipe.

  6. Your table is beautiful and I love those blue dishes! The chicken recipe sounds delicious. Your Mom's placemats add to the holiday feel. I keep saying I'm going to make some Christmas ones but I always wait too late and then don't have time.

  7. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for the recipe!!!

  8. Oh how pretty your "simple" table is... and you're a woman after my own heart, Connie. I like to serve what I call one-pot-meals too. Or nearly one pot anyway. Leaves more time for talking, regardless of whether there's guests or not. When we downsize our home (hopefully soon---we've been looking for years!) I know my kitchen can be small because I use so few pots & pans anymore. A small saucepan, a dutch oven, a big stirfry pan, a speckled roasting pan and a 3-quart saucepan.... that's all I use now..... ever! If I need to roast a turkey or something, I buy a disposable aluminum pan. The speckled roasting pan, small saucepan, and dutch oven that I use used to belong to my Mom so they're old. To think of my Mom having used them often, during her life, makes me love them even more. Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. I'd be happy to eat anything in such a cheerful setting. I'm no fan of fancy. My favorite food is sandwiches! Anything on bread is a feast for me.

  10. That recipe sounds delicious! I don't have company often but that sounds like a good one for sharing. My mom was a great cook and hostess, but she didn't do fancy either. No one ever minded or if they did they didn't get invited back!

    The placemats are lovely, such a shame that some were lost or tossed.

  11. Your table looks lovely to me. And the chicken sounds like something my DH would love. Maybe I'll make it and invite the "downstairs people" ( son and family) to join us.

  12. Sounds yummy. And I really like that place mats.

  13. The chicken would be good this time of year, and I like the blue plates. Phil

  14. I like informal like this. And those are some pretty placemats and holders :-)

  15. You table setting is beautiful and that chicken dish sounds delicious! I'm glad I'm not the only on who changes recipes!

  16. We had a version of this on our trip recently. They filled a big pot with chicken and all the sauces. The filled the whole kettle with rice and steamed if for a long time. When we arrived, a guy flipped the whole thing upside down on a big tray and they started serving it on plates. I think you table looked fancy.

  17. That is a lot like my sour cream chicken recipe.Sour cream instead of cream of soup.
    No cheese, but I might try that in my sour cream chicken next time.
    You brown the chicken w/ butter and onions then add the sour cream and bake.
    I serve it with noodles or mashed potatoes. Your table is inviting.


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