Friday, December 20, 2019

Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary!

Well today is the day...fifty years ago at 2 o'clock in the afternoon we were married in Park Rapids Minnesota at St Johns Lutheran Church by the Pastor that made Far Guy promise to go to church every Sunday for the rest of his life during Confirmation.

The flowers have faded.

Wedding Bouquet and a Boutonniere

Our wedding party...December 20 1969.

From Left to right:  Karen (my aunt), Cathie my best friend in High School, Jan (Far Guys sister), Hilda (my cousin), me, Far Guy, Paul (Far Guys Friend), Frank (Far Guys friend, Carey (my brother), Kenny (my uncle)   Down in front we have Jill (my God Daughter and cousin), Julie (my sister) and the twins Karl and Kurt (my cousins).  The little girls were three years old and the little boys four years old.   Everyone in this photo is still alive except for my aunt Karen she died a few years ago.

We have a quiet day planned today with a bit of cooking.  Family will be coming later today and tomorrow.
Thank you for following along and for all your kind comments.

Far Side


  1. That was some wedding! Just look at all those bridesmaids! Your little attendants are just adorable. What memories you must have. That's why I fought so hard to give Daughter the wedding of her dreams in spite of The Mister's objections. When all was said and done the only problem he had with the whole affair was that we didn't do more. It was the best year of our life. Weddings are magic.

  2. Such a beautiful wedding photo. Congratulations to you and Gene. We wish you a Happy Anniversary with lots of love.

  3. Quite a good sized wedding! I love the red bridesmaids and flower girls. Everyone looks sp nice. Happy anniversary you two! :)

  4. That is beautiful and what a wonderful thing to be celebrating with each other.

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! What beautiful pictures! I looked like Hilda in that wedding I stood up for even down to the red dress and I think it was the same year and probably the same day? I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating a wonderful marriage! Your wedding party was huge and so beautiful and the little ones were so cute! You should repeat your vows at 2:00! I'll try and remember to send you good wishes this afternoon at 2:00 p.m.!

  6. Congratulations on making it to 50 years. I hope there will be many more happy years together yet.

  7. What a lovely wedding! So Christmasy and I love that your family and friends are with you. A family celebration is the best. Wishing you more happiness and especially good health during the coming year. Happy Anniversary!

  8. Gosh, what a wonderful wedding party. Congratulations to both of you for having had such a beautiful life together, right up to today, when it will continue for many more years to come, God willing. :-)

  9. Congratulations! And fifty years - that is awesome!

  10. Happy 50th!! The Lord continue to bless your marriage with much Happiness. Enjoy your day!!

  11. Congratulations! Beautiful pictures of your wedding.

  12. Happy Anniversary. You have earned a great celebration. It is nice you saved things that bring backs smiles to you. Enjoy the weekend.

  13. Congrats happy 50th for us its 51 Dec 7th have a great day

  14. The flowers may have faded, but your love has remained vibrant. Congratulations and wishing you many more years together.

  15. Happy Anniversary you two love birds. Have a fine day!

  16. Beautiful! Happy 50th to two very special friends!

  17. Fun to see the wedding photos! Happy 50th to you both! And how nice that you will be able to celebrate with some family too. Our 40th came and went a couple of years ago. Got texts from our girls and that was it much to my disappointment. Our wedding party is scattered very far across the country, but we do keep in touch with everyone.

  18. Such a beautiful wedding party. Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary and I'm praying for you and Gene to have many more happy years together. Thank you for sharing your walk down memory lane with us and enjoy your weekend with family and friends. You are blessed my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  19. Happy Anniversary. Wishing you many more happy years together. Thanks for sharing your box of memories with us.

  20. Happy Anniversary! I do wish many more years together.

  21. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

  22. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 50 years!!

  23. Fun to see the photo! I don’t remember seeing bridesmaids in veils before. The two little flower girls are just adorable. Congratulations on fifty years of marriage, and here’s to many more!

  24. 50yrs is awesome I am so happy for you both......

  25. Congratulations on 50 years. What a marvelous milestone. Thank you for sharing your pictures and other fun items from your big day. May you have many more wonderful years to spend together. God Bless You Both.

  26. Congrats 50 years! Cheryl says the Men look "normal" and the Women look "Dated". At first, we thought they were priests.( I think it was the red color dresses and view from behind...) But now we can see their head wear/veils. Very interresting how fashions change. You look so young in the picture! hehe....

  27. Happy Anniversary! That's a wonderful milestone to reach. Congrats to you and Far Guy.

  28. A day for memories, and celebrations, and love. Congratulations to you both.

  29. Congrats - I have enjoyed these posts -- 50 years! Hope your day was grand!

  30. Congratulations on fifty years! It was sweet waltzing down memory lane with you two. Hope you had a lovely day today.

  31. 50 years together is such a blessing. I am amazed that you were able to keep all those precious mementos intact all those years.


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