Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Line up

It looks like a busy week ahead...three medical appointments yet this week...one down three to go.

I caused quite a line at the Post Office.   17 packages were mailed all being delivered Wednesday or Thursday according to the Post Office.  There was no line when I got there...lucky me...but the line went out the door when I exited 25 minutes later.   Not sure why they don't have a package window...or maybe an express lane where you just buy stamps or pick up packages from your mail box.  Our Postal Service is antiquated at best. 

Every time I go to the grocery store I look at the flowers. Just to see what is in the bouquets.

These Mums caught my eye yesterday.  If I could have flowers in the house I most likely would have bought this bouquet.  Flowers make my eyes water and I sneeze...so they are best enjoyed outside or in the stores.

Far Guy has written his Christmas Letter.  It will be printed soon.  We picked up the paper for the letters yesterday.

I have a few more wood carved ornaments to hand deliver.  I won't say that everything is under control because as soon as I say that it won't be. 

Far Side


  1. We're busy with doctors' appointments, too. It is cold...thirties but no snow on the ground. The mums are pretty. I'm glad flowers in the house don't bother Tom or me. Allergies seem to crop up more and more every year.

  2. No appointments from , but I do have to finish my Christmas cards. No snow here, just cold and damp. Can't believe it but my sump pump ran yesterday - too much rain on Sunday. Th flowers sure are pretty.

  3. I haven't even started on any Christmas Cards! I need to get Charlie dressed up for a photo? Or just pick something.
    I love those flowers. I do get some in bouquets each winter. The smell doesn't make me sneeze, but I get it.
    I get to go visit eldest son this weekend!

  4. I have my Christmas cards . . . . not sure when I will have time to address them. And I usually am the first one in line for Christmas stamps, too. I guess it will be potluck this year.

  5. Christmas seemed so far away when you first started getting ready for it, but now you're ahead of everybody else. I just don't do that much for Christmas, but if I did, I would already be feeling stressed. Hope your doctor appointments all go well.

  6. Glad one of the appointments is over. Hope the other two for this week go well.

    There are always lines when posting things this time of year. At least there wasn't one when you started.

  7. Those are lovely flowers. My husband bought me flowers in October and there were several lilies in the bouquet- I found them quite overpowering when all the buds opened at once and kept moving the bouquet as far from me as I could! They were quite lovely though.

  8. I laughed at your last comment, isn't that the truth - as soon as we think we've gotten things control all heck breaks loose!

    Good luck with the medical appointments.

  9. Sounds like you have a lot more under control than I do. I still need to write a Christmas letter, and finish shopping. But since our family isn't getting together for Christmas until mid-January I have been procrastinating over gifts for the grandchildren.

  10. Laramie's post office rarely has a line because three clerks are frequently helping customers. In Riverton there was always a long line with one or maybe two clerks; of course, one of those clerks was a Chatty Cathy which didn't help shorten the line any.

  11. Good for you! I felt good about my progress yesterday too....we'll see how long it lasts! LOL! I have to drive to the next town to the post office but there is never more than 2 people at a time in there counting me and there are lots of employees. I live in the boonies though....although my town has about 2300 people I think but I have no idea where they all are? I hope the weather cooperates with your appointments.

  12. You are so organized and get so much done each Christmas - and that's with all those medical appointments too! You are amazing! I think I start out behind at Christmas and this year I have five hours of dental appointments plus my son has an outpatient surgery. Somehow it all will get done.

    Those flowers are beautiful! I enjoy them at the store too! I hope all the appointments go well for you and the roads stay in decent shape.

  13. When I mail out soap I pack up 5 packages in several bags then I drive from post office to post office so no one has to stand behind me for long. I am lucky to have several nearby. I can't stand the glare I get if I hold up the line for too long. We are pretty much a community of retired folk and most of us have very little patience to spare. Lol...

  14. Those bouquets are gorgeous. I mail pkgs. to my sis in IN quite often. It is no fun to go to the post office! Prayers for your appts. We have several this week and next. xoxo

  15. They should definitely make package windows over the holidays, but they don't. Glad you got all your packages sent off. You remind me it is time to start addressing envelopes. Good luck with all the appointments. :)

  16. Uh-oh, I'm off to the post office to send a package to the grands this morning. Hopefully the line won't be too long. They always leave something behind when they visit. This time it was ALL of their bathroom items and a few mechanical pencils. Grandma has tucked some treats into the box and is mailing it all back to them!
    Good luck with all of your appointments. I have to call the neurologist and cardiologist back today. I ingnored all of their calls last week and just enjoyed our family. Now it's time to be a grown up again! :-)
    Blessings and love,

  17. I have carried up four trees. Two are both assembled.Two of them are not. The biggest tree has lost its color markings to tell me where they all go. I will do the ones that I can and then figure it all out with what is left over.

  18. Our post office is privatized. We have post offices in drug stores etc.

  19. Congrats on Nice Guy getting the phone call! Sending good wishes your way for that to keep moving forward. Sorry, I can't leave comments very often. Blogs don't seem to let me use my iPad to do that any more. I'm not on my computer that frequently. I like the flowers you would have brought home from the grocery store if they didn't make your eyes water. But, now I have to go check and see if I have the Silent Night Shiny Brite. I think I do, but not sure. It's so pretty in your banner. I have some of my Shiny Brites in a large cut glass pedastal bowl as a centerpiece on my table. Fun to see them out again... and fun to see your photo, too.

  20. The Post office is one place I have not been to in months

  21. Didn't get to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving as I was sick! The day was a blur at best! So glad you are back on the list and will pray it comes soon for you! I don't buy flowers until Christmas is over and it looks a little too bare! You make me tired just hearing what appointments you have and then doing everything else too! The mentioned Christmas Letter just makes me smile. I have enjoyed it and keep cards that are hand made! Sharon

  22. Bouquets look so tempting but I resist, not because they make me sneeze but mainly the cost of them. They sure are pretty though.

  23. Wow ... you're really getting things done.... your packages mailed...and I imagine a zillion other things.... plus having to get to three more appointments this week. I have one tomorrow and hubby has one on Thursday. We got our tree up today and the nativity scene too...so I'm happy about that. Now I can think about wrapping gifts! Still need some to arrive, though. Peace to you two!

  24. It sure sounds like you have everything under control! I still haven't written our Christmas letter, the tree is still in the box but half of the outside lights are up!

  25. I'm glad I wasn't behind you in the postal line! But I know the recipients of your packages will be happy.

  26. You take such wonderful photos of flowers and have such an eye for their beauty that it is surprising to hear you can't handle having them indoors. No wonder you like having them in your garden!

    And yes...the Post Office needs to leave the stone ages and join the twenty first century! I imagine you got some dirty looks after all those packages, but hey, that's what happens before the holidays hit!


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