Sunday, December 8, 2019


The downstairs tree is up and complete.

We tuck it away in the corner of the living room. We started doing that when Chance chased his ball under the tree one year and it came crashing down...that and his big old fluffy constantly wagging tail would whop the the corner was a better spot.   Far Guy put the tree together and added the lights.  I brought down the ornaments and we both trimmed.

This is probably the earliest that we have put up our tree.

Other Christmas projects are being accomplished one by one.

Far Side


  1. It's a lovely tree. So many pretty ornaments. Wishing you both a good day. xo

  2. What a pretty tree! I bet there's a lot of memories in those ornaments.

  3. I love love it! It doesn't seem like Christmas without a decorated tree somewhere in the house.

  4. It is so pretty. Your wood walls just add to the beauty of the tree. Looks so warm and cozy there.

  5. That, to me , it the perfect Christmas tree !

  6. Very pretty! A sweet memory of Chance too, though I suppose at the time it wasn't as sweet.

  7. What a pretty tree. I'm sure each ornament has a memory attached. It looks so cozy and inviting in that corner with the wood walls.
    We never put the tree up until after December 7 because that's Alex's birthday. I wanted to wait so he could have his special day when he was at home. However, he and Mandy decided to put the tree up on Wednesday before Thanksgiving this year so they could do it together. I don't know if that was good for this Mama's heart. I so enjoyed to funthey had putting it up and decorating the house, but when I look at the decorations I miss them even more...if that's possible. Bittersweet.
    Wishing a wonderful day to you and Far Guy.

  8. I always found the corner was safer for trees when there are dogs in the house too.

    Glad Christmas prep is going well.

  9. Such a nice tree! Thinking of Chance and his antics still make me smile, even if a bit nostalgic for the old days. :-)

  10. Your tree is lovely. I hope not too many ornaments were broken the year that it came crashing down. Especially no Shiny Brites.

  11. Your tree is beautiful! I love an old fashioned tree full of a variety of ornaments that have personal meaning. We have our tree up and I am working on a few house decorations today. It seems like Christmas is coming earlier this year with less time to get things done. It is wonderful that Far Guy helps you decorate the tree!

  12. Lovely tree, my style of tree!

  13. As you know, I do love a well stuffed tree, full of memories. Yours is that.

  14. It is a beautiful tree. If I remember it the tree did have blue lights for years. I bet you own decorations that you made are on that tree too.

    1. Yes It used to be a blue it is red. Yes It has mostly homemade and keepsake ornaments!

  15. I like the tree and miss the days when we had a large tree

  16. Ah, I have to get the tree up soon as well.

  17. Wow, I was so jealous that you had your tree up already (we are a long way from achieving that, so far this year)...but then you mentioned this is the earliest you've done that. I always have good intentions, but the 10th of the month is usually when we get around to it. Looks lovely!

  18. That is beautiful! Last night I helped my son decorate his tree in his house and it was a nice time.

  19. Beautiful! Full of Love and Memories!!


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